Describe an occasion when you got up early in the morning

  • When did you get up early
  • Why you got up early
  • What did you do?

And how you felt about it.

IELTS Speaking latest cue card 2020.Describe an occasion when you got up early in the morning. When did you get up early?


There is no doubt that getting up early in the morning is always a good idea. Since ages it has been advocated that getting up early is good for our health. I too try to get up early in the morning so that I can utilise my time in the morning by doing some physical exercise. Due to my hectic work schedule I do not get enough time for physical activities throughout the day.

If I recall a time when I had to wake up extremely early in the morning, it was when I was supposed to board my first flight. I was travelling from Mumbai to Delhi and I had to take early morning 7 am flight to reach Delhi to attend a seminar which was scheduled to begin at 10 am and I didn’t want to get late. So I decided to take a morning flight to reach there on time.

I asked my Mom to wake me up and I also set an alarm for 3 am so that I could leave my house well in time. As it was my first journey by air I was extremely excited and kept visualising my trip while I lay in bed.

When my alarm rang in the morning, it was very hard for me to wake up but then I forced myself and got up. I quickly got ready, had my breakfast and by 4 am I was on my way to the airport with my father in his car. We left early as we didn’t want to get stuck in the traffic jam, which is a usual sight on the road to the airport.

I reached the airport at around 5 am, passed through security and boarded the plane, excited and happy to start my first plane journey.

Ever since, I decided to be an early riser. And nowadays my profession also demands me to get up early in the morning.

Hectic full of activity
Visualising to form a picture of someone or something in your mind.

Another Similar Cue Card

Describe a time when you got up early.

  • When was it and where?
  • Why did you get up early?
  • What did you do then?

And how did you feel then?


People generally follow a discipline in their lives regarding day to day activities. For instance, most of the people have their almost fixed schedule for waking, going to office and returning, evening walks or exercises and finally going to sleep at the end of the day. This routine, over a period of time, turns into an inseparable habit and one sticks to it necessarily. On the same pattern, we can generalize that youngsters usually have a habit of sleeping and waking up in the late hours and I am no exception here. Almost every night, I sleep around midnight hours and wake up around 8 in the morning. But, there was one-time period, which I can recall vividly, when I used to wake up at 3 am in the morning. It was, when I had a three-day stay with my parents in an Ashram in Hardwar.

Ashram had its own regulations and code of conduct. Whoever used to stay there, for spiritual reasons only, had had to attend the early morning rituals and needed to pay offerings to the fire god. Even though there was no punishment ascribed for the absence, but the spirituality factor itself was the primary motivation for my parents, who then enjoined me to be a part of the morning ceremony.

After waking up, we had to make up our beds first and then we needed to take ablution in cold Ganges water. Thereafter, we had to adorn the particular clothing provided by ashram and stand in the queue, waiting for our turn to sit around fire pits and pay offerings.

Well, since I was habituated to wake up late, therefore it was a painstaking task for me for the first two days. My father used to switch on the lights and started hymning bhajans which automatically made me awake, although with a little irritation. But, once I became the part of that community consciousness in the rituals and ceremonies, I used to feel a very pleasant divine feeling. Meditative practices and postures, followed afterwards, dispersed waves of tranquillity in those crimson lights of the early dawn. I, then felt the importance of the morning calm and woke up voluntarily on the third and final day.


Word Meaning
Enjoin instruct, urge: Schools were enjoined to conduct online classes in Covid.
Ablution holy bath: Hindus perform ablution before worship.
Tranquility peace, calmness: Meditation helps in keeping mind tranquil.
Crimson deep red: Milk turns crimson if heated for longer periods.
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 Why do people wake up early?

Sample answer: Manyatimes, people wake up early to take up their personal chores in the morning hours. For instance, morning hours are considered suitable for exercises and religious prayers. Similarly, those who have to commute long distance to offices, also wake up early to reach on time.

Q. 2 What are the benefits of waking up early?

Sample answer: With less vehicular congestion and limited polluting avenues in the morning, it is beneficial to perform physical exercises in the early hours. Apart from that, morning hours give us ample of time to be prepared for the forthcoming events during the day time. We can utilize these extra hours to clear the backlogs, if any, and do the necessary arrangements for the day. It is also believed that morning study enables quick learning and better retention of the texts, therefore it is favourable time for students too.

Q. 3 Why do children and youngsters generally wake up late?

Sample answer: Lack of responsibility and absence of active job are the crucial reasons due to which youngsters spend a lot of time on entertainment and other activities in the night. Also, it is a common trend, nowadays, for the students to study late in the night and wake up early. Although, those who are involved in the sports activities possess the habit of waking up early.

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IELTS Speaking Cue Card: A special cake you had

IELTS Speaking Cue Card: A special cake you had

Describe a special cake you had

  • What kind of cake it was?
  • When you ate the cake?
  • Who you ate the cake with?
  • And explain why you think this cake was special.

IELTS Speaking latest Cue Card Describe a special cake you had what kind of cake it was and explain why you think this cake was special

Sample answer

I do tend to have a bit of a sweet tooth and it just so happens that cakes are my all-time favourite treats. Today, I’ll talk about an absolutely delicious cake that I had some time back.

Last week I went to Mussorie with my family. Naturally the journey from Delhi to Mussorie was quite long and it left us exhausted. So, we decided to go to a cafe for refreshments. After strolling about and absorbing the general atmosphere, we came across a cafe named Lovely Loaves. It seemed to be quite an old cafe. We went inside. It was a quiet place with a certain antique charm. Their menu offered a wide range of coffees, sandwiches and other sweet assortments. I ordered a cappuccino with a slice of mixed fruit cake to the side. My parents chose to order sandwiches.

At first glance, the cake was lovingly decorated with almonds, cashews and hazelnuts, it had some sort of brown sugar powder sprinkled on the frosting. From the side, you could see the cream filling and the little fruit pieces. Every savoury little bite was infused with the rich warm flavour of fresh fruits, filled with fluffy vanilla sponging. The treat was sinfully divine, in fact I adored it so much I asked for another piece. My parents too each took a forkful from the gourmet treat. They loved it as well and were inclined to order one of their own too.

I felt that that cake was special and that it had a certain warmth to it, a quality which is not found in many things nowadays. The love which it was made with, made sure that the quantity and quality of each ingredient was just-right. From the crumbly flakiness of the sponge to the blissful sweetness in the drizzled frosting, the cake was and will be one of the best things I have ever eaten. When I go back to visit Mussorie, I will without a doubt revisit Lovely Loaves.

Another Similar Cue Card

Describe a special cake you received from others.

  • When did you get it?
  • Who gave you, where and why?
  • What made it special?

And how did you feel?


Cakes are usually presented on special occasions as a token of dessert, for wishing good and healthy for someone. They are specially ordered from the bakeries as per their appearances, sizes and tastes. I used to get cakes mostly, on my birthdays, till, when I was a young boy. On my 10th birthday, I received a special cake from my parents.

Although, it was presented jointly by my parents but later my father informed me that it was my mother’s exclusive choice. I was surprised to see the size and outlay design of the cake. It was a 3 storeyed chocolate and vanilla cake with my favourite cartoon star impostered on the top of it. My 10th birthday was celebrated in a famous hotel of our city. It was there, that I received my birthday cake as a beautiful present, after all the guests arrived. Usually I used to get a normal sized chocolate cake on my birthdays, but my mother told me that it was special this time because I had entered the double digit zone of my age. This transition made it commemorative, to be occasioned with the special cake.

The very outlook, the way it was designed, with my favourite star standing tall on it, gave it a dazzling view. I was oblivious of this this special gift, therefore, I screamed out of joy and surprise as soon it appeared in front of me. I felt like wrestling with my hero on the cake, there and then. I just kept on looking at it in bewilderment, till I finally cut it in pieces. Delicious chocolate and vanilla turned it into a mouth-watering treat. That night, I even saw that magnanimous cake in my dreams.

Word Meaning
Commemorate remember, celebrate: Gandhiji’s birth anniversary is commemorated on 2nd oct every year.
 Dazzling eye catching: I wore a dazzling suite on my brother’s wedding.
 Bewilderment great surprise: I was bewildered to know about the size of ancient mammoth.
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 Why do you think cake is presented on special occasions?

Sample answer: It was a trend that was set by Britishers in colonial India. It is not a native dish of India and was introduced by them. Later, Indian bakeries flourished and we started making our own cakes. The sophistication involved in baking and the sweet fluffy texture of a cake make it an ideal choice for desserts on any special occasion.

Q. 2 Do children miss something on their birthdays in the absence of a cake?

Sample answer: Yes, Indeed. Cake is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of celebrating a birthday. Candles are placed and lit on this special platform, which are then extinguished by celebratory puff of the birthday boy. So, cake, in a sense occupies the centre stage on this occasion. Therefore, children will definitely complain and miss this treat, if it is absent on their birthdays.

Q. 3 On what other occasions do you take something special to eat?

Sample answer: Well, we, the family, makes it a point to visit a good restaurant on our birthdays and anniversaries. Apart from that, whenever I feel the special appetite of eating something delicious, I request my mother and she will prepare those dishes for me. Sometimes, we visit the restaurants even on weekends, to have a fun outing and tasty food.

Q. 4 Do you consider eating outside a healthy habit?

Sample answer: No, not at all. Outside, in stalls, restaurants or even in hotels, the quality of food prepared is not up to the mark, considering its nutritious and healthy indices. Oil, flour, sugar and so many other ingredients used in food are of genuine brands at home but one cannot verify them at an eatery outside. Eating outside on a regular basis, especially the fast junk foods, can bring a detrimental effect on our health.

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IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
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IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Rule in School

Often growing up we do get nostalgic about school, miss our school days. The fights, teachers and our friends. We do get reminded of our lively days. This time we are looking at a sample IELTS answer that takes us back to our school and reminds us of the rules that we used to have in our schools. The different reactions to the rule in school and your take on the one that you disagreed with.
You have 1 minute to prepare notes.

Describe a rule formed in your school that you agree/disagree with. You should say :

  • What was the rule?
  • For whom was the rule applicable?
  • Why did you not like the rule?

Also, explain how do you think the same thing could have been achieved without the rule.

Cue Card school rule

Fig: IELTS Cue Card school rule


Schools have always been the institution of teaching discipline and hard work and mine was the epitome of it. I studied in a convent school and there were many rules which we had to adhere to. But, after a change in our principal, a new rule was established which stated that any student who is late for school would not be allowed to attend the first three classes. On looking back at the rule, I can understand the reason for its severity. Students would have surely and they did avoided being late.

However, during that time, when the rule was beginning to apply, there was a lot of hustle and bustle in the school. Many students of the primary classes on getting late had to stand outside and wait for the first three lectures to complete. There were even cases when the children who got late were bullied and I can clearly remember one case. A child of fourth grade was late and when he reached the class, he was teased by his peers for a week. It led to his health deteriorating and his parents had to complain.

On the other side, many formed friendships with their late comers and so they came purposely late.

The intentions of the rule, in my opinion, were good but could have been implemented other wise. Students getting late could have been recorded and actions taken on them for being late for three consecutive days. In this way, we could have avoided the bullying and the extreme laziness which the rule brought along.


epitome – a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.

adhere – believe in and follow the practices of.

hustle and bustle –  A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding.

bullied – use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.

deteriorating – become progressively worse.

intentions – a thing intended; an aim or plan.

Another Similar Cue Card

Speak about a rule that you don’t like.

  • What is/was that rule?
  • When and Where do/did you follow it?
  • Why don’t/didn’t you like this rule?

And do/did other people like the rule? Why?


Rules are the formal manners of the Norms and Mores, which are prevalent in every culture and society, all over the globe. They are considered to be essential in maintaining order and stability in a society, for bringing the suitable organization within behaviour of the people. Rules generally attract punishments in case of their violation, therefore they have this inherent nature of compliance for the people. I used to study in a boarding school and boarding school is usually stuffed with the rules to impose right discipline in students. Although we had a strict schedule for everyday, which we had to adhere to, but there was this, one fundamental rule for our sports, which I used to detest a lot. It was to follow and play only a one particular game throughout your schooling.

Well, every new entrant in our school had to choose one particular game out of the many. Thereafter, he needed to build his skills and proficiencies in that game only, playing every day for 3 hours at least. I chose hockey when I joined and I started enjoying it too. But sometimes, after hearing about the popular shots or kicks in cricket or football, or sometimes, due to the feel of jumping in the swimming pool in scorching heat of summers; I thought of changing my game. But, it was a rule to stick to just one game. And, even if you spot out your reasonable reasons in front of the coaches, it used to be such a tedious process of applications, and finally, after that only a few used to have that privilege of changing the game and those too, with another stricter unmodifiable rule of never being allowed to change the game twice. So, many students used to drop the idea of changing the game, even for the first time.

Yes, there were a few chaps who used to stick to one game with interest. Actually, like every rule, this rule had the benefits of properly honing your skills at one proficiency; and it was reasonable too, that by playing one game for your schooling years, one becomes a player who can bring laurels for the school in sports championships. And later too, that sports talent can reap great benefits in one’s career. Therefore, many students used to like the imposingness posed by that specific rule.

(233 words)

Word Meaning
Scorching harsh: Military personnel undergo a scorching physical training session.
Tedious tiresome: For older people, solving puzzles is a tedious process, which is fun for kids.
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 Do you like rules, in general? State the reason too.

Sample answer: Well, I may not like all the rules out there but I know that they are there for the good only. For instance, I like riding a bike without helmet with winds soaring through my head, but the rule instructs us to always wear a helmet while driving. Now, this rule, even if I don’t like it, is for my good only.

Q. 2 Do you consider that some existing rules are irrational? Why?

Sample answer: Yes, I do consider that some rules are totally illogical and irrational. For instance, on the same example we discussed in the last answer, about helmets. Sikhs in our country are allowed to drive without helmet. That is understandable, considering the massive size of their turbans. But imagine, just out of charity, this privilege was extended to their women too, as it looks odd that husband is driving without helmet while wife is sitting along with a helmet over her head. For the sake of this odd look, we gave this relaxation to Sikh women, compromising on our safety and security. Similarly, there are other such instances too, which can be easily observed in our day to day lives.

Q. 3 Do you think the necessity of rules for children too?

Sample answer: See, we need to look at it from a different perspective in case of children. I think they need to be taught about rules by their parents and teachers as well. Children are full of innocence, imposition of rules on them will come with a heavy burden. Rather, they should be taught about the fundamentals of civic life and the requirements of discipline and rules in it. One should walk on the left of the road, is one such thing ,which we can teach to a child and which later on becomes a traffic rule for him, when he grows adult.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur

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Cue card: A foreign city you would like to visit

IELTS Speaking Cue card # A foreign city you would like to visit

Describe a foreign city you would like to visit
You should say:

  • Its name.
  • How and when you would go there?
  • Who you would go with?

and explain why you would like to visit this city.

Sample Answer

I love traveling and exploring new places. Today, I’m going to talk about a foreign city I wish to visit. It’s London, the capital of United Kingdom.  Since London is about 7000 km from my hometown, the only viable modes of transport to reach there are water and air. If I were to choose between these two modes, I’d prefer a flight because it’ll take less time as compared to a cruise. From safety and economic points of view as well, I think going by air is definitely the better option.

Talking about the time when I’ll go to London, I haven’t yet decided, maybe in summer this year. I don’t know who I’d take with me but it would probably be some people that are close to me, I feel that visiting a new place is more fun if you’re with your family or friends. I’ll have a word with my parents and friends, whoever wants to come with me is welcome.

Coming to the many reasons why I want to visit London, I guess the main reason would be my fascination with history and art. You see, London is one of the oldest multicultural cities in the world. I’ve read about the changes which transformed this city into a center of history, art, business, and education through many of its conquests of the world. And thus, London is home to world-class museums and art galleries, all having a different and unique story behind them.

Other than that London also happens to have the oldest underground railway system in the world. To visit the most popular tourist attractions of London has been on my bucket list for a long time. These include the London Bridge, National Art Gallery, and the British Museum. I’ve heard that the bakeries in London are some of the best out there. I’d love to see what they have to offer.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur

email: info at

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