IELTS academic writing task 1: How to improve your score

IELTS academic writing task 1: How to improve your score

In this task, students are expected to summarize and compare information from a graph, chart, table or diagram, or a combination of these. The following table gives an overview of the don’ts and do’s of academic writing task 1.

 How to improve your score
 Don’ts Do’s
Copy the given introduction Rewrite the given introduction in your own language.
Given introduction: The bar graph shows the percentage of male and female academic staff members in different faculties of a particular university in 2008.
Rewritten introduction: The bar graph provides information about the proportion of men and women who taught in seven different faculties of a university in 2008.
Write the report in one paragraph. Write in small paragraphs: Introduction, 2 main body paragraphs and overview.
Write about each and everything given in the task. Look at the data carefully. Identify the most obvious features (e.g. highest/lowest values, major changes or trends) and report them.
Write your opinion about the data. Only summarize the given information and make comparisons where they make sense.
Illegible (difficult to read) handwriting. Write neatly.
Writing too few words. Count the number of words.

Task 1: minimum 150 words

Writing too many words. Count the number of words.

Task 1: maximum 200-210 words


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