IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Leisure Time

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that people must do activities that develop mind during leisure time such as reading. However, others are of the opinion that it is important to give one’s mind rest during leisure time.


Write at least 250 words.


With the advancement in technology, the world is moving at a faster pace than ever before. People are doing more things and juggling between different activities, leaving them with little leisure time. Some people believe that during this time, activities that involve mind work should be done, however others are of the opinion that one must relax and keep mind at peace during leisure time.

Doing less of any activity during leisure time makes sense to many for different reasons. Firstly, after working for so many hours or days, one needs some time to relax. For instance, a person who is may be working ten hours a day, during his/her rest time, prefers either to go to movie or massage, so as to boost energy for the next day. Secondly, everyone has their own choices and priorities. Like, a doctor who is already tired of working throughout the day might not prefer a five kilometers run.

However, doing mind work during leisure time is an effective way of relaxing for those who are involved mostly in physical work. For example, a footballer who is most of the time either practicing football or playing a game, might prefer reading a book during the leisure time.

Overall, in my opinion, what a person chooses to do depends entirely on the kind of work they do otherwise. Although reading or doing mind activity is right for some, others can very rightly prefer another activity.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Development Of A Country

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that education is the only critical factor to the development of a country.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.


Development of a country means making the country work their way up the ladder of economic performance, living standards, sustainability and equality. However, there are people of the opinion that the only factor responsible for the development of a country is education. In my opinion, education does plays a very important role in the upliftment of a country, however it is not the only factor playing its role.

Education is very important for a country, the better the education system the better will be the future. For instance, a country having education for all would mean that it will have better skilled force, it might even be possible that out of them some would become entrepreneurs, others good politicians, may be great teachers. This enables in building up a strong foundation.


Development Of Country

However, education is not the only factor playing role. It is important for people to be educated but it is more important that education is done in the right field. For instance, if in the present times, there is no teaching of computers in school or colleges, the country is less likely to benefit. Even more, factors such as poverty play a very important role. No matter a country has free education but if the children don’t have food it is less likely that they will study.

To sum up, educations surely plays a pivotal role in the development of country, but other factors such as better living standards, good health system also are essential.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Dieting

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Dieting can change a persons life for better or can ruin their health forever.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


With the life style of people becoming more hectic an increasing number of people have either become overweight or obese. There are even some who want to be slim or fit as their favorite stars or modes. In all, dieting has become a notion that most people tend to do, either for short time or long period. Although some believe that dieting causes various health issues, others are of opposite opinion. According to me, it is more about being healthy than being slim.

Dieting surely has some great benefits. Firstly, it increases the life expectancy of an individual. For instance, a person who goes on a diet and eats only healthy foods surely has more years to live as they tend to have a stronger immune system. Secondly, one feels more energy when dieting. Although it might seem opposite, but eating the right foods, helps in storing energy for a longer period of time. Even more, it helps in gaining confidence. If a person’s body is fit he or she is more likely to be confident.



On the other hand, excessive dieting causes serious issues. The major threat being to health. Most people think that dieting means not eating food, rather it is about eating the right ones. So, the people who stop eating food, tend to lose on the calories required by the body to do daily activities.

To sum up, if dieting is done to reduce weight and improve overall health, it surely is advantageous but mindless dieting leads to serious threats.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Internet

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Internet has revolutionized the way world operates. However, some people believe that it has more disadvantages than advantages.

Do you think the advantages outnumber the disadvantages?

Write at least 250 words.


Internet has revolutionized the world. From booking tickets to paying bills to watching favorite shows, every thing has gone online. Although, some people believe that this change has brought about great positive impacts, others are of the opinion that the negative effects of internet are far more than positive.

The upcoming of internet surely has great advantages. Firstly, internet search engines are the best information retrieval systems. One can find information regarding local restaurants to the flights available to any other happening in the world. Secondly, internet has provided us with some of the most effective ways of communication. Like, email, social media; they allow interaction on a click which earlier took days or even months. Even more, it is the internet that has rather made the world a global village. Example, a student in India can access the courses provided by Harvard University and improve on their knowledge.

Despite the great advantages, internet like everything comes with its own disadvantages. Firstly, it has opened up a whole new world which means that everyone has access to everything. The downside of this exposure is that often people get access to things they should not like children watching porn. Secondly, the addiction to social media has disturbed the way of person’s living or professional life.

To sum up, internet has been a boon to the world, however it also comes with its own downsides. In my opinion, just like knife can be used to cut an apple or do murder, it is not the knife’s fault but rather that of the individual. If used properly, the advantages surely outweigh the disadvantages.


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