Scholarship Scams

Scholarships are what most of us are in dire need of. The fact is we all need it. But many of us scare away from them because there might be chances that you get stuck in scholarship scams. There are people who can fraud you in the name of scholarship. And the truth is yes it does happen. So, how to be wary of them?

Scholarship Scams


The easiest way to do this is ask yourself,” Is the scholarship too good to be true?Your intuition is correct most of the times. It could be that the application process is very easy or maybe you have to pay to get the scholarship. If the website offers you “guaranteed scholarship” or you receive an unsolicited email, it is better to stay away from it.

Is the scholarship authentic?
Conduct an online search of the scholarship. If you find more information about it, maybe it is authentic. But if there are less search results regarding it, just leave it.

One thumb rules while taking scholarships, stick to official websites or use free scholarship search service.


IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086

Best Dental Schools

We are in 21st century. A doctor is not just one who takes care of our body. In today time we equally need someone who could take care of our teeth. Yes, we do need some good dentist. If you are thinking of becoming one, I bring to you the Best Dental Schools across the world.


  1. Karolinska Institute(Sweden)
  2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) (Hong Kong)
  3. University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
  4. Best Dental Schools

    Best Dental Schools

  5. University of Michigan (United States)
  6. KU Leuven (Belgium)
  7. Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) (Japan)
  8. King’s College London (KCL)( United Kingdom)
  9. University of Otago (New Zealand)
  10. Harvard University (United States)
  11. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (United States)

Go on, be a dentist, the world is waiting for you.

Live Your Dream #Scholarships

Money cannot buy dreams. There are so many of you talented enough to change the world, but stop themselves thinking maybe you cannot. Some of you having confidence but fear the fact that you are poor and getting into the right universities may be costly and beyond your scope. Before you make any life changing decisions remember, universities are not hungry of money. They want talented students. And if you have the talent, they provide you with the scholarships.

There are many scholarships that are provided by the universities. A university never wants someone who is just good in studies. They want people from different backgrounds, people with different stories, people who are ready to leave their comfort zone and become something better. To make sure it happens, following are some of the scholarships universities provide-:
Academic scholarships
Athletic scholarships
Scholarships for minorities
Scholarships for women
Creative scholarships
Unusual scholarships
Community service scholarships

You need not to be the best student or best athlete but the best of you to get a scholarship. So, what are you waiting for? Find out what makes you unique? What is that one thing that is the best about you? And if you are yet not the best version of yourself, become one. Remember, you can never be the best copy cat but you can always be the best version of you. BE THE BEST, YOU CAN BE and LIVE YOUR DREAM.


IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086

Idioms For May 12

Idioms do play a very important part in getting a high score in IELTS. Considering this five idioms have been given so that you can prepare them for the day. So, go on and have a look at Idioms For May 12

Take someone aback
Sentence-:I was taken aback by the problems faced by the Indian farmers.
Meaning-:Shock, surprise, or disconcert someone
Of your own accord
Sentence-:The decision to quit the job was of my own accord
Meaning-:Voluntarily or without outside intervention
Give a good account of yourself
Sentence-:Your marks in an exam often give a good account of your.
Meaning-:Make a favorable impression through your performance
Settle accounts with someone

Sentence-:I need to settle accounts with arav/ you can easily settle accounts but the point is does it matter?
Meaning-:Pay money owned to someone/ have revenge on someone
There’s no accounting for tastes
Sentence-:When living in abroad, you need to understand that there’s no accounting for abroad.
Meaning-:Impossible to explain why different people like different things, especially those things which the
speaker considers unappealing
Get weaving
Sentence-:I don’t care what you are going through, all I want is just get weaving if you want to succeed.
Meaning-: Begin action
Be a weight off your mind
Sentence-: This song is surely a universal weight off my mind
Meaning-: come as a great relief after you have been worried
Sentence-: You need not to just work hard, you need be worth your weight in gold.
Meaning-: be extremely useful or helpful
Sentence-: I have finished my work and have to leave; either ways I don’t want to outstay my welcome.
Meaning-: stay as a visitor longer than you are wanted
Sentence-:What was that welkin ring?
Meaning-: make a very loud sound


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