CUE CARD – Describe a place you went to that was very crowded

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a place you went to that was very crowded


You should say:

    • Where the place was?
    • When you visited there?
    • What you saw there?
    • And say how you felt about the place?
Sample Answer

Well, I am born and brought up in India, which is one of the world’s highest populated countries of the world. But, today I would like to talk about a time when I went to Sarojini market with my best friend Jharna, in Delhi. It is one of the most crowded places that I have visited so far. I went there to do some shopping for my sister’s wedding, which was supposed to be in the next month. I went around in multiple stores and shops to look for different options in clothing and the price was quite affordable. They had first copy of all the brands like Sabyasachi, Manish Malhotra, Madame, and many more.

Moreover, there was hoard of people gathered around at different places in the market, while the shopkeepers were yelling across the streets in order to sell their products and attract customers. Even though the market was highly congested, people were still interested in shopping from the place. One of the reasons could be that since, it was a wedding season, people came from across different corners of the nation to shop.

Word Meaning Sentence
Solitude seclusion I like to spend time in solitude.
Introspection self analysis Self introspection is a  skill that one must master at.
Vital important Oxygen is vital for our survival

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a place you went to that was very crowded.’

Q1.Is there a completely quiet place?

Definitely, there are few places which are situated in the calmness of the nature. Generally, these places are not in the main cities, but are on the outskirts of the city. For instance, Nainital is one of the most quite places where tourists visit to spend some time amidst the nature.

Q2.Do you like to go to places which are very crowded?

That is a great question. I strongly avoid going to places that are crowded because I feel claustrophobic and tired as well, as there is so much chaos everywhere and people are randomly shouting at each other followed by honking of the cars.

Q3.Why is it important for people to be alone sometime?

It is vital for individuals to have some alone time, as when they are alone, they get time for self-introspection. They can actually think about things that make them happy or sad, mistakes they made throughout the day and possible ways to improve those mistakes. Thus, it is really important to spend some time alone in solitude.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



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Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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CUE CARD – Describe a popular/well-known person in your country

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a popular/ well-known person in your country.

You should say:

    • Who this person is?
    • What he/ she has done?
    • Why he/ she is popular?
    • And explain how you feel about this person?
Sample Answer

There are innumerable famous personalities in this world in every field. But, today I would like to talk about a globally popular megastar, Shahrukh Khan. He is a famous actor not just within the boundaries of India, but also across the globe. Today, he has millions of people who look up to him as a role model and inspiration.

He is worldwide known for his immaculate acting skills and his ability to help the poor and needy by donating millions to the charity and non-governmental organisations. He came from a very poor family as the financial conditions were not very supportive in initial years of his studies, let alone his acting career. Even though he was really good at his studies, he chose to pursue his life- long childhood dream of becoming an actor. He started his acting career from theatre, from where he went on to do some supportive roles in the then television channel, DD national. From there it was an endless journey of tonnes of hard-work and dedication. From being an absolute nobody to becoming a renowned superstar, he has come a long way in his life. Every day, he wakes up to thousands of his fans, from across the country who just wait to get his one glimpse. He has successfully managed to give India one of the most iconic acting career in her acting history.

Whenever, his films are released, people go crazy to watch him in the cinemas. Thus, the tickets would be out within just few hours of the release. Due to his magnificent acting potential and immense contribution to charities, he has been awarded with a huge number of awards, both nationally and internationally.

I genuinely feel that he is a very down to earth person and humble in nature. He walks out with a charismatic aura which is not the case with other Bollywood actors. I respect him as a person and follow his social media accounts in instagram, facebook and twitter. He is one of the greatest actors on the history of Indian cinema, and his work will remain unforgettable.

Overall, this was a popular person in my country.

Word Meaning Sentence
Immaculate flawless He has an
immaculate personality.
Reckon believe I strongly reckon
she is not coming to the party.
Iconic legendary She is iconic.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a popular/ well-known person in your country.

Q1.How do people become famous?

Nowadays, people who have talent can become famous by showcasing it through various social networking platforms like, Instagram reels, youtube shorts and facebook. Moreover, there are many television programmes which conduct online auditions for gathering gifted individuals from the remote corners of the country. Thus, this is how people can become popular nowadays.

Q2.What qualities do famous people have in common?

In my opinion, famous personalities have a lot of qualities in common, such as, compassion and kindness towards everyone else. Apart from that, they also have a positive outlook on situations that may seem difficult to deal with. Moreover, respect for each and every individual is something they possess. Therefore, these are some of the qualities that famous people have in common.

Q3.What are the good points about being famous?

Well, I was not expecting that question. I reckon that there are abundant good points about being famous. First and foremost , the name and fame which is the key to the luxurious lifestyle that they own. Secondly, the love and respect that people shower on them keeps them motivated in their life. Thus, these are some of the good points of getting famous.

Q4.Are there any disadvantages of being famous?

Yes, just like the two sides of the same coin, being famous has its own demerits as well. Primarily, the invasion of privacy is something which they go through a lot in their everyday life. Due to being famous, they cannot enjoy their life like a common man. Moreover, people tend to put them on a pedestal and impose the blame for everything wrong that is going on around the world. So, these are some of the disadvantages of being famous.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
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Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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CUE CARD – Describe a thing you did and succeeded

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a thing you did and succeeded.
You should say:

    • What it was ?
    • How did you complete it ?
    • Why it was difficult ?
    • And how you felt about doing it ?
Sample Answer

Well, I have always been someone who loves to take up new challenges in life, as I love to test my limits. Today, I would like to talk about one such strenuous task that I did and succeeded. It was the Combined Defence services examination which is conducted by UPSC twice every year. I started a year ago with my preparations, and it was a really time taking and tiring process, as the syllabus covers almost all the domains, which included Science, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Current Affairs, and English, followed by the preparation of a five days SSB interview, where the candidates’ personality is judged from inside out, and lastly, a medical examination.

I completed it, because I started quite early with my preparations, as I was aware beforehand with the vast curriculum that I needed to cover and revise before the actual exam dates were out. I carefully devised a plan by dividing my whole preparation into three phases – written, interview and medical. Firstly, I started with my written part by strategically dividing my time that I would be giving for each module, and prioritized the weaker topics which required more time and attention. Furthermore, I was really consistent with my studies, and used to attempt mock tests and do weekly revision, wherein, I would cover all that I had learned throughout the week. I was successfully able to get done with the written preparation in about eight months, and then I prepared for the interview for around a month. In the remaining three months, I did a full-fledged revision of the whole syllabus.

Finally, the big day arrived, when the results came out and I was on cloud nine. Seeing my name in the final merit list, my parents got quite emotional, for it was a whole lot of efforts that I had put into this examination and I could finally see myself as a commissioned officer in the Indian Armed forces. It was something which I manifested ever since I was a child, and finally, my dream came true.

Overall, this was a thing I did and succeeded.

 Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about.

Q1.What kinds of jobs require people to be confident ?

Well, it is an interesting question. In my opinion, all kinds of professions demand confidence, especially the teaching sector, where the trainer should not only be really good with the concepts, but also be confident enough to present them clearly to the students.

Q2.On what occasions should children be encouraged? How?

I strongly believe that children should be encouraged on special occasions like, sports event, Olympiads, competitions and many more. Moreover, teachers and parents should motivate children every time they are stuck in some difficult situation.

Q3. How do you help children stay focused ?

Nowadays, there are a myriad of things that we can do, in order to keep children focussed. First and foremost, I regularly ask children to actively participate in yoga and meditation practices, as it helps in developing the concentration abilities, resulting in better output.

Furthermore, I actively allow children to engage themselves into as many hobbies or interests as they can, for it helps them to stay busy and focused. Healthy eating habits should be inculcated in order to enhance concentration at studies.

Q4.What challenges do young people face today?

Youngsters nowadays face a lot of challenges. Primarily, the identity crisis, as the youth today does not want to follow in someone’s footsteps, but rather wish to create his/ her own identity in the society. They do not want to take up pre- designed roles or be told what they are capable of. Another major challenge that young people nowadays suffer from is dealing with the growing cut throat competition, which they all have become a part of, knowingly or unknowingly, followed by unresolved personal issues, the burden of which they have been carrying ever since.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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CUE CARD – Describe an interesting song

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an interesting song
You should say:

    • Who the song is ?
    • What story does the song tell ? / What it is about ?
    • Whether the song is popular ?
    • And, explain why you think it is interesting ?
Sample Answer

Music is one of the most beautiful forms of art, and I listen to it whenever I am feeling the blues. Today, I am going to talk about a motivational song that I love listening to, whenever I am thrown by failures in life. The song’s name is believers, by the worldwide famous band Imagine Dragons.

The song really helps me get through the impossible days when it is really hard for me to get out of bed and kick off my day. It gives a very inspirational message about the failures of life and urges one to push one’s limits and go beyond them. It empowers me to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and keeps me going even at my worst. It put forth the never give up attitude in life even when everything appears to be the end of the world.

The song is quite popular across the globe and definitely forms a part of every individual’s playlist, especially the young blood. Like many other youngsters, I also listen to this song to work my way out through the hurtful days of life. Thanks to one of my close friends Niya, who suggested I listen to this song when I was going through some personal mid-life crisis. I was emotionally tormented by the loss of a family member and felt emotionally drained and mentally exhausted. At the time I also was not able to cope with the work and thus, my work-life balance was not very good as there was a lot on my plate. It was at that time, that I started listening to this song and overcame my demons. This song is meaningful in a lot of ways, as it is inspired by the band’s own personal struggles that they went through before actually gaining popularity in the mainstream.

Thus, this is a song that I found particularly interesting.

 Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about.

Q1. Why are many music competitions popular in India ?

There is a myriad of music competitions that are widely popular as they are really enjoyed by people from across the remotest corners of the country. Singing shows such as the Voice, Indian idol, and Voice Global are some of the very popular music competitions that people like to watch. It is because of these public platforms that a lot of talented individuals are getting an opportunity to display their singing talent.

Q2. What kinds of music do young people like ?

I think young people like listening to a lot of pop and hip-hop music followed by some rap music as well, which is slowly taking over the music industry. Young bloods these days want to listen to something they can relate to and not something that is superficial and fake. Thus, these are the kinds of songs that young people like listening to.

Q3. What kinds of people like to listen to traditional music?

I believe with the advent of western music, we have somehow managed to suppress our traditional music forms, and thus, a very handful of individuals enjoy traditional songs and these are generally the locals of a particular community who are true to their roots and promote their traditional music.

Q4. Why do you think old people like old songs ?

I believe that old person like old songs because they do not relate to the songs that are presently in trend. Moreover, the old songs remind them of their era and their time when life was supposed to be very simple, unlike the modern competitive world. The old songs have slow beats and are full of life with a deep sense of meaning to it. They feel very connected to it. Therefore, old people like to listen to old songs.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
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