You should say:

  • What the activity is
  • When and where you usually do it
  • How you do it
  • Explain why it can keep you fit
Sample Answer

Well, there are numerous activities that can help a person remain fit. Personally, I consider running to be the activity that has helped me to stay in shape. Moreover, in addition to it intake of a nutritious balanced diet with adequate sleep also holds a lot of importance.

There is a beautiful park near my abode, I make it a point to run for about 30 minutes twice every day, that amounts to an hour daily. Once, in the morning hours before the hustle and bustle of the world around and next 30 minutes during the evening hours after I return from my office. It’s a great way to increase my strength and flexibility, hence allowing me to stay in shape.

Furthermore, I Try to have a balanced diet. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are included in my diet. Also, I try to avoid carbonated drinks and processed food items. Moreover, sleep is way more important for health and well-being. Getting enough sleep of about 7-8 hours is a must to stay fit and healthy.

All in all, maintaining a balance between running, eating healthy meals and sleep energizes me, also helps me stay focused, increases my concentration, motivates me and finally allows me to stay fit and active all day long. It has impacted my life in a positive manner, and all these factors play a vital role in maintaining my overall health and fitness.


Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)


Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card “Describe a person who likes to talk a lot.”

Q1. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?

Answer. Physical activity is a must for every age group but when we take into consideration the fitness of elderly people then some sort of physical activity , in the form of yoga, meditation or brisk walking should be done by them in order to stay active ,free from all diseases and last but not the least it aids in keeping their joints healthy.

Q2. Besides exercise what else can people do to keep fit?

Answer. There are myriad of activities that people can do to maintain their mental as well as physical fitness. The activities include eating a balanced diet, avoiding fast food, taking multivitamins regularly, reducing screen time and much more.

Word Meaning Sentence
Abode A place where someone lives or a temporary stay. It was very difficult for me to find my friend’s new abode.
Carbonated drinks Drinks that contain carbon dioxide gas at high pressure, making them fizzy. I always crave a carbonated drink after my morning walk.

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You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • What he/she likes to talk about?
  • And explain how you feel about this person?
Sample Answer

I know a lot of people who are gregarious and can talk to people all day long. Among them is Naina, my cousin. She enjoys interacting with others and is an extrovert. Naina is the younger daughter of my maternal aunt; she is eleven years old and enrolled in the eighth grade. Naina has curly short hair, a gorgeous grin, and a fair complexion.

What I really like about her are her adorable, plump hands. She’s always talking, so everyone calls her a chatterbox. Naina can speak for hours on end about anything. She is an animal lover, particularly of dogs. I once witnessed her outside her home bandaging an injured dog.

Naina is a generous girl who always help people in need. She has a happy disposition that lifts everyone’s spirits. She enjoys viewing movies, and when she gives me the tale, I get the impression that I’ve watched the film. Naina can put a smile on anyone’s face and make any circumstance seem less stressful. She aspires to be a teacher and is an excellent student. She is an outgoing person who enjoys making new friends. Her parents and instructors have reprimanded her for this practice, but nothing has changed. When she’s around, nobody can get bored. She walks every morning since she is highly aware of her health. Her tendency to talk a lot has occasionally gotten her into a lot of trouble. I adore this adorable talkative person, therefore when she is silent, I sense a problem and find it bothersome.


Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)


Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card “Describe a person who likes to talk a lot.”

Q1. In your opinion, what makes a conversation enjoyable?

Answer. The most interesting conversations aren’t about news, or politics, or sports: they are about emotions. Listening to the other person’s opinion and sharing your views. The feeling of carefree exchange of information. Mutually sharing things that are potentially enriching.

Q2. How do you usually respond when someone talks a lot during a conversation?

Answer. I occasionally find it difficult to interrupt or voice my own opinions when someone is talking too much. In certain situations, I could find it difficult to find opportunities to add to the conversation, but I might still nod or occasionally offer affirmations to show that I’m present.

Q3. Do you think being a good listener is as important as being a good talker?

Answer. Of course it is important to be a good listener, I believe in order to be a good speaker one has to be a good listener. It makes it possible for people to interact more effectively, value differences in viewpoints, and support peaceful relationships.

Word Meaning Sentence
Gregarious talkative Radha is a gregarious girl
Disposition Nature Shika’s disposition is to always think negatively.

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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



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Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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Chile Says YES to IELTS

Chile Says YES to IELTS

Chile Says YES to IELTS

Slowly but surely IELTS finds its way into the Chile when Chile says yes to IELTS. More universities joined the list of many others already recognizing IELTS in the Chile.

Chile has opened its borders to IELTS. People’s Chile to recognize IELTS – surely others will follow and it’s just a matter of time. Approximate 5+ organizations and universities accepting IELTS.

There is the list of some of them.

  • Colegio Britanico de Cartagena
  • Fulbright Commission
  • Gimnasio Britanico
  • International Center
  • Universidad Technologica de Bolivar


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IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a product from your hometown

IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a product from your hometown

Talk about a product from your hometown.

  • You should say:
  • What it is
  • How it is made
  • What it is used for
  • And explain its significance in your hometown

IELTS CUE CARD Talk about a product from your hometown

Sample Answer

Today I will talk about a product from my hometown. I come from a small village in Ghana, my native lands have a rich history in handicrafts production and development. But for now I shall focus on the most versatile of them all; the basket.

Our handmade baskets were traditionally made from fibrous materials such as plant roots, backwoods, vines, banana leaves, cane and papyrus. These were naturally decomposable if rather flimsy. A good basket made in the traditionally manner could last two to five years. Now however, baskets are commonly made of plastic, wire, and in some cases, recycled materials. These have a far longer lifespan and not all are eco-friendly.

When I refer to a “basket” I imply a woven material crafted into all manner of shapes for all manner of different uses. Most young girls are taught from a young age how to braid these materials into cases, trunks, jar like containers, jewellery boxes, carry bags, winnows; anything with in the realm of possibility.

That’s why you can never find two identical genuine handmade baskets. There will always be something different among them, be it the structure, pattern, shape, lid, row count or material, anything can vary.

The art of crafting baskets is a cherished tradition. With the tourism industry booming, handmade baskets are a very good income for a rural household. This also gives some power back to the females of the village, in a male-dominated society, they still have a voice, because it is their craft keeping the family afloat. During farming season, the grains are winnowed and sifted.

The grains, herbs and spices are stored in cases and jars. They are transported in carry bags to the market. There is hardly a task in my village one can think of that does not pay homage to the art of weaving.

In this way, the basket is more than just a product for our village, it is survival, it is our voice, and it is our craft. (333 Words)


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