IELTS Essay # Increasing no. of fast-food outlets-Causes and effects

IELTS Essay of Increasing no. of fast-food outlets-Causes and effects

Nowadays, there are a large number of coffee shops and fast-food vendors on high streets and in town centres. Why are there so many of these outlets?

Sample Answer


Cafe and food stalls are the new normal in high streets and town centers, becoming the cheaper alternatives to high-end restaurants and bistros. This essay explores the reasons behind this trend and its impact on society.
One of the reasons for the increasing popularity of café and fast-food outlets is their ability to cater at quicker speeds in comparison with restaurants. This is well received by students and people from the working class who have strict schedules and short break durations. Another reason for this trend is the lower operational costs of cafés and food stalls. Majorly due to their small-scale venture, the expenses on staff salary, regular running costs, and ingredients are far less than those of restaurants.
Turning to the impacts of this phenomenon, so far it has had a positive impact on society. First and foremost, it has given people a platform to follow their passion for entrepreneurship. A case in point is that of food truck owners who do not have huge sums of money or the experience to manage a restaurant, however, they tend to become successful fast food sellers. Another important factor is that small-scale cafés and food joints support the local economy. Further, these outlets provide a wider range of food items, sometimes the same as the ones in restaurants, but at a cheaper price – an obvious benefit for consumers.
Overall, I believe that the increasing presence of small food ventures is a massive boost for their local area and their general population. It can provide newer culinary options as well as serve society through other means as well. (267 Words)

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IELTS Essay #Advantages and disadvantages of space tourism

IELTS Essay advantages and disadvantages of space tourism

As technology advances, travelling to space is likely to become an option for holidaymakers in the future.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of space tourism?

Sample Answer


With all the technological advancements, Space Tourism can be a reality that might enhance the tourism industry worldwide and make more progress in the field of astronomy. The essay will dwell on the merits and the possible drawbacks of this development.

Beginning with the positives, the idea of space tourism might attract interest towards an already growing space sector. Since future tourists will have an opportunity to explore planets, they will be developing knowledge and creating future generation scientists that will provide more in-depth research into our cosmos. Another positive outcome can be the creation of new Job opportunities. Space pilots manoeuvre space crafts, travel guides, medical professionals and trained engineers might be some professions in the coming years, this will help combat the problems of unemployment in the very long run.

However, space tourism is an expensive endeavour and expenditure on these excursions might bankrupt some nations, especially those who are still trying to recover from the impact of colonialism, coups, and civil wars.  Instead that money can be put to use for solving the pressing problems of famine, illiteracy, poverty, and poor public healthcare infrastructure. Another monumental challenge will be pollution control as rockets emit large quantities of black carbon that pollutes the air and is harmful for all the living beings as well as the environment.

To conclude, while the prospect of space travel sounds fascinating, the progress towards it should not be considered shortly, as other problems need our attention more urgently than achieving the dream of space tourism.(253 Words)

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Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)


You should say:

  • What is the job?
  • How you heard about it?
  • Why you don’t want to do it?
  • How you feel about the job?
Sample Answer

There are extremely few jobs available due to increased competition and growing employment crisis. No task is simple to complete; all tasks demand arduous work.

While some individuals have a dream job, others may not prioritize that. One such job role that I would never do is customer executive. But I find it too challenging. It appears simple, but I don’t think so. These experts handle a variety of tasks, such as taking phone calls, responding to inquiries from clients, and helping with problems that clients may be having. They seem to be under a lot of pressure to respond quickly, have nice conversations, show empathy, and figure out the right answers when they need them. Most importantly, most employers seek out workers who can work nights because of the nature of the jobs.

Another gap is that working at night becomes risky, especially for girls. The day is more exhausting when headphones are worn. A cousin of mine works as a customer service representative. One of my cousins works up to 10 or 11 hours a day as a customer service executive. Sundays are not his off days. They actually don’t get many holidays in a given year. He reveals that they have daily goals to meet and that their pay will be withheld if they don’t. One cannot ultimately look up to this profession for future growth because only a small number of employees in this sector get promotions. I would prefer working as a web developer.


Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)


Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card “Describe a job you would not like to do in the future .”

Q1. What kind of jobs do young people prefer?

Answer. The employment market in India is changing quickly, and there are a number of new career possibilities that are being developed to meet the interests and skill needs of young professionals. Young Indians can pursue a number of profitable and exciting professional pathways, ranging from cybersecurity and renewable energy to digital marketing and data analytics

Q2. Some people will lose their jobs because of technology, how to deal with it?

Answer. Since we are the ones creating the technology, I don’t think we can blame it. If someone feels that technology has replaced them in their line of work, they should enhance their skill set and investigate alternative career platforms.

Q3. Will you settle down in another country?

Answer. Yes, I will, given that I land a decent job in a developed nation. I would seize the chance with both hands.

Meaning Sentence
Arduous Difficult and tiring The task was more arduous than we imagined.
Crisis Time of intense difficulty or danger Employment crisis increased during lockdown.

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You should say:

  • What the activity is
  • When and where you usually do it
  • How you do it
  • Explain why it can keep you fit
Sample Answer

Well, there are numerous activities that can help a person remain fit. Personally, I consider running to be the activity that has helped me to stay in shape. Moreover, in addition to it intake of a nutritious balanced diet with adequate sleep also holds a lot of importance.

There is a beautiful park near my abode, I make it a point to run for about 30 minutes twice every day, that amounts to an hour daily. Once, in the morning hours before the hustle and bustle of the world around and next 30 minutes during the evening hours after I return from my office. It’s a great way to increase my strength and flexibility, hence allowing me to stay in shape.

Furthermore, I Try to have a balanced diet. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are included in my diet. Also, I try to avoid carbonated drinks and processed food items. Moreover, sleep is way more important for health and well-being. Getting enough sleep of about 7-8 hours is a must to stay fit and healthy.

All in all, maintaining a balance between running, eating healthy meals and sleep energizes me, also helps me stay focused, increases my concentration, motivates me and finally allows me to stay fit and active all day long. It has impacted my life in a positive manner, and all these factors play a vital role in maintaining my overall health and fitness.


Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)


Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card “Describe a person who likes to talk a lot.”

Q1. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?

Answer. Physical activity is a must for every age group but when we take into consideration the fitness of elderly people then some sort of physical activity , in the form of yoga, meditation or brisk walking should be done by them in order to stay active ,free from all diseases and last but not the least it aids in keeping their joints healthy.

Q2. Besides exercise what else can people do to keep fit?

Answer. There are myriad of activities that people can do to maintain their mental as well as physical fitness. The activities include eating a balanced diet, avoiding fast food, taking multivitamins regularly, reducing screen time and much more.

Word Meaning Sentence
Abode A place where someone lives or a temporary stay. It was very difficult for me to find my friend’s new abode.
Carbonated drinks Drinks that contain carbon dioxide gas at high pressure, making them fizzy. I always crave a carbonated drink after my morning walk.

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