Learning punctuation

punctuations are the most important component of English. They allow the reader to better understand what the writer is trying to say. For example, consider the following sentence-
She is a really nice girl said Avinash

When reading the sentence one cannot make out when does the reader need to give pauses or are there any.
One has correctly said that punctuations bring out the real emotions of the writer.

While giving the IELTS exam it is very important that you are able to tell clearly with words what you want to express!

There are different kinds of punctuations that are available and can be used in English. They are –

  1. Period
  2. Question mark
  3. Exclamation point
  4. Comma
  5. Semi colon
  6. Colon
  7. Parentheses
  8. Brackets
  9. Quotation marks
  10. Dash
  11. Hyphen
  12. Italics
  13. Ellipses
  14. Apostrophe

The better you know how to use then, more are the chances of getting a high band in IELTS. So, in the “Learn punctuation” series to come you will learn how to use the different punctuation mmarks to make sure you write effectively.