IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Internet

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Internet has revolutionized the way world operates. However, some people believe that it has more disadvantages than advantages.

Do you think the advantages outnumber the disadvantages?

Write at least 250 words.


Internet has revolutionized the world. From booking tickets to paying bills to watching favorite shows, every thing has gone online. Although, some people believe that this change has brought about great positive impacts, others are of the opinion that the negative effects of internet are far more than positive.

The upcoming of internet surely has great advantages. Firstly, internet search engines are the best information retrieval systems. One can find information regarding local restaurants to the flights available to any other happening in the world. Secondly, internet has provided us with some of the most effective ways of communication. Like, email, social media; they allow interaction on a click which earlier took days or even months. Even more, it is the internet that has rather made the world a global village. Example, a student in India can access the courses provided by Harvard University and improve on their knowledge.

Despite the great advantages, internet like everything comes with its own disadvantages. Firstly, it has opened up a whole new world which means that everyone has access to everything. The downside of this exposure is that often people get access to things they should not like children watching porn. Secondly, the addiction to social media has disturbed the way of person’s living or professional life.

To sum up, internet has been a boon to the world, however it also comes with its own downsides. In my opinion, just like knife can be used to cut an apple or do murder, it is not the knife’s fault but rather that of the individual. If used properly, the advantages surely outweigh the disadvantages.


Effects of Smoking # IELTS Speaking

The post below talks about the effects of smoking.

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Owing to the ill effects of smoking, some business have banned smoking in their office area. 


Write at least 250 words.


With increased awareness regarding the ill effects of smoking, most of the organisations have banned smoking in the campus area. Although some believe that it is a way of imposing restrictions on the employers, others believe it is a right way to ensure health for other employees.

Imposing restrictions on smoking in business area brings with it great benefits for the employees. Firstly, it ensures that people who don’t smoke are not affected by its ill effects. Even more, some people are either allergic or cannot stand the smell of the smoke, a no smoking office, provides them with a healthy environment to work in. In addition, the people who smoke are often under pressure and don’t realize the ill effects smoking. Banning it would surely reduce the consequences on them.

On the other hand, although banning smoking has several advantages, it could also be a point of frustration for many. For instance, a person who is habitual to smoking and needs to smoke every hour to carry on the work, might not like the idea as it would hamper his/her work efficiency.

Overall, smoking surely has its own reasons and banning it entirely might reduce the overall efficiency of the company . In my opinion, instead of stopping people from smoking, different zones must be made in a company. Like a place where everyone can smoke and relax and come back to work.

IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Getting The News

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

One can up to date news from television, radio and internet.

Which kind of media, do you think, is the best for getting the news?

Write at least 250 words.


With advancement in technology, different means for exchanging of information have come up. Moving from radio, towards television we are finally in an era where any news or information is just a click away. Although every one has their own priorities and other kinds of media have their advantages too, however, there are objective reasons why the Internet is the best.

Television is a better form than radio, for simple reasons that in radio one can merely hear things whereas in television the visual comes along with audio. This provides a better experience of being updated. One can actually see the location and feel the moment. For instance, the time when India won the world cup in 2011, on one hand where radio listeners could merely hear the news or the commentary, the television viewers could see the entire game and the winning shot. News channels tend to flash it many times, adding more fun to it.

However, the major disadvantage with television and radio is that they are time bounded. Every episode or serial has its own timing and if you can’t watch it during that time, chances are high that you will lose it. Internet on the other hand makes getting news flexible. One can at any moment find out what happened five years ago. Even more, one can see the news of China or Pakistan or USA, whenever they want to.

Overall, internet surely comes with it own great advantages, but the traditional media will not disappear in near times. With internet not being accessible to many, it is only radio and television that come to help. In my opinion, internet is better but it has a long way to go.



IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Reduce Traffic Accidents

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to raise the age limit for younger drivers and lower the age limit for aged ones.

Do you agree?

Write at least 250 words.


The advancement in technology and the improved economic standards of people has in some way increased the number of automobiles in the roads. With the increased number of vehicles and the busy lifestyle, the number of accidents have increased. Some people are of the opinion that the number of accidents can be lowered by increasing the age limit for youngsters and decreasing for the older generation. In my opinion, making another law might not be the most pragmatic thing to do.

Making new age limits can back fire the law in many ways. Firstly, by doing this  a simple message that the old and the young are reckless drivers gets into the local people. This might not go very well into the population. Secondly, it is not very pragmatic to make sure that the law is being followed. It is not possible for the police men to stop every vehicle and check the age of the driver, making this law redundant.

On the other hand, to reduce the number of accidents several other effective methods are available such as reducing number of vehicles on the road through car pool, implementing more stringent regulations on alcohol drink driving and possibly to revise on the standard of driving test for young and old drivers on the road.

Overall, increasing/decreasing the age limit might sound right, but it fails in its practical implementation. The government and individuals must step together and take steps to reduce traffic and accidents in a more practical way.


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