CUE CARD – Describe something that helps you concentrate

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something that helps you concentrate
You should say:

    • What it is ?
    • When you do it ?
    • How did you learn about it
    • How it helps you concentrate ?

Sample Answer

In a physical growing world, It is quite impossible to concentrate, as, there is too much to achieve and too little time. Here, I would like to talk about meditation which is the key to my good concentration.

I do meditation on my terrace, whenever, I feel there is a lot on my plate, and to achieve all my tasks with a calm mind, before the deadline hits. I think it is one of the best ways to clear my stress out and feel relaxed. I generally start my day at five in the morning with meditating for at least half an hour everyday. It rejuvenates me for the day, and, prepares me better to achieve my daily targets.

I was very young when my mother told me about the merits of practicing it regularly. So, I was just a kid when I first started following my mother. It really does help me to concentrate on the work that I have to do. In fact, the huge corporate sectors are adapting to the necessary once a week meditation session now a days, in order to make sure the well being of their employees. According to the recent studies, it has been found that, the principal advantages of meditation rests in upgraded memory, better cognitive skills making me feel more joyful and grounded, and immunes me to everyday stresses of life.

Therefore, meditation is something which helps me in maintaining better work-life balance by enhancing my concentration.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘describe something that helps you concentrate’.

Q1. Is it important for children to concentrate ?
I think definitely yes, because children at very young age are suffering from stress, and, as a result they are not able to lay emphasis on their studies. So, in order to help them out it is important that we must include important sessions on improving concentration regularly. For instance, it has often been observed that young minds who are indulged in some yogic practices have better concentration power.

Q2. What kind of jobs require higher concentration?
Well, to be honest, almost every field now a days require high concentration, for the world is becoming more competitive everyday, and so, in order be the best, one needs to be well focused towards his goals. But, some precision jobs like that of a surgeon needs greater attention to the patient, as , it is a matter of life and death.

Q3. Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate ?
Definitely I have. I think as humans, sometimes or the other, we all find it difficult to concentrate on our work and so did I. It was a day before yesterday, when I could not complete my office work as my attention was distributed to a lot of other stressful things going in my life, and I was emotionally drained, thus, resulting in poor concentration. So, yes, I have felt difficult to concentrate a lot of times in my life.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe an important event that you celebrated

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an important event that you celebrated
You should say:

    • What was it ?
    • When did you celebrate ?
    • Where did you celebrate ?
    • Who was with you ?
    • Why was it special ?

Sample Answer

Celebrations are part of life that gives life to our lives. Special events become reunions, allowing far-flung family members to see each other in the context of celebrating their loved ones and bringing people together in unity, harmony, and peace. Fortunately, I have been part of numerous celebrations so today, I will be mentioning one such special event.

Just like everyone else, I eagerly wait to celebrate my birthday with my near and dear ones. My birthday happens on the 28th of January which makes January a special month for me. Last year my parents and friends arranged a surprise party for my birthday. After returning from work my friend called me to accompany her to the market. She picked me up from my place and we both left my home. Meanwhile, my parents and friends decorated the house with streamers and balloons. After spending two hours in the market we returned home. I rang the bell on my door and, to my surprise, no one came I tried to open the door, and it was unlocked. Once I opened it all my friends and family plunged from the floor and shouted out loud- “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I was astounded.

My friends bought a special birthday cake for me. It was a chocolate cake, with juicy cherries on the top. They also presented me with a super sweet card with my photos on it. On top of that, my parents handed me a gift, I was so curious and wanted to open it right away and so I did inside it was my first laptop, I started crying in happiness as I had always wanted a laptop. Then finally we cut the cake at midnight marking the end of the day! My family and friends had given me the greatest surprise I could ever imagine. My last birthday was one of the most beautiful moments, and I will cherish it forever.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘describe an important event that you celebrated’.

Q1. How do people in your country celebrate events ?
People in my country celebrate events by visiting their kith and kin at home or by planning trips to spend quality time with their loved ones. Celebrating with friends, colleagues, and loved ones can make us forget the troubles and stress of life.

Q2. What events do Indian people like to celebrate ?
Celebrations are quite common in my country, one can find numerous occasions to celebrate with their near and dear ones. Apart from festivals, people celebrate other events like birthdays, marriages, and anniversaries.

Q3. Why do you think a celebration is essential ?
Celebrations are not just a festive thing to do, it’s a way to take a pause, cherish and reaffirm the things that we value in our lives. Celebrations are an opportunity to deepen bonds by bringing people together.

Q4. Do you prefer big or small celebrations ?
Size does not matter. Celebrations without family or closest friends stand meaningless for me. However, being an introvert I prefer small gatherings where only close ones are invited.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe a competition you would like to take part in

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a competition you would like to take part in
You should say:

    • What kind of competition it is ?
    • What would you do in this competition ?
    • Why does this competition interest you

Sample Answer

Ever since I was a child, I have always been competitive, both in academics and extracurricular activities followed by some sports as well. But, there was a time when I really wanted to take part in a dance show, namely, Dance India dance, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I could not at the time, and so, ever since then, this had been an unfulfilled desire that I really wish to fulfill. It is a famous dance competition show organized every year, wherein, the dance enthusiasts from across the country come to show their moves.

If I ever get lucky enough to be able to participate in this competition, I would love to perform self created choreography on the lines of famous poetry composed by the great poets. Since, it was my childhood dream to take part in this competition, I would try to be more creative with my moves and practice consistently, so that I could express not only, my deep love for dancing, but my dedication to win the show. I staunchly reckon, with my creative ability, I would be able to contribute something significant to the show as well. Furthermore, I would be able to make a name for myself because of this competition.

The reason why I am piqued by this competition is because, unlike any other dance competition, this one is quite a big deal, as it conducts the auditions for the same across the country, thus, bringing talent from the remote corners of the country to one platform. This dance competition is a great opportunity for someone like me and if given chance , I would set myself free from the shackles of the worldly affairs, and dance my heart out , as if, it is my last day on the planet.

Thus, this is a competition that I would like to take part in.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘describe a competition you would like to take part in’.

Q1. What kinds of people are competitive ?
It is undoubtedly clear that the world is becoming a competitive place to survive. People who are ambitious are generally found to be competitive. They wish to ace their field and work their way up to the greatest heights of success. Thus, individuals who want to be a part of the race are competitive.

Q2. What kind of activities/competition people like to take part in?
There are a various competitions people like to take part in, depending on their choices or what they like to do. For instance, there are myriads of dance shows where people like showcase their talent. Furthermore, there are many singing and reality shows as well, like Indian idol where people from across the country participate every year. Thus, there are many competitions that people like to take part in.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe something important that you lost

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something important that you lost.

You should say:

    • What is was ?
    • How you lost it ?
    • Why was it important to you?
    • How did you feel when you lost it ?
Sample Answer

People who are clumsy or absentminded often tend to lose things. And to be honest, I used to be one such person. I would often leave my lunchbox or water bottle at school. So today, I would be sharing an incident when I lost something important. The thing I lost was my wallet, I bought it from the local Delhi market. Although it was not expensive but it was quite cute. It was black in color with a unique striped pattern. I had been using it for 3 years. It was really disheartening to lose something that’s been within you for a good time .
It was my cousin’s wedding I was traveling back to my hometown. I had booked the bus ticket in advance to avoid the fuss. The journey from Delhi to Dehradun was about seven hours. Meanwhile, I used my wallet to buy some snacks, I didn’t realize whether I kept it back in my bag or not. I reached Dehradun in the evening and was completely exhausted after the long tiring journey. My uncle was there to receive me at the bus station. We were about to reach home when I decided to take some chocolates for my niece, it was then when I realized that my wallet was missing, we rushed back to the bus station but the bus had already left. We managed to contact the conductor but it was too late. Someone had taken it. It had around 2000 rupees in cash and a few important cards which included a credit card, driving license, and my college identity card.
It was the first time I experienced something like that when I got home as I was telling my parents that is when the tears started bursting, It felt like it was the first time in a while that I cried that badly. The fact that no matter how hard I cry it won’t magically appear in front of me so there is no point in crying over spilled milk. It was a harsh lesson that I learned, and since then I became more vigilant about my stuff. Now, whenever I travel, the first thing I do is recheck my belongings.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘describe something important that you lost’.

Q1. What kinds of people may lose things often ?
Children have mastered losing things, I remember forgetting my lunch box in school every alternate day which used to make my mother unhappy. Apart from them, youngsters, carrying a careless attitude forget to recollect their stuff in restaurants, cafes, and markets.

Q2. What can we do to prevent losing important things ?
To prevent losing important things we can certainly have a designated place to keep things that we often lose also we can set reminders on mobile phones.

Q3. What kinds of things have you lost so far ?
Being absent-minded, I have lost many things including debit cards, watches, and mobile phones. However, now I rarely lose things because I started meditating which has helped me to overcome this habit.

Q4.What should people do to find what they lost ?
They should recollect where they saw the object for the last time and subsequently contact friends and family for cues to locate the lost item. If available take help from technology like CCTV.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

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