IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Importance Of Teacher

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


Learning is an ongoing process. The one who stops learning is the one who gets old. Some people believe that to learn it is very important to have a teacher, whereas others are of the opinion that one does not requires a teacher to learn something. In my opinion, teacher plays a very important role in learning during early stage, however with time, one can learn  things on his/her own.

Teachers surely play a crucial role in the process of learning. Firstly, a teacher has adequate knowledge to make subjects easier for the students and also teach them in a more effective way. For instance, a particular student might be weak in some subjects but a teacher makes learning the subject more fun and teaching them according to their mental capacity. Even more, some children can learn better in groups. A class proves beneficial for such students as it provides them with the point of view of many others.

Importance Of Teacher

Importance Of Teacher

On the other hand, with the coming of technology, many universities provide online courses such that students can learn varied topics on their own. This has proved as a boon for those who are too shy to attend classes because of their age or are not able to pay the tuition fee. Even more, learning things by oneself often provides students with more knowledge as compared to one imparted by teachers.

Overall, in my opinion, teachers role in the younger years of learning can never be taken away, however, self learning is a more effective way of learning in the later years of life.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Capital Punishment

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and there are higher chances of increased crime.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.


With the increasing crime rates world wide, an appeal towards capital punishment is being made. Although some people believe that capital punishment is necessary for reducing the crime rates, opinions also exist claiming that we should get away with this form of punishment. In my opinion, the only way to reduce crime is by strengthening the law and order.

Arguments in favor of capital punishment surely provide valid reasons. Firstly, some crimes are so cruel that not punishing severely makes the victim feel insecure. For instance, the terrorist who get caught up after a bomb blast, if are not provided severe punishment could act as insult to injury for the thousands of people who lost their loved ones. Secondly, weak punishment often instigates the feeling that one can get away with whatever they want to do. For instance, if a person after raping gets bail, becomes an example for many criminals; they know that even after destroying someone’s life they will be able to lead a normal life.

captial punishment

capital punishment

However, human and his actions are very complex, defining simple punishments for all is not the most pragmatic thing to do. For instance, a boy who just stepped into adult hood, aged 20, if murders someone, capital punishment might not be the right solution. Because it might be possible that there were several other factors responsible for it. In my opinion,  government should be the responsible authority to provide a secure and better state to live.

Overall, serious punishment is surely necessary to bring law and order in the country but it is the responsibility of law to ensure that the wrong doer gets the right level of punishment.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Selection In Schools

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that schools should admit students on the basis of their academic abilities, while others are of the opinion that schools must allow students of different cadre to sit together and learn.

Discuss both views and state your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


Schools are the learning place for students, a place where they develop new skills and improve on their already existing skills. However, there are opinions that schools must give admissions to students on the basis of their academic accomplishments while some are of the belief that mixed ability classes are more beneficial for development of children. In my opinion, mixed classes are more beneficial then classified classes.

Admittedly, streaming students is more beneficial to students as well as teachers. For teachers, separating students facilitates effective teaching as all the students sitting are on their toes to learn new topics. Even more, students can learn difficult topics and teachers can go ahead with providing in depth knowledge to students.

Selection In Schools


However, it is mixed classes that the all round development of a child takes place. It is because a mixed class tend to have the best academic student as well as the best football player. Interaction between these two students will help both of them, to improve on a facet that they are weak in. Even more, a streamed class tends to create the feeling in minds of students that they are less or more than others. This feeling in young minds is not a healthy approach in their upbringing.

Overall, streamed classes are beneficial for students who are interested in merely studies and also help teachers to provide effective teaching. However, in my opinion, it is in mixed classes versatile development of a child takes place, helping him/her in later years of life.


IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Death Of Tradition

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

With the advancement in technology, the traditional skills and way of life are dying out. In this era of development, it is pointless to try and keep them alive.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.


Technology has made a way into our lives such that one cannot imagine living without it.  Some argue that such impact is so extraordinary that it would make conventional skills and life obsolete. Although, to an extent it has surely impacted the way tradition played its role in our live, saying, it would completely dissolve it, might not be the most sure statement to be made.

In this world of technology, tradition has surely made its way into it. Firstly, traditional skills and way of life are slowly becoming an alternative to the problems caused by living life influenced by modern technology. For instance, a home like restaurant that offers traditional food with an ambiance of traditional things can prove to be a another experience to people who are bored with the same kind of restaurants everywhere. In venues like these, people become more relaxed and at the same time educated about different cultures. Providing diversity and thus enriching modern ways of life, such traditional skills and ways of life would continue to have their place.

death of tradition

Tradition Vs Technology

Secondly, conventional methods tend to provide ideas to the modern technology. For instance, the way in which homes are decorated traditionally has allowed various industries to make products that help in decorating houses easily and giving the traditional touch. This has helped in increasing their business.

Overall, traditional skills and life styles are increasingly becoming a useful alternative to the homogeneity brought by global applications of modern technologies. Although one cannot deny that technology is surely obsoleting some traditions, it is impossible in near future to completely dissolve tradition.



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