Cue Card # Open-air market which you enjoyed visiting.

IELTS Cue Card # Describe an open-air market which you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
• Where the market is?
• What the market sells?
• How big the market is?
And explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

open market Cue Card IELTS Band7

open market Cue Card IELTS Band7

Sample Answer:

In this fast-paced world where more and more people are turning to online shopping, open-air markets seem to have lost their popularity. But, I come from a small town in which such markets are still quite popular. Today, I am going to talk about a well-known bazaar that I loved visiting.
It is called Sunday Market. Every weekend local shopkeepers set up their stalls in a huge ground that covers an area of about 4 square kilometers, making it one of the biggest open-air markets in my state, Punjab. This place has a lot to offer to shoppers. The main items sold in the market include traditional seasonal clothes, shoes, utensils, bed sheets, duvets and blankets etc. Some stalls sell fresh fruits, pulses, spices, herbs and vegetables as well.
I visited this market last year. I felt that it was a great place to shop at. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming there. Not only the products were of high quality but their prices were very reasonable too. There was plenty of space for people to walk and shop. This matters a lot in my country because some markets can be overcrowded at times, making it almost impossible to move.
Normally, buyers in open-air markets don’t have the privilege to return any purchased items, but to my surprise, shopkeepers were encouraging people to buy what they wanted and return it later if there was a problem. The best thing about this market was that the facilities such as toilets and car-parking were well-maintained. All in all, this market had everything which customers require. (263 Words)

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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Cue Card, Talk about a person who wears unusual clothes

IELTS Cue Card, Talk about a person who wears unusual clothes

Talk about a person who wears unusual clothes
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• What kind of clothes he/she wears
• What do you feel about his/her clothing choice


Sample Answer

Fashion and clothing has always been an important part of the society. We have different dress codes for different occasions. It brings out people differently. Today I’m going to talk about one of my friend who dresses in an unusual manner. Her name is Mansi and she is a fashion blogger. She started fashion blogging with one of the most offbeat dressing sense. Her peculiar dressing sense has actually made her one of the most popular fashion model of the town.

She wears saree with jeans and long boots. Sometimes she wears a scarf as a top. She usually wears different types of hats and caps with Indian outfits which gives her a different look. She has never failed to surprise me with her eccentric appearance. Once I saw her wearing a dress made out of newspaper, she wore it for her shoot. Moreover, I have never seen her repeating her outfits. She can literally prepare an outfit from whatever is available, be it newspapers, pieces of old clothes, pillow covers, bedsheets and even towels. She has also started a small business of fashion clothing and named it “Cranky Couture”. Her fashion store is gaining popularity among townspeople.

I believe her clothing choice is quite strange yet impressive. In a short span of two years, she has gained a lot of fan following in social media due to her unique dressing style. Going offbeat always makes an individual remarkable. I’ve have never seen someone with such unusual clothing before. Her outfits are sure to turn heads. Whenever I go out with her, people look at her with eyes wide open which actually makes me proud of her and the fact how she is normalising such kind of fashion.

Follow up questions:

Q1. Do you like shopping for new clothes?
Answer: Yes Of course! I love shopping for new clothes. Buying clothes makes me happy and it is the only kind of shopping that I enjoy. I often go for shopping when I do some remarkable work and reward myself with new clothes.

Q2. About how much money do you spend on clothes a year?
Answer: I don’t remember the exact amount, but I think I usually spend around 10,000 to 15,000 Indian Rupees in a year on clothes and I believe that is the minimum amount that an Indian girl spends on her clothing.

Q3. Do people dress the same when they are depressed as they do when they are very happy?
Answer: I feel people dress up differently when they are in different moods. Such as when people are happy they wear bright and colourful clothes, and they actually try to look better than usual. For instance people are most happy when it’s their birthday or some family function, so they try to look best. On the other hand, when people are depressed, they don’t make many efforts to look good.

Q4. What do you think about men who wear earrings?
Answer: I think it is completely their personal choice to wear earrings. Fashion is all about comfort and if men are comfortable with that, we should not judge them. Fashion has no gender. Wearing earrings is their way of expressing their sense of fashion.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Favorite Website

Websites are the talk of the town these days! They are everywhere, everyone has to do something with them! With so many people becoming bloggers or vloggers, the market has just widened. This time we are looking at a cue card that asks the student for their favorite website,


Talk about your favourite Website.

  • Why is it your favourite website?
  • How often do you use it?
  • What would life be without it?

Internet has just changed the way the world operates. Gone are the days when you were tied down to your circumstances. These days, because of internet, you can be anything that you want  to be and every one have in some way become connected to it. We all have our favorite websites, that we visit more often. My favorite is The reason for me liking it is that it is a fantastic way of sharing things. People can upload their work, they can see what people are doing without even knowing them personally. I myself have used it for watching motivational videos, learning new stuff and sharing many a times.

I started using youtube 2 years ago and it has been a great experience. Being a blogger, youtube is another source of information for me, a rather descriptive and more reliable one! So, I use it for my work and also for leisure some times. I can stay on youtube to watch trailers for movies and songs and speeches. Even more, for my exam preparation, there are plethora of channels that I look forward to.

Necessity is the mother of invention. I have been using it since the time I started blogging. Without it, life will be difficult and more importantly, I guess it will be quite limited. But I hope something similar or may be even better than it pops up.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at

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IELTS BAND 7 Home page

IELTS Cue Card Latest Question # Future Course

Education is the one thing that empowers people and we are living in a time when it is not just about doctors or engineers any more. People are taking so many unconventional courses and doing great wonders. This time let us have a look at the CUE CARD SAMPLE ANSWER for the question asked in RECENT IELTS EXAM.

Describe a course that you wish to study in the future.

You should say :

  • what the course is
  • why do you want to study kit
  • where would you like to learn the course

explain what impact will it have on your future

  • You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes
  • There is one minute to think about what you are going to say
  • you can make some notes to help you.
Making notes

This is something that is going to help you when speaking because not only they give you the structure but also remind you of the vocabulary. Now, there are two parts to the notes that you make.

  1. Vocabulary notes
  2. Detail notes

The topic for the cue card is related to education, courses and your future. Some words, that can help you are –

  • intensive course
  • distance course
  • to meet a deadline
  • take a year out

These are the the answers that you get when you ask the questions to yourself.

Course : photography

Why: help in the blogging business

Where : foreign university like California institute of arts, JJ school of applied arts.

Impact : help in getting good photographs for the blog. make videos and expand the blog.


I had always wanted to do something that I loved. However, the real trouble began when I simply did not knew my passions. So, after working for two years in a corporate I took an year out to figure out what really makes me go gaga. In the year out, there were lot of realisations. I realized that I love writing and so started a blog of mine about the travel experiences I was having. With that going on roll, there were certain things the game of blogging told me. Like, you need to be a good photographer as well if you are thinking of planning a travel blog. It just gives you so much more space.

So, I wish to study photography in near time. There have been few universities that I looked on like the University of California and the JJ school of applied arts. They offer some really nice courses and the faculties tend to be really good. Being a good photographer helps in implementing the right thing for the blog. There are times when you get the content looking at the picture. So, when you don’t know the context of the picture you cannot justify the picture.

Even more, when working on a business there is so much more involved in it. One has to learn how to meet deadlines and an intensive course in a good university, just gives  you the right context. With photography, I think I will be able to take the blog to the next level. Bringing in video content like interviews or simply the real true mundane life and writing content to say what the picture could not.




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