How To Crack A Group Discussion

Group Discussion are the first round of the selection and often known as mass elimination round. In recent times, group discussion have become more important part in the interviews and you will rarely find a job selection wherein you need not to clear the group discussion round.

However, most of the people fear GD’s. This is mostly because one does not know clearly what is the criteria on which you are being judged. Knowing the right things about Group Discussion can help in clearing the round and living your dreams.

  • the way you communicate with others.
  • how you behave and interact with the group.
  • how open minded are  you.
  • what is your level of clarity when putting forward your views.
  • Your analysis and subject knowledge.
  • Your attitude and confidence.
  • Maintain eye contact while speaking– You obviously need not to make eye contact with the judge, you are there to talk with the group, so maintain an eye contact with the group, but surely don’t stare.
  • Initiate the GD– Although, it is not the only thing that will help you but initiating the discussion will surely help in getting those extra marks.
  • Allow others to speak-A GD is about how well you speak but that does not mean that you will not allow others to speak at all. Even if you don’t agree with his/her thoughts do not snatch their chance to speak. Instead make some notes and clear the points when it’s your turn.
  • Speak Clearly-  The company does not want a person who is very aggressive. They indeed want people who can be part of a team. So, be polite, speak in a language that is clear and understandable.
  • Make Sure The Discussion Is On Track – Often in GD’s people get over excited and start speaking on something that is way out of the topic. If you feel it is happening with the group, take initiative to bring the discussion on track.
  • Listen Carefully- What am I saying?? Listen, in GD? Well, yes. Pay attention while others are speaking. This will make coherent discussion and you will get involved in the group positively.
  • Speak Sensibly- Although you are judged on how you speak, make sure that when you do you speak sensible. There is no point of speaking for a long time and making no sense.

So, go on, give that GD and show people the real you.

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087