IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Garden / Park

Describe a garden / Park you remember visiting –

  • where it is?
  • what it looks like?
  • what people do there?

explain why you remember it?

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Sample Answer:

I remember visiting rock garden in Chandigarh last year, with my family. The garden was so humongous and unique that I still remember it. It is a sculpture garden and is completely built of industrial and home waste and thrown-away items. It was started by Nek Chand, a government official in 1957.

He used to collect the industrial waste and the other city waste and created the sculptures from them. The garden is regarded as a unique place and the perfect symbol of recycling. The layout of the garden is that of a lost kingdom. The moment one enters the garden, the small entrance doors which make the head bow, not only creative an ambience of royal but also impart humbleness. One has to pass through a verity of doorways, archways, vestibules, streets and lanes of different scales and dimensions, each one opening into a new array of display or courtyards and chambers lending an air of suspense and curiosity at every corner, at every turn.

An open air theatre and a vast pavilion with a center stage are the other highlights of the rock Garden where art and culture blend amidst rustic and exotic environs of the garden.

Most people go there to visit and see it, it is rather a tourist spot and lots of people come on daily basis.

I remember looking at the garden and being awed by the beauty the garden is made of.No one can say that it is made of waste because they have been put to so great use. It is definitely something everyone must visit during their life time.



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IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Colleague

Most of our lives, we are surrounded by people. No matter the kind of personality that we have, extrovert or introvert, we often need to interact with people. This time we are looking at a cue card that talks about a person you work or study with.

You have one minute to prepare your notes.

Describe a person you work/study with. You should say –
  • who is that person?
  • how did you meet him or her?
  • what do you like and dislike in the person?

also, explain, how has the person an impact on your life?

Audio Player

I have been working for a multinational company for past two years and working there gave me an opportunity to meet a multitude of people. People from different regions, traits and ambitions. There are few friends that I made and many colleagues I am on good terms with. I would like to talk about Sourabh, my senior under whom I worked for almost one and a half year. He was my manager and also my confidant.

He has been one of the best persons I have met through my career till now.  What I really admire about him are his ethics. He has a very strong value system. I remember a few months ago, he was talking to his friend and in the conversation, told him that parents are the most important people in our lives. He is the kind of a person who lives and let live. I really admire his humour. Even in the toughest of times when the entire team has succumbed, I have seen him smiling and handling things better.

The only times I remember not being able to connect with him well is when he had to do things he might not have done personally, just because of professional pressure. Sourabh unknowingly has been a great mentor for me through my working days. In times of troubles, I have always found myself thinking what if Sourabh was in my position, and things have really gone well for me.


multitude – a large number of people or things.

confidant – a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.

ethics – moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity.

succumbed – fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.


I am a student currently in my High School and have few close friends with a spirit of companionship with almost all. Out of all the people, the one person I spend most of my time is, Vipula. She has been one of the finest people I have met throughout my school years. We met by chance on our school bus. We shared the same route for our house and one day sat in the same seat. Being new to the school, both of us did not have many friends and in the moments of aloofness, gelled well.

She is a basketball champion by now and teaches me biology. I help her with Math and we are hoping to have better scores in our High school. What I really like about her is she always finds happiness. Even in the darkest of her times, I have rarely seen her falling. Her favourite quote being, if I can solve the problem, what is the issue. If I cannot solve it, then also.

But, sometimes she tries to handle all of it alone and it does bring issues between us. Vipula has been one of those important people who has taught me the importance of teamwork and being calm. She is truly a gem in my life.


companionship – a feeling of fellowship or friendship.

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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Imagination

Describe a time you needed to use imagination.

You should say:

  • what the situation was;
  • why you needed to use imagination;
  • what the difficulties were;

and explain how you felt about it.

Audio Player

I would like to talk about an extracurricular activity class that my father made me join during the summer holidays of class X. It was the first time I had to get out of my comfort zone and think beyond marks. We were a bunch of forty children and every day we used to have a different kind of activity. One such day, our teacher announced that we will be having a storytelling the class. In it, we were challenged to come on stage and make a story out of three words, she provided.

I was the last person to go for my story and my words were ball, pen, and books. We were supposed to speak for five minutes and I clearly remember standing one minute in absolute silence figuring out how to connect the three words and make a story. My story started off with a girl who was a cricket player and she is a bowler, her family did not support her much. So, when her parents asked her study, she would sit down and write stories about cricket or read books of renowned cricketers and then connected the ball, pen, and books in her life.

For that particular story session, I was standing there with my eyes closed and saying whatever came to my mind. Initially, the connection between the three was difficult for me to gras[. So, I picked up a word and carried on with the story. Once my turn was over, I opened my eyes and saw people cheering for me. I loved it. It was the first time someone told me that I must go on reading and be a storyteller some day. I was deliriously happy and extraordinarily excited.


I would like to talk about a time when I had to step out of my comfort zone to join a table topics contest which made me think out of the box and work flat to win it.

Toastmasters is an international organization and I had just joined when someone told me about a table topic contest. As part of it, each speaker had to come on stage and speak for 2 minutes on the topic provided by the contest chair. Each year the contest draws people from across all the clubs and it was really competitive and challenging for me. Therefore, when I was awarded the winner, I was deliriously happy.

The goal of the challenge was to speak for two minutes and portray the speech in a well-structured way. It is a competition, there were many other experienced people present and I was obviously terrified. What made me think too much about it was that it was spontaneous. So, the only thing that mattered was that moment and how well you can use it and explain your story. I woke up that day for the entire night and practiced around 100 table topics and by the end of 90th, I was broken down.

Although many congratulated me for the victory, I still believe that the moment I decided to go for practicing the 100 table topics, I had already won. The victory was just a cherry on the cake.



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IELTS Speaking cue card: A failed plan

Talk about a plan you’ve been making for long but it didn’t work.

You should say

  • what the plan is
  • how long have you been making it
  • why it did not work
  • and explain when you think you can get it done.
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Travelling has been one of the things I have on my to-do list for a long time. Visiting new places and meeting people is what gives me a kick and I wish to do it. Living in a northeastern state of my country, there are many things I can explore and have on my list.

A few years back, I hitch-hiked to a place near Bhubaneswar, Puri. Although the trip was amazing, I felt it could have been better in the company of my loved ones. Since then, I have been trying to convince my friends to travel along with me to places like Kolkata, Vishakapatnam. But, we all are failing in keeping up with the exciting plans that we make. Sometimes because of work pressure, other times because of priority differences.

I remember having extended the plan of going to Kolkata for now around 6 months. But, with the coming of new year, the resolution is to make sure that I travel more with my friends and sometimes make new friends along the journey.

Recently, I visited a travel website, make my trip, that allows people from different places to come together and enjoy new places. On telling this plan to my friends, some of them have agreed on to it. And, we are hoping to travel the east of India in the next 6 months this year.


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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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