IELTS speaking task Cue card # Describe a book that influenced you?

IELTS speaking task Cue card

Describe a book that influenced you?

  • What that book was?
  • How you first heard of the book?
  • What is the main story of the book?
  • Why this book is important?


The book /novel that had a major impact and developed my interest in reading is ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte. It was published in 1840s, (1847 to be precise).Though many readers thought of it as a disturbing and a novel full of contradictions, I personally enjoyed every detail of it.

There’s a popular saying that there’s no friend as loyal as a book. Being a person of impatient and restless nature, I had the habit of not completing any book I started reading. It was when a teacher of mine recommended us to read the ‘Wuthering Heights’ while she was discussing about the Bronte sisters and Jane Eyre at a seminar.

The book is about a powerful love story of Heathcliff and Catherine, but it is very different from a typical love story as it follows the self-destructive way of Heathcliff and his vengeful nature due to his unrequited love for Catherine. The subject of revenge, envy, gender inequality clashes between social classes predominate the book. The novel also incorporates gothic and supernatural elements like the appearances of ghosts. Moreover, physical violence and abuse are also present in most part of this book.

The reason why ‘Wuthering Heights’ plays such a significant role in my life is that firstly, it is written by a female writer during those days when it was considered unethical for a woman to pen down her thoughts especially when the novel is autobiographical. Secondly, after reading this book my perspective towards English literature changed completely and I developed a keen interest in reading as well.


  1. ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ was written by Robin Sharma in the late 1990s. It is a quite popular book among the youth of my country (India). In this book the author talks about different methods of achieving success in one’s life. It includes- cultivating one’s thoughts, being clear about one’s purpose in life, facing one’s fear, discipline and time management as a key to success. In the book, the author sells his mansion and Ferrari in order to head to the Himalayas to attain wisdom and knowledge.
  2. I Have A Dream’ is another Indian book authored by Rashmi Bansal in which the author illustrates the lives of twenty people who were social entrepreneurs. These people aimed to bring contentment and happiness in other’s lives. These social workers worked for the betterment of our society. It also shows that individual has the capacity to take up an issue and make this world a finer place to live in and highlights the power of determination.


  • CONTRADICTIONS– a combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another.
  • VENGEFUL– seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.
  • UNETHICAL– not morally correct.
  • UNREQUITED– (for a feeling, especially love) not returned.

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IELTS Cue Card # Describe a happy day you would like to have.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card

Describe a happy day you would like to have

  • Why would it be a happy day?
  • What are you going to do on that day?
  • With whom will you spend it?

And explain how you’ll feel about it

IELTS Cue Card # Describe a happy day you would like to have. Best IELTS Band7 coaching in dehradun


As I belong to an Indian village, there are many amenities that lack in the rural areas of my country. There is a high mortality rate due to insufficient health care facilities. Last year, I witnessed a close relative pass away in front of me while giving birth. It was extremely heart breaking for me and my family and I took a decision to set up adequate and low-cost health care facilities in my village. And the day I will be successful with my scheme, it would be a special day in my life.

I would like to bring free of cost health checkups and basic medical resources so that people of my village do not have to face the loss of their loved ones due to financial problem or lack of amenities. I would also like to train locals to conduct deliveries and care for new- born at low cost.

It’s my dream to introduce trained doctors in my village and get the hospital inaugurated by my family members. This would make not only my family but the fellow villagers proud and relieved of problems they face due to the absence of professional assistance.

The feeling of doing something for your loved ones is indescribable. The people in my village are too innocent and gullible. Due to which many cunning doctors and medical staff try to trick them by taking advantage of their illiteracy. I would feel contended if they are provided with the right information and assistance regarding their illness and they’re not misled by anyone.

(258 words)

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IELTS Cue Card # A leisure activity you have done with your family

IELTS Speaking Task # Cue Card

A leisure activity you have done with your family.

  • Who was there?
  • When and where did you do it?
  • What was it about?

And explain how you enjoy it.

IELTS Cue Card # A leisure activity you have done with your family. Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun


Spending Sundays together has always been a tradition in my family. We engross ourselves in different leisure activities like playing card, going out for a picnic or watching a movie together. But last month, we thought of trying something different. My mother planned to bake a cake for an evening get together, on the occasion of my grandfather’s birthday. The only condition was that every member of the family has to contribute.

As we’d decided to bake a cake, all my family member including my mother, father and brother were assembled in the kitchen. As none of us knew the recipe of a chocolate cake, my mother assigned tasks to everyone.

As I told earlier, the main reason behind baking a cake was my grandfather’s 70th birthday. And it was a small surprise since he always favored family bonding and learning new skills collectively. So we initiated and I made the batter of the cake. My brother was given the responsibility to make the icing and decorate the cake whereas my father had to do the dishes. My mother acted as a supervisor.

Though the cake did not turn out to be that great, it was an enjoyable activity. We sang songs, recalled old memories and cherished the time with my family. On the whole, it was a wonderful experience and I look forward to spending more relaxing time with my close ones.

(233 words)

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IELTS CUE CARD: Talk about something important you lost in the past

Talk about something important you lost in the past
You should say:

  • What you lost?
  • How you lost it?
  • Where you lost it?
  • And explain how you felt about it?


Sample Answer:

Life has all sorts of surprises for us which we keep getting from time to time. We find some of them overwhelming while some others make us sad and distressed. Today, I’ll like to talk about a mobile phone which I lost. I still remember that evening very well although it happened around ten years back.

I had gone to a local market that day to get some stationary for my upcoming exams. I stood on the counter and told the salesman to show me some gel pens and writing boards. I had my phone in my hand as I entered the shop but kept it on the counter to have a look at the stuff lying in front of me. In the mean time, a middle aged man also came there and asked for something. Then, he left in five minutes or so without purchasing anything. I didn’t sense anything at that time, I bought whatever I needed and paid the shopkeeper his due amount.

As I was about to leave, I just remembered to pick up my phone. All hell broke loose when my mobile was nowhere to be found. I searched all over the counter and even on the floor. The salesman told me that the man who entered the shop and left abruptly must be the thief. We tried to locate him on the street but he seemed to have vanished in the by lanes.

I just can’t explain that feeling when I lost something so dear to me. Certainly, I was shocked beyond words as right in front of my eyes someone took away my phone while I remained oblivion. Also, I was worried because all my contact numbers and other important details were in there. Then, I filed an FIR in the nearest police station and also called up my service provider to lock my SIM card.
This experience has made me more careful of my belongings and now I try to keep my phone as securely as possible.

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