IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about an animal you like

IELTS CUE CARD : Talk about an animal you like

You should say:

  • What this animal is
  • What is special about this animal?
  • How it looks like
  • And explain why you like this animal.

Sample Answer

Animals are eclectic creatures; they go all the way from the very friendly and domesticated to the lethal and feral. They come in different shapes, sizes and colours. Even animals of a single species are incomparable to their counterparts due to the sheer number of differences.

Today I will talk about one of my all-time favourite animals; the horse. Like other animal species, horses too,  come in different sizes and colors. Shetland ponies have a stockier body, round shape, thick fur, and short stubby legs, they are not much used in athletic pursuits. Arabian Horses, on the other hand, are taller, sleekly built with light bones, they are used exclusively for racing. Now, both of these are scientifically speaking horses, but are oh so different in appearance, nature and purpose.

Despite differences in their physical appreance, all horses have some things in common which earn them the top spots among my favourite animals. For one, their movements. Whenever a horse moves, I can’t help but admire the powerful muscles bulging and gliding beneath their coats, the sheer potential power they have in each step is breathtaking. The way they move is more elegant than most humans can ever hope to achieve. Their might is undeniable. For another, they are loyal, intelligent, and empathetic creatures. The bonds that a rider and horse may form is second to none. All these unique qualities make horses special to me.

Speaking part 3 follow up questions:

Q.1 Do people in your country keep animals at home?

Animals like cows, buffaloes and goats are domesticated widely in the countryside. In fact, livestock rearing provides sustainable livelihoods to millions of people living in rural areas.

Q.2 Do you think pets are important?

Yes, certainly. Pets can bring love and companionship into our life. Many studies have shown that keeping pets reduces our stress levels, thereby improving our health and well-being.

Q.3 Do animals have rights?

Humans use animals for food and related by-products, farming and a variety of other uses. Everyday millions of different types of animals are killed for food globally. Just by looking at these figures, I’d say that these creatures should at least have the right to live. But, who cares? Laws are made for protecting animals but they don’t work in reality.

Useful words and their meanings
Eclectic consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc.
Feral A feral animal or plant is one that lives in the wild but is descended from domesticated specimens.
Autonomy the right of an organization, country, or region to be independent and govern itself
Livestock rearing raising of animals for use or for pleasure

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IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a favourite toy of yours in childhood

IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a favourite toy of yours in childhood

 Describe a favourite toy of yours in childhood.

  • What was the toy?
  • Who gave it to you?
  • How often did you play with it?
IELTS Speaking latest cue card 2020. Describe a favourite toy of yours in childhood? Best BAND7 IELTS Dehradun IELTS online simulator IELTS BAND 7 Coaching Classes


Toys play an integral role in the formative years of all children. They help in the development of the brain and also enhance the motor skills. I loved playing with toys when I was a child. In fact, I had a room full of toys where I spent most of my time after returning from school.

One of my favourite toys was a Barbie Doll. It was gifted to me by my parents on my 6th birthday. I vividly remember, it was packed in a beautiful pink box when my parents gave it to me. The box had ‘Birthday Pink Barbie” written on top of it. When I opened the box I saw a very pretty Barbie Doll wearing a pink gown, matching shoes and few additional dresses with a comb and makeup kit. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it.

Since that time the Barbie became my constant companion. I’d play with it every day after returning from school. I loved to change its dress and comb its hair. I treated the doll as my best friend and used to have conversations with it and share my daily school activities with my doll. In fact, during holidays I’d pretend to be a teacher and teach the doll as a student for hours together. Imitating the dialogues of my school teacher was full of fun. Taking the doll to bed and narrating bedtime stories was a daily routine.

This doll remained my favourite toy for several years. It is still with me as a memorabilia.

Constant companion (collocation) a person, animal or thing that has been with someone most of the time
Memorabilia objects kept or collected because of their associations with memorable people or events

Another Similar Cue Card

Describe a toy you liked in your childhood.

  • How old were you and when did you get this toy?
  • Who gave you the toy?
  • What was the toy exactly and how did you play with it?

And how were you feeling at that time?


Gifting toys to children is one of the common mores in society. Toys consist of the most playable items for children. Children just love to upkeep a complete shelf or drawer full of toys of different kinds. They generally receive these toys on special occasions although feature toys are given otherwise also, on a child’s insistence. When I turned 6 on my birthday, I received many gifts on that day from family and friends. Later that day, I silently creeped into my room to calm my curiosity about new gifts. I started unpacking every item, when eyes stood fixed on a toy, half wrapped in the shine.

I, at once, jumped to the living room and with a broad glee on my face, questioned in a loud shout, that who has brought my favourite gift to me. To this, my mother smiled back and informed me that it was my father who knew my likes very well and brought this specially for my day. I looked at my father and recited a hymning thank you.

Well, it was a remote controlled car. It used to be a sensation for children in those times, when imports from china was very timid and remote car was considered as an electronic toys masterpiece. My friend already had one such car at his home, so, whenever I used to visit his place, I had some occasional trips with that high speed and advanced controls. But, I always lingered on my desire to have one of my own and drive whenever, wherever I want. Once, I even asked my father to bring one remote car for me.

That was few months back. I was happy that my father remembered it on my birthday. I was feeling the freedom of fiddling with my own car. Also, since I knew the controls already, I was now experimenting with different terrains and exhibiting some amusing stunts. I was feeling very exalted back then.

Word Meaning
Exalted feeling very happy, joyous: After seeing my IELTS score, I felt exalted.
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 In your childhood, did you receive more gifts from your family or friends?

Sample answer: Well, friends and family both, I suppose used to gift me on my birthdays. But, family used to gift me otherwise also. Sometimes, when I used to be on scooter ride with my father, I used to see several enticements in the market area. It was then, when my father had to buy me a toy on my repeated insistence.

Q. 2 When did you stop receiving toys as gifts?

Sample answer: I suppose, it was my 11th birthday, when for the first time I could see no toys in the wrappers. Rather, I had some stationery items and a few English novels.

Q. 3 How did you feel when you received no toys on your birthday?

Sample answer: By the time I was 10, I could visibly see the cutback in my toys collections and moreover, I started indulging in different activities like outdoor games, bicycle rides and so on, which obviously took me a little away from my toys. Therefore, although I kept on searching for a toy till my last unwrapment on my birthday, but I didn’t really feel disappointed in any sense.

Q. 4 Why do you think children like toys so much?

Sample answer: I think the most primitive and aboriginal instinct in a human being is TO KNOW. Curiosity to explore and create something new has always been the driving force behind our evolution. Therefore, a child who has not yet gained exposure to society and its creations at large, feel captivating interest in the novel features of toys. They feel the toy so animated that they love to play with it.

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Cue card: A language lesson you enjoyed

IELTS Cue Card Talk about a language lesson you enjoyed

Talk about a language lesson you enjoyed
You should say:

  • When it was?
  • What it was about?
  • What you did in the lesson?
  • And explain why you enjoyed this lesson.

A language lesson you enjoyed

Sample Answer

I’ve always had a deep fascination with languages. It certainly stems from the skills of my school teachers who made our lessons memorable.  Today, I’m going to talk about a language lesson I loved.

I was in 8th class. Our school provided classes in many foreign languages like German, French, Japanese and Italian etc. I opted for Japanese because my father recommended it to me. My first Japanese lesson was so much fun that I still remember almost everything about it. When our teacher entered the class, she greeted us in Japanese. She didn’t translate it in English or our local language. Initially, we were puzzled but then she drew the sun and two kids on the blackboard. We understood the meaning and all of us repeated the greeting after her. Then, the teacher opened a big box in which she had kept many things like chocolates, cold drinks, tea and a bottle of milk etc.

She started taking them out of the box one by one. She was saying the name of each item in Japanese and we were listening to her and repeating after her. Later on, the teacher just showed us the objects and we were supposed to recall their names. Everyone was actively participating in the lesson. In the next stage of the lesson, the teacher taught us how to order milk, tea or coffee in a Japanese café. She divided us into two groups. Some of us became customers while others became waiters. We practiced all the words that we learned in the lesson in a very interactive way.

Not only me but all my classmates enjoyed the lesson. I found it very interesting because of the way it was delivered. The teacher created a friendly and stimulating learning environment. Its pace was also perfect for our age group. If we hadn’t been involved in the lesson, it would have been a boring lesson. All in all, I can say that this first-class boosted our confidence immensely and motivated us to learn Japanese.

Another Similar Cue Card

Describe a thing you did to learn another language.

  • Which language did you learn?
  • What was that thing, you did to learn the language?
  • How did it help you and how you felt?

And do you recommend that thing for every language?


Language is among the greatest inventions of mankind. Just imagining a world without languages seems to bring chaos and haphazardness all around. Social order and stability is ensured by this medium of communication. If we just observe our past, it is wondrous to note that we learnt our mother tongue without any formal medium of instruction. It is an automatic natural process set in motion by environment. Although I never intended to become a philologist, but I had this inertia for different words and meanings. I knew English well and I had this penchant for Spanish. So, in my college days, I decided to learn Spanish.

I joined a language academy, where they take up a language from the very basics. With appropriate syntax, pronunciation and meaning understanding of most common Spanish words in academy, I built my fundamentals strong. Thereafter, a stage of stagnation arrived in my progress and I was not improving my spoken Spanish, in particular. It was then, when I decided to stay in a Spanish colony in our city, for few months. Getting surrounded by Spanish diaspora all the time, listening to the language Spanish only whenever a word is spoken and interacting in Spanish only, were the true game changers.

This idea of living among Spanish people was an instantaneous hit. Within a span of just three months, I was conversing in Spanish without any great efforts. To add to it, I even grasped the uncommon classical Spanish vocabulary. The result of the uniform harmony with the Spanish language in my overall environment, while living in Spanish people, was very fruitful. The shopkeepers and watchman in that colony were Spanish too, which necessitated me to even think in Spanish. I felt extremely happy witnessing my gradual but consistent improvement in Spanish.

I would like to recommend my test and trial approach with the learners of any language. Staying in airs stuffed with a particular language all around you, automatically brings you in sync with that. No doubt, academy is something mandatory, but apart from that, my idea for learning a language is very effective, especially the spoken one.

Word Meaning
Penchant special bent/liking: My friend has the penchant for old classic movies.
Haphazard disorderly: students in college generally keep their room haphazard.
Diaspora scattered population with origin somewhere else: America is truly cosmopolitan in a sense, to have diaspora from so many nations
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 Is learning a new language difficult after an age?

Sample answer: I can’t answer this with confirmation without actual evidences. Definitely, after an age learning appetite decreases to some extent. Learning a new language might not sound as exciting and hence motivating to a grown up man as to a young boy. This lack of interest, apart from the work pressures faced by an adult may hinder his learning process.

Q. 2 What factors make a language interesting to learn?

Sample answer: It is the accent, smoothness, tone and pitch primarily, which creates impression for a language. Apart from them, glory and status of the nation, to which a language belongs, also generates fan following. Influence of a language created by its major presence all over the globe is a big influence.

Q. 3 Can deepest emotions be conveyed by a language?

Sample answer: I would say speech itself comes with a limitation. Use of any language can definitely easen the process of emotions’ description, as done in poems, plays and other fiction. But, I still believe that language do not have the absolute adequacy to display all the emotions, in complete.

Q. 4 What are the advantages of learning a new language?

Sample answer: Learning anything new, in itself is a fun process. Language learning comes with the spoken, written, hearing and speaking tasks involved in it, therefore it further broadens our pleasurable experience. It is always an advantage staying in a country, if we are averse with its native language. This brings a sense of assimilation in an earlier differently looking ethnicity. It also enriches our experience of different civilizations and cultures.

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Cue card: A person who took a decision for you

IELTS Speaking Cue card: A person who took a decision for you

Describe a person who took a decision for you recently
You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • What decision he/she took?
  • When he/she took this decision?
  • And explain how you felt about the decision.

A person who took a decision for you

Sample answer

Decisions are an integral part of everyone’s life. Sometimes we rely on others for making a decision. Today, I’m going to talk about one such time.

I’m a final year student of Bachelor of Technology at Delhi University. Thanks to its outstanding teaching methods, my university has an excellent reputation among employers. Every year many renowned companies conduct campus interviews in the University for recruiting fresh graduates. Right from their freshman year, students look forward to these interviews and being placed in their dream jobs.

In last month’s campus interviews, I did really well. I was hoping to be selected by at least one company. To my surprise, I received two offer letters, one from Wipro, an Indian IT Company and the other from Siemens, a German Company. I was puzzled. I didn’t know what to do. So, I decided to discuss the matter with my dad. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the real employment world of information technology.

We had a long healthy discussion. He explained the pros and cons of working in Indian and foreign organizations. In the end, he suggested me to join Siemens. In a way, he took this decision for me, but I wouldn’t say that he forced me to accept his judgement. It was my firm faith in his ability and vision which inspired me to follow his words.

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