IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a recent experience when the internet solved your problem?

IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a recent experience when the internet solved your problem?

Talk about a recent experience when the internet solved your problem?

  • What was the problem?
  • How did the internet help you?
  • How long did it took to solve it?

And explain how you felt about it.

IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a recent experience when the internet solved your problem? Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun


Internet is an essential part for survival in the present day world. It has been a life-saver for me numerous times but here I can recall a time when the internet helped me handle a bad situation. I have the habit of keeping all the important information in my phone instead of my laptop. Last week, when I was busy studying for my exam, all of a sudden my phone’s screen froze due to which I wasn’t able to make any call or check my notes.

I panicked as it was quite late at night and I couldn’t head to the market to get some professional help. My phone included all important recorded lectures and notes. I lost hope and had pessimistic thoughts in my mind regarding my exam. I started searching for a temporary solution to fix my IPhone. There were some solutions available on sites and I followed the steps in order to try my luck.

I followed the instructions given and connected my phone to the computer. It asked for a software update and thought of trying it as I didn’t had any other option since all my important information including my admit card was in my phone. It nearly took two hours to complete the update and reboot my IPhone.

 Luckily, the phone restated and I felt a sign of relief at that hour. Though we keep on criticizing the internet and technology on daily basis but during that moment I couldn’t help being thankful to it enough.

(252 Word)

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IELTS speaking task cue card # Talk about a job that helps make the world a better place to live in.

IELTS speaking task cue card

Talk about a job that helps make the world a better place to live in.
You should say:

  • What job it is?
  • How you learned about it?
  • Why do you think it helps so much?
  • Explain why you think it can make the world a better place.



There are innumerable jobs available but it entirely depends on an individual’s choice about what profession they want to pursue. In my opinion, a School Teacher’s job makes a tremendous change in many ways. As it is our education system that builds the foundation of our lives, the teachers who run this education system act as a pillar.

During my childhood, I remember being a slow-learner but with the constant encouragement of my teachers, I turned into a better student. This not only had a positive impact on my grades but also helped me become a more confident individual that I was before.

It is our school teachers who bring clarity to us about various subjects and our interest in them. Though we all had, at some point in our lives, complained about school and the endless amount of assignments it loaded us with, those lessons and assignments prepared us for the real world of employment.

The teachers can change the world with every action and word that they say. They shape our path and route towards success. Now-a-days, there are many young teachers who indulge in teaching underprivileged and poor children free of cost. Coming to why I consider teaching as a powerful profession is that teachers by their efforts and determination can make a difference. The literacy rate of my country (India) has also risen in the past couple of years. Therefore we must be grateful to the selfless teachers of the nation.

(245 words)

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IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a beautiful city

IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a beautiful city

Talk about a beautiful city
• Where it is?
• How you came to know about it?
• When are you planning to go there?
• What you will do there?


Sample Answer

There are many beautiful cities across the world. I am quite fascinated by a few European cities but the one I find most interesting is Amsterdam. It is the capital city of Netherlands and is a remarkable feat of planning and development. For a metropolitan city, it has quite laid back feel to it. The city has managed to gel in the modern world aptly while preserving its culture and heritage at the same time.
I am a well informed person when it comes to cities and my geography is pretty good too. Even though I have known about Amsterdam for a long time it’s only recently that my friend came back from there and he gave me a lot of information in detail about the city. At first, I wasn’t impressed and thought it to be like any other city but after seeing pictures on his phone, I realised that I was mistaken and promptly started searching for the city.
Well right now, I am a bit occupied with other work and studies. I’ll be free in the coming summer so that’s when I am planning to visit Amsterdam. It’ll be once in a life kind of experience and shortage of funds is something that should not bother me while, I am on the trip. I am working overtime right now and saving every last penny for the trip. As of now there are two of us planning to go and currently in conversation with a few more friends as the more the merrier. We might even go to France from there but let’s see how it goes.
It is a beautiful place and it has great infrastructure. The city is full of canals and coffee shops. What fascinates me the most is the preferred mode of transport of the locals. More than half the population uses bicycle as a mode of transport and I’ll be doing the same too. The national history museum is quite famous too and it houses some of the most lucrative pieces of artefacts mankind has ever witnessed. Since I am quite fond of clubbing and Amsterdam is the EDM (electronic dance music) capital of the world I’d try and visit as many as I can on my trip. (375 Words)

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IELTS Cue Card #building with architectural interest

Describe a building/structure with architectural interest.
You should say:

  • What is it?
  • What is the historical significance of it?
  • Why should we preserve it?

and describe the building/structure in details.


Sample Answer :

The Leaning Tower of Pisa also popularly known as Tower of Pisa is an interesting and amazing  structure situated in the Pisa city of Italy.  It is the third oldest structure in Pisa’s Cathedral Square and very famous for its unintended tilt to one side. The site is flocked by tourists all over the world and is considered a major attraction.

The height of the tower is around 183 feet. The width of the tower is higher in the lower part. The tower has 296 steps and offers a great architectural and artistic value to the world. The tilt of this tower was never planned. It occurred unintentionally. During the construction phase, the tilt was created due to the inadequate foundation on the soft ground. Later this tilt increased until the structure was stabilised. Around 200 years were taken to build this greatest structure.

There are some debates about the real architect of this world famous structure and it has been credited to Guglielmo and Bonanno Pisano who are considered to be the architects of this structure. But recent studies imply this credit to Diotisalvi as the original architect. This is still a never ending debate.

This structure has many historic significance and was one of the seven medieval wonder of the world. The structure was built initially by the people of Pisa to show the value and importance of the Pisa city and justify their place in the world. The plan included a cathedral, a baptistery, a bell tower and a cemetery. The construction began at around 1173 and completed in the middle of 1300.

This famous tower is not known only for the great beauty of its Romanesque architecture but also for its historical significance. It is of great cultural and social importance to its people. The famous astronomer Galileo Galilei is said to have dropped a cannon ball and a musket ball bot hat a time from the Tower of Pisa to prove that weight does not affect the dropping speed of an object. This place has scientific importance too.

This structure was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 and had been very famous as one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World. I will surely like to visit it some day.

Follow-Up Questions :

Q1. Why are historical places considered famous?
Ans Historical places are a gateway for the curios souls. They give us an insight about the ancient rites and rituals and act as a bridging agent between the past and the present. Historical places describe the art and culture of the old times and its super fascinating.

Q2. How has architecture  developed over the years ?
Ans The buildings made in the past were generally large area structures that had lot of minimal and stones that were used in their making. The architecture today is more about glamourous and fashionable looking structures. People use variety of iron and glasses for the same purpose.

Q3. Tell us something about the historical places or places of architectural interest in your city.
Ans I currently reside in Dehradun. The city is truly a heaven’s abode and it holds lot of tourist attractions. The famous places are robber’s cave, forest research institute, Indian Military Academy and the list goes on. It is a place which I will surely recommend to people to visit.

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