CUE CARD – Describe something that you did with someone / A group of people

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something that you did with someone / A group of people


You should say:

    • What it was?
    • Who you did it with?
    • How long it took you to do?
    • And explain why you did it together?
Sample Answer 

Every everyone has at least once in their lives experience working in a group, whether it be at the office or at school. Working in a group has its own advantages because it develops leadership abilities and teaches how to communicate ideas clearly. But for someone like myself, it can be an onerous task to cooperate in order to reach a shared objective. As an introvert, making friends has always been difficult for me to do.When I was in my third year of graduating in 2019. Our college had a cultural event, and the decision was made to split the duties among the students in order to oversee everything and make sure there wouldn’t be any casualties. An instructor formed a group of five students and allocated them various tasks. It was undoubtedly tough for me at first, but with the support of my teammates, I was able to give it my all. Fortunately, we were triumphant in completing the task at hand and received praise from the HOD. Moreover, it was crucial for me to gain group experience and come out of my shell because it made it easier for me to make friends, stimulate my personal development, and lessen stress.

Word Meaning Sentence
Out of the shell Out of your comfort level In order to achieve success one has to get out of their shell .
Onerous Difficult At first Learning English was onerous task for me But with support and guidance of my teacher I was able to ace it.
Thick and thin Under all circumstances , no matter what My best friend has supported me through Thick and thin

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe something that you did with someone / A group of people’

Q1. How do children learn to cooperate with other people?
Working in groups teaches children how to cooperate with others and enhances their social skills and communication abilities.

Q2. How do neighbours help each other?
Neighbours are considered our first relatives they assist one another, by staying with each other. Neighbours can be helpful At a time of an emergency And generally looking after your property.
Neighbours are regarded as our first blood relations since they support one another by sticking through thick and thin. Neighbours can be useful when there is a crisis Moreover looking after your home at your absence.

Q3. How do you get along with your neighbours?
Well, some people are very Fortunate to have great neighbours that they interact with them every day my neighbours are quite kind and helpful. Most significantly, because they are not nosy, they are aware of their boundaries.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe a situation when you enjoyed free time/describe something you did in your spare time during childhood.

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a situation when you enjoyed free time/ describe something you did in your spare time during childhood.


You should say:

    • When it was?
    • Where were you?
    • What you did?
    • How did you feel about it?
Sample Answer 1

Well, I am a workaholic. So, I usually do not get enough time to relax. But today I would like to talk about a time when I relished my free time. It was a typical Saturday, and I was alone at home feeling bored until one of my childhood cronies called me up and decided to hang out with me. Since I abstain from going outdoors, I invited her to my place, and we spent the whole day chatting with each other.

We started our day by having some starters followed by dancing to some good music. Then we both watched our favorite web series on Netflix named, big bang theory and laughed like lunatics. After watching a few episodes, we both had a long conversation about our personal lives and issues. It was quite wholesome actually, spending time with a good old friend and reliving those school memories. The day was more like a trip back to memory lane.

Moreover, she made me understand that there is more to life than work. I was enthralled and lived up to the fullest. For a brief moment I forgot that there is work to do as well and was absolutely rejuvenated by the experience. Our day ended well with a great dinner and sleepover at my place itself. Thus, this was a time when I enjoyed my free time.

Word Meaning Sentence
Abstain Avoid, refrain I abstain from having too much fast food.
Lunatic crazy Rajesh is a lunatic.
Relish enjoy I relish eating French delicacies.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a situation when you enjoyed free time/ describe something you did in your spare time during childhood.’

Q1. What do people like to do in their free time?

It depends on person to person. But mostly individuals indulge in recreational activities such as painting, sketching, writing journals and many more.

Q2. Are most people able to manage their free time?

Well, I do not think so because nowadays, people have grown to become more goal oriented. As a result, they have developed to be work maniacs to such an extent that even on a free day like Sunday, they prefer getting done with the work rather than enjoying the day and getting themselves rejuvenated for Monday.

Q3. Is free time good for students?

Definitely, students need free time as it is important for their overall development because in their spare time, they get to take part in extracurricular activities such as literary events and sports. Moreover, it gives them a break from their endless syllabus and stressful assignments and projects.

Sample Answer 2

Due to the present sedentary lifestyle, it has become vital to have free time to feel rejuvenated. I am a working professional, so I don’t get much free time; however, whenever I get free time, I try to spend it wisely. During the lockdown, I had sufficient time, so I decided to use that free time in a productive way. I didn’t know how to cook, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. I chose to cook an unfamiliar dish, which was dumplings. My mother is extremely good at cooking and an expert, so I considered learning it from her. A dumpling is a small mass of dough that can be boiled, fried, baked, or steamed. My mother taught me the easiest way, and it turned out to be extremely delectable. She shared her best recipes with me, and now I can firmly say that cooking is something that I enjoy doing.

Word Meaning Sentence
Delectable Delicious My mother cooks delectable food.
Sedentary Inactive Sedentary lifestyles have become one of the major issues that the young generation is dealing with.
Rejuvenated Refreshed I feel rejuvenated whenever I spend time with my pet.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a situation when you enjoyed free time/ describe something you did in your spare time during childhood.’

Q1.What do people in your country like to do when free?

Well, it depends on the individual. There are those who love to drive or ride bikes. I have a couple of neighbours who really love to go sailing and fishing too. Especially on the weekends, when it comes to me, it really varies; it depends upon my mood. Sometimes I watch cartoons, and a few times I play video games as I have a PlayStation.

Q2. Do you think parents should make plans for their children?

I would partially agree with the statement. If the child is quite serious and ambitious about his career, parents need not interfere, but if the situation is completely opposite, they must guide the child in his future plans.

Q3. Are most people able to manage their free time?

I reckon managing time is not everybody’s cup of tea; one really has to practice discipline and be consistent at whatever work he does.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe a time when someone gave you something you really wanted /a gift you received

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a time when someone gave you something you really wanted /a gift you received.


You should say:

    • Who gave it to you?
    • What was the thing?
    • When did you receive it?
    • Why needed it?
Sample Answer

We all receive gifts, and we all give gifts. Nowadays, giving gifts is common everywhere and in every relationship. Usually, I receive gifts on my birthday, but the gift that I will mention today was not given on my birthday. I am a bibliophile, so books are my best companion. I prefer reading books to any other activity. I wanted a book for a very long time and had searched for it in all possible stores, both online and offline, but was brought down as it was out of stock. One day I came across a site that had that book but was charging a high payment to deliver it, and at that time I couldn’t afford it. I had lost the desire to get it on paper, so I started reading online. Although I could read through the online method, it wasn’t as captivating as it would be if I had it in paperback. After a few days, I received a parcel at my doorstep from one of my cousins who lives in a different state. I picked up the parcel and took it to my room. On the cover, he had written “Your search ends today,” which made me curious to open it. I was completely blown away by the object that was inside the box. It was the same book that I wanted to have; I exclaimed with joy and immediately called him to appreciate the efforts she made for me. I remember telling her about my state when I couldn’t get the book but having no clue that she would do the same for me. I was in seventh heaven after getting the book and completed it within a week.

Word Meaning Sentence
Bibliophile One who likes to read books or is fond of reading books As a child, he was an intense bibliophile and an avid collector of old books.
Blown away Completely Impressed The teacher was blown away by the results of her fellow students.
SEVENTH  heaven A state of extreme joy When I told her she was going to be a grandmother, she was in seventh heaven.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a time when someone gave you something you really wanted or a gift you received.’

Q1.What is the relationship between shopping and the economy of the country?

Shopping and the economy of a country are directly related to each other. Whatever a person buys is counted as consumption, and it directly adds to the GDP of a country.

Q2.What are the things that young people like to buy?

Young people prefer to buy the latest technological gadgets, for example, smart watches or the newest cell phones. Apart from technology, young people also like to keep up with the fashion trend.

Q3. How do your friends influence your shopping choices?

Most of the time I go shopping with my friends, and at that time I usually take their suggestions into account when choosing the product; however, I don’t always keep up with the suggestions, and multiple times I end up choosing the product I like despite the rejection of my friend.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe a photo that you are proud of

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a photo that you are proud of.


You should say:

    • When did you take this photo?
    • What is the photo about?
    • Why do you feel proud of the photo?
Sample Answer

A picture is worth a thousand words. It is often easier to illustrate with a picture than to explain with words. Photography as a hobby can be instantly gratifying, especially if you find the perfect movement to capture. I am certainly not a photographer, but I guess I can click good pictures. Maybe that’s why my friends call me a shutterbug. I have clicked on several pictures, but the one I will describe today stands out as the best among the others. A few years back, my brother got selected for the Indian Army as a lieutenant; it was a dream that came true for him. I have seen him burning the midnight oil to clear the mandated tiers. As per the criteria, he went to training for a year after we were invited on the day of his POP. It is a very special occasion for the newly qualified lieutenant and their family members. It is the opportunity to celebrate their hard work and dedication in completing the intensive training course that is required for them to become a lieutenant. Our eyes were gleaming with happiness and were filled with tears; seeing him in the uniform was a scornful moment for us. My mother couldn’t control herself and rushed towards my brother to hug him. I immediately took out my phone and captured that moment. The picture turned out to be the greatest of all time and is now framed in our living room. Everyone in my family praised me for the perfect click, whereas my brother kept a separate copy of it in his room. Whenever I see that picture, I get nostalgic and relive that beautiful moment. For me, it is one of my promising clicks.

Word Meaning Sentence
burning the midnight oil To stay awake late at night to work or study Jill has been burning the midnight oil lately; I guess she has a big exam coming up.
Shutterbug A person who enjoys taking photographs and takes a lot of them but who is not a professional photographer The workshop is ideal for amateur shutterbugs hoping to learn more about wildlife photography.
Gratifying Enjoyable It was a gratifying victory.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a photo that you are proud of.’

Q1.Why do some people like to use photographs to document important things?

Photographs display the memories related to the events that were celebrated. It helps to restore our past memories and emotions. Photographs not only allow us to capture a precise moment in time but also save it for generations to come.

Q2.What can one learn from photographs taken throughout history?

An individual can learn about the struggle, accomplishments, and defeat that our ancestors had. Also, they are a little behind in allocating the modifications at present compared to the past.

Q3. Are photographs the best way to remember something?

Undoubtedly, it is rightly said that a picture is worth a thousand words. We can remember words for a short period of time, whereas pictorial representation, on the other hand, can help us retain the same for a longer period of time.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

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