IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Safety Standards

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Safety standards are important when building people’s homes.

Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes – the government or the people who build the homes?

Give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


The population of the world is increasing and with that the requirement for houses. To cater to this requirements, new buildings are being constructed at a faster rate. This has given rise to the number of accidents related to buildings.  Some people opine that Government is solely responsible to ensure the safety and codes while others believe that house owners are the persons who should be responsible. In my opinion, government is responsible for building laws, it must be the responsibility of the builder to make sure that the laws are followed.

Giving the responsibility to government is better for different reasons. Firstly, we as individuals pay taxes to ensure better facilities, and the government must ensure that the country men are getting proper accommodation. Secondly, often the law makers are more aware about the constitution and other disasters. So, they are more aware of what should be done.

On the other hand, it is impossible for the government to appoint necessary man power and make sure that the law is being followed. It must be the responsibility of all the people working in construction, including the architect, labor and engineer to make sure the laws are properly implemented. Also, labors should avoid working in hazardous situation ,where they are not provided by proper equipment.

Overall, government is made to show the path of how to work. It is responsible for making laws and strengthening. It must be the responsibility of individuals to make sure that the laws are in acted. In my opinion, the issue can be better addressed if government and individuals work together in same direction.