When looking at the illustration, be careful to distinguish stages which happen concurrently. (A is performed at the same time as B) and others which are alternatives (either A or B is performed). The flow chart given in the Sample Task demonstrates this problem. Look at the stages for the writing test. In the second stage we can see that the writing paper is marked by an examiner. It is then sent to the examination board while at the same time the marks are sent to an administrator. These events occur concurrently. In the final stage, the papers are either stored or reassessed. These events are alternatives.
It may happen that the diagram does not make much sense to you at first glance. Look for a starting point and follow through the stages in your mind before beginning to write. If it’s still not making sense, then go on to Task Two but make sure that you give yourself 20 minutes to complete the report before the end of the writing test time. It often happens that our brains can sort problems out for us even when we are focusing on something else.
Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun
email: info at ieltsband7.com
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In 25 years, IELTS has grown in popularity’
The evidence of growing popularity is also reflected in increasing number of applicants to the British Council IELTS Scholarship award. This year, eight students won awards worth Rupees 3 hundred thousand each and they were admitted in institutions across the world, including USA – Sarah Deverall India Director of IELTS Examinations
More than 9,000 educational institutions, professional associations and governments in 135 countries recognise the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for entry into academic institutions and employment.
The number of those taking the test in India has also grown over the years, with over 3,000 institutions and programmes in the USA using it as the tool to measure English language proficiency.
Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun
email: info at ieltsband7.com
IELTS online simulator
IELTS BAND 7 Home page

Is the IELTS getting popular in India?
Is IELTS getting popular in India?
Definitely, as the numbers are increasing in the country and more so in Hyderabad. Since its acceptance in US institutions is huge, Indian students prefer IELTS.
In Hyderabad, the test is held four days every month – one Thursday and three Saturdays.
The evidence of growing popularity is also reflected in increasing applicants to the British Council IELTS Scholarship award. This year, eight students won awards worth Rs.3 lakh each and they were admitted in institutions across the world, including USA. So far, 32 students have benefitted from it. It is also being considered for employment, apart from academics. Two million people take the test annually across the world.
Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun
email: info at ieltsband7.com
IELTS online simulator
IELTS BAND 7 Home page