IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Booze

How Bad Is Booze?

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the headache that one feels after drinking too much of alcohol called?
  2. What is the person who does not drink alcohol called?
  3. What does lots of alcohol mean?
  4. What is the name of the main process involved in producing alcohol?
  5. Which kind of cancer are you more prone to if you drink alcohol?
  6. Which synonym of disadvantage has been used by the speaker?
  7. Name the drink made of fruits and vegetables blended with milk or yogurt.
  8. What does skeptical mean?
  9. What is the process of making body absorb water?



  1. Hangover
  2. Teetotaler
  3. Boozy
  4. Fermentation
  5. Breast cancer
  6. Downside
  7. Smoothie
  8. doubtful
  9. Hydration


IELTS Cue Card # Talk about any law in your country

IELTS Cue Card: Talk about any law in your country 


You should say:
• What is the law?
• Why is it important?
• When was it implemented?
• Explain what steps have been taken to implement it.


IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer:

In my view, when it comes to effective administration in a large democratic country like India, the legislature needs strict laws. But, it should be taken into consideration that the government should not take away the rights and freedom enjoyed by its citizens. For this, the Indian constitution provides a powerful law. Today, I will be talking about a law which comes under the article 32 of the Indian constitution.
According to this law, any citizen of India can move to the supreme court directly if he finds any of his fundamental right unprotected and the apex court can issue a writ in that case. This law is also called the heart and soul of the Indian constitution.
This law has an immense importance. It not only acts as a safeguard of the fundamental rights of the Indian citizens but acts as a watchdog on the government. It applies reasonable restrictions on the ruling party and its wilful working style. In short, it provides a provision that the parliament cannot override the constitution in any case.
This law was implemented with the commencement of the Indian constitution on 26th January 1950. Interestingly, various judgements have been made in favour of this law since then. To be honest, I am not aware of any steps that have been taken to implement it.

IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Conspiracy Theories

IELTS Listening Sample Questions Conspiracy Theories

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Questions about Conspiracy Theories

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. Which substance is being regarded as harmful for health?
  2. In which year was the American flag shown wiggling on moon surface?
  3. Which phrase is used to explain that one is trying to makes something appear real that is not?
  4. Which word describes a person who can easily be persuaded?
  5. A theory states that some organizations are responsible for events happening around world through some covert planning. Name the theory.
  6. What percent of US population believes that the assassination of John Kennedy was not the result of a lone government?
  7. Which phrase is used to express the act of preventing the public to discover something important?
  8. Which personality trait leads to people in believing conspiracy theory?
  9. What does “not supported by evidence” mean?

Conspiracy Theories

  1. Fluoride
  2. 1960
  3. To fake something
  4. Gullible
  5. The conspiracy theory
  6. 60 percent
  7. A cover up
  8. Paranoia
  9. Unsubstantiated


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IELTS Listening Sample Question # Staycation


The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

  1. Which word is used as a combination of staying and vacation?
  2. Which country is at the top location for British people to go on vacation?
  3. Which word is used to refer to something that makes you feel more free and be able to do what you like?
  4. Which phrase best describes combination of things that don’t make sense together?
  5. How does the speaker express the situation when you can relax and not worry about anything?

Complete the following sentences in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

    1. To ___________ means, to cancel out the effect of something.
    2. Looking forward to something means _______________
    3. The term used to refer to something that is done over and over again is ____________


  1. Staycation
  2. Turkey
  3. Liberating
  4. Contradiction in terms
  5. peace of mind
  1. negate
  2. anticipation
  3. Groundhog day


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