Cue Card: Talk about a time when you teamed up with an old person

Talk about a time when you teamed up with an old person
You should say:

    • When it was?
    • Who the old person was?
    • What you did together?

and explain how you felt about this time.

Talk about a time when you teamed up with an old person

Sample Answer

Teaming up with an elderly can be a memorable experience. Today, I’m going to share one such experience with you.

I was in 10th class. The preparation for board exams was a never ending process. I found it quite hard to stick to a monotonous routine. Finally, the exams got over but they had drained my energy. All I wanted was a change in my daily routine. My parents were working full-time. They took many days off during my exams. Naturally, it wasn’t possible for them to take me on a holiday. At last, I asked my grandfather if he could come and take me to the village.

To my surprise, he came the very next day. I was very excited about my holidays. I packed my bag and we happily set off in the afternoon. We reached the village late in the evening. My grandfather showed me the house. Even though it was dark, I could clearly see some work was going on in the garden. My grandpa said we would work together tomorrow.

The morning was beautiful. After breakfast I went to the garden. It looked a little rusty and needed a make-over. My grandpa was building a bench. I observed him for a while and then joined him. The bench was ready in the evening. We decided to place it in front of the pond. Our next plan was to plant some new colourful flowers. He had already bought pots of many different shapes and sizes. So, I helped him in filling them in with soil and compost and planting flowers like marigolds, lilies and dahlias etc. We kept all plants at different places. I dug out a fire pit too.

Our garden renovation project lasted for more than a week. I loved it as each day was different. We could see the progress of our work which gave us a sense of fulfillment. Together we transformed a dull garden into a lovely outdoor space. All in all, it was the best time I’ve ever spent with an old man. I will never forget those holidays.

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IELTS CUE CARD – Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

IELTS CUE CARD – Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

  • What is it?
  • With whom did you play it?
  • How often you played it?
  • How did you feel about it?
IELTS Speaking latest cue card 2020. Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child? What is it? With whom did you play it?

Like other children I’ve played several games, both indoor and outdoor, and in fact, try to play whenever I get time.

Among those games, I enjoyed playing snakes and ladders more than others. It’s an indoor board game based on numbers where 2 to 4 players can play at a time. Since this game required placing the foldable board on a surface and using dice and tokens, it was convenient to play snakes and ladders almost anywhere.

I usually played it with my friends on weekends and with my cousins during my school vacation. Sometimes I played it with my father also. In f

act I would admit my father taught me to play this game. He wanted to teach me how to count and playing this game made learning exciting.

What I liked most about this game was the excitement of climbing the ladders on board as well the rolling of the dice. When the opponent players landed on a snake and had to come sliding down gave me utmost joy! When I lost the game I used to end up crying.

I still remember, my father used to lose the game deliberately so that I could win. I used to get jubilant on winning from him.

Even today, I like to play this game as it brings back fond memories of my childhood. It’s a great way to create a bonding with our loved ones and spend quality time with them.

Utmost of the greatest possible degree or amount: utmost seriousness eg. The situation needs to be handled with utmost care.
Jubilant feeling great joy eg. The fans were jubilant over their team’s victory.


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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur

email: info at

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IELTS Speaking cue card: A recent change in your life

IELTS Speaking cue card: A recent change in your life

Describe a recent change in your life
You should say:
• What the change was?
• When it happened?
• How you felt about it?
• And explain if it was a positive or negative change for you.

IELTS Speaking cue card: Describe a recent change in your life. what the change was when it happened how you felt about it. Best BAND7 IELTS Dehradun IELTS online simulator IELTS BAND 7 Coaching Classes

Sample Answer

Changes are an integral part of our life. Today, I’m going to talk about a recent change that I brought about in my life.
I am pursuing a 4-year diploma in hotel management. It’s is a full-time course which includes a lot of lectures and practical work. Spending long hours in college, part-time work, and project work in the library, not to mention other responsibilities – all of them started taking their toll on me. I became stressed, sleep deprived and cranky. I was generally frustrated, short-tempered and unhappy.

My friends posed an intervention and told me they were worried for me, this statement really awakened me. I thought I could handle the stress but seeing them suffer the side effects of my workaholism, I decided to do something about it.

I joined yoga classes in the morning. Initially, I felt that this might be a waste of time but I was proven wrong when my classmates said I looked happier and refreshed. I myself noticed a change in my aura and productivity.

This change redefined my outlook on things, I noticed that little things do in fact matter. In today’s fast-paced world, we have forgotten the true essence of life. We should keep on making small experimental changes in our life. They give it a splash of colour. All in all, this change had a positive impact on me and my loved ones. I will definitely continue to do yoga no matter where I go.

Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

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IELTS Speaking Test # Skill, you have learned successfully

IELTS Speaking Test
The speaking test in IELTS consists of three parts.
Duration 11-14 minutes
One examiner + one candidate
Part 1 (4-5 minutes): The examiner asks a number of questions about familiar topics such as the candidate’s studies/work, hobbies, interests etc. Normally 8-9 questions are asked in this part.
Part 2 (3-4 minutes): The examiner gives you a topic to talk about. The topic is written down and includes some bullet points to guide you. After a minute’s preparation, the candidate speaks for two minutes on the topic provided by the examiner.
Part 3 (5-6 minutes): The examiner and the candidate discuss some general questions based on the theme of the Part 2 topic.
In this post I will focus on Part 2 and Part 3.

Part2 Cue Card

Describe a skill (for example, driving, speed reading etc.) you have learned successfully
You should say:

  • What skill you have learned?
  • Why you learned it?
  • Who helped you learn it?

and explain what helped you to become good at the skill.

Sample Answer

Skills play a defining role in our life. They make us more efficient and productive. Today, I am going to talk about a skill that I learnt successfully.
Two years ago, I learnt how to drive a car. I live in the countryside and my workplace is about 20 km away from my home. When I started working, either my father or my sister used to drop and pick me up at the office every day. But, after a while, this daily duty became an unnecessary burden for them as they have their own jobs. In general, I am a confident person but this dependency on others affected my self-esteem. So, I immediately decided to take driving lessons.
There is a well-known driving school near my home. I contacted the school and took two months’ training. The trainer was very friendly. He always gave clear instructions and prepared me really well for the driving test. Later, I successfully passed the driving test and obtained my driving license.
Driving is a skill which takes a lot of time to master. But, once you overcome the fear of driving on crowded roads, it gives you immense satisfaction and pleasure. The same thing applies to me. To improve my car driving skills, I drove daily to my office and to other nearby locations. I used to make mistakes at the beginning but I always took a note of them and tried not to repeat them.
In short, my commitment, perseverance and dedication helped me become a skilled driver.

Part2 Part 3 Follow-up questions

Skills and everyday life
Q. 1 Can you compare the skills that are important nowadays with the skills that were important 20 or 30 years ago?
Sample answer: Twenty/thirty years ago, traditional skills like weaving, knitting, sewing and earthenware pottery making were an integral part of people’s lives. But, nowadays, computer, management, language, and data analysis skills are given more importance.
Q. 2 What skills are valued most in your country?
Sample answer: My country is a developing nation and there are many sectors such as banking, manufacturing, information technology and tourism etc. In almost every sector, basic computer skills and communication skills are of utmost significance.
Q. 3 What kind of skills might be important in the future?
Sample answer: This is an interesting question. Considering the amount of data generated every day, I think that in the future the demand for research and data analysis skills will rise considerably.
Skills and training
Q. 4 What qualities does a good trainer need to have?
Sample answer: In my opinion, a professional trainer should have a wide range of skills. Firstly, he/she should possess an in-depth knowledge of his field. Secondly, he/she must be friendly, punctual and impartial. Thirdly and most importantly, he/she should lead by example.
Q. 5 Why should companies invest a lot of money in training?
Sample answer: Training programs are vital for the growth of a company. A company with the trained staff is more likely to outperform its competitors. Regular training sessions upgrade the knowledge and skills of employees which in turn leads to higher productivity and profitability. For this reason, many companies spend a major part of their annual budget on different types of trainings.
Q. 6 Do you think schools and universities prepare young people well for the future employment?
Sample answer: Not really. I think that secondary schools and universities in most parts of the world focus too much on conventional academic subjects like mathematics, science and history etc. Professional skills are often neglected. This imbalance between theoretical and practical knowledge has a negative impact on the future job prospects of young people.

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