What Is Band 8 ?

I want to get a Band 8 in IELTS ,fly high and achieve whatever I want to. I want to live my life the way I want to and not the way others want it to be like. Going abroad is going to be the first step towards it. And I want to take the first step with pride. Did you just repeated whatever I said? Is living a life of awesomeness a dream of yours? Do you want to get a band 8 in IELTS? But then do you know what does band 8 stands for? What skills are required to be a Band 8?

Well, if living a life you have dreamt for makes you push a little harder. Go on, read this and make the necessary efforts to live your dream.

Now, lets assume that Avinash is a band 8 guy!


Avinash speaks fluently with only occasional repetition or self correction. But then it does not mean you are super human. There may be times that Avinash hesitates, but that is usually content related and only rarely to search for language. Avinash develops topics clearly and appropriately.


A band 8 has a wide vocabulary and isn’t afraid to use it. So, if you want to be a band 8 improve on your vocabulary. Express feelings, situations in a better way. Although a band 8 usually uses less of common phrases and may be less skillfully. But then that is because there is a band 9. Other than that a Avinash can use paraphrases as effectively as is required. A positive point for Avinash is that he/she produces a majority of error-free sentences with only occasional inappropriacies or basic/non-systematic errors.


Avinash uses a wide range of pronunciation features. The most important thing he/she is easy to understand.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to be Avinash, if you want to live your dreams, go on and get a band eight in IELTS.

Listen Well In IELTS

Are you one of those who go bizarre listening to English and wonders, how am I even going to do it? Are you scared or may be worried about how you are going to do well in your IELTS exam? Is listening section the root cause of that issue? Well if you are one of those, don’t worry. There is always a solution to the problem and that makes the problem important.


Read the instructions carefully. How you are going to perform in this section completely depends on how well you understand the instructions. Remember these are not trivial. There may be chances that the instructions tell you the word limit to answer questions. So, read carefully.


Try to find the keywords and underline them. Now find the synonyms of these keywords. I know there is lot to be done in those thirty seconds, but this is something you really cannot miss.


Don’t write the first thing that sounds right. There are chances that they may say something at the first shot and then say completely different the next moment. And the one said later is correct.


The very moment you get to know what the topic is, start organizing the vocabulary related to that topic.


Remember, to write answers carefully. Don’t use abbreviations until you know what they mean in the native language. It would be although better, you don’t use them while writing answers. Check the spelling and grammar. Make sure to use the words as you listen and don’t try to rephrase them.


If you get lost, while listening, don’t panic. The keywords you marked earlier could be a great help. If you don’t understand move on with the next thing. At times you just remember or able to make a good guess of the answer.

Remember, the more confident you are, the better you will perform.


How To Choose A University In Abroad ?

With UNESCO listing 16000 universities abroad, it could be quite a heck to decide the university you want to study in. More importantly, there are about dozens of courses, if not hundred in these universities. Hence deciding what to study could be even more of a trouble. But here I bring to you the questions whose answers would help you decide the best for you.

You may have heard that quote, “listen to your heart, but take your head alongwith”. This is exactly what you need to do when choosing a university for you and more importantly the course for you. It might be possible that they both take you in different directions, but then the fact is that they both have valid points to be made. Start with something you are really passionate about and then take your head along it.

Honesty is the best policy. Although we rarely follow it, but this is the one thing that can actually help you. Studying a particular degree requires a lot of commitment and then studying abroad requires more of it. So, when choosing a course go for the one you want to do, and not the one you think you have to do.

Studying abroad is not just like any other degree you take and then regret later. It is more than that. Living in a land that is alien to you. You invest a lot of money. So, regretting all of it can be a heck of an issue for you. So, research well. Find out all about the course and the university. Make sure you really want to do it. Don’t doubt yourself, but then don’t be over confident either.

Figure out what is essential for you. May be you want to do your degree in Spanish. Or may be in a particular language. So just figure out what is the thing that matters to you.

When choosing universities, we usually go online or may be brochures of those universities. But there is a more effective way of doing things.

Contact IELTS Band 7 for abroad study counselling.

Inside the IELTS Vocabulary

Is going abroad a dream for you? A wish you want to fulfil as soon as possible? Are you one of those who want to take IELTS and fulfil there dreams but are afraid of the vocabulary? Well, if you are one of those, here I bring to you some easy things to get a grasp of the IELTS vocabulary.


We all know time is essential and crucial as well. It would be foolish if you think that you can learn 500 words a day. Go slow, but go steady. Learn five words a day. But grasp them to the fullest, use them and enjoy them. Remember, it is the quality that matters.


You learn more words by using them rather than cramming them. Read stuff that you find interesting. Speak, yes Speak in English. May be broken in the beginning, but don’t lose heart. Speak. Listen. Yes go listen to some good stuff. May be BBC news or TED videos.


Read, speak and listen. But remember, it is important that you notice the words that come in between while you are doing all of it. Keep a note of them. Remember, once written the word is yours.


I have been saying it for quite a time, but the fact is vocabulary matters a lot in IELTS. But it does not mean that you need to know every word under the roof and succumb yourself under the pressure of performing well. Rather there are few common words that are required in IELTS. Go grasp them.

So, go on do try to infuse the above in your lifestyle and come back for some more insight into how to increase your vocabulary/band. Remember, you can achieve whatever you want to, only if you are ready to work for it.

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