IELTS Essay Sample Questions # New Technologies

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Due to the new technologies and the internet radio is going to disappear in a few years. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


We have made a rapid advancement in the field of technology and managed to even surpass our own expectations. Gone are the days when pigeons were used for communication. Mobile phones and the internet are the new dimensions of our space and time. While new technologies are heading towards us with a jet speed, the old ones are disappearing even faster.

Just after its invention, the radio was used primarily for communication in the armies and the navies. However, in recent times, radio is being used in wireless technology like mobile communication etc. We are at a time when the internet has made information easily accessible. From news to songs, one can easily get whatever they like on the internet in an instant. Whereas, they have to wait if they want to hear something on the radio.

Although the internet provides everything instantaneously, there is much more fun in listening to the RJ in the local language, giving news and other fun talks. There is a personal connection while talking with the RJ and explaining problems. And then, there is always a surprise element. Radio is also the best thing you can turn on sitting in your car.

Overall, in my opinion, even though various new technologies have taken over, radio is still a very tough contender and will take a long time to become dormant. People in this fast paced life often look out for personal connect, which radio provides.


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IELTS Essay Sample Questions # Globally English

IELTS Essay Sample Questions Task: Globally English

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.


The advantage provided by English as a global language will continue to outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should write at least 250 words.


The world has shrunk to a button in the 21st century, where almost everything is possible just by the click of that button. With the world coming closer and communicating together, globally English has emerged as a global language. With this emergence, there are many who believe that it has left a lot of cultures in a hay stray while others believe it brings more opportunities for every individual. In my opinion, the presence of a global language will always bring more benefits than having multiple of them.

English is in present, the primarily spoken language in most parts of the world, as a result of either colonization or their own dialect. All the countries that have been part of colonization have now in their culture an ingrained touch of English. This makes English the first choice in case of Global language. Even more, the big market players in the present society are mostly people from English states. For example, Google, Facebook, Canon, Apple, and many others. Having English as the Global Language allows people to interact with a bigger set of organization and expand their networking.

However, making English a Global Language has impacted various of cultures across the world. There are many local languages that are dying because people have stopped speaking them altogether. With the language gone, there are fewer chances of the culture being present. With this, we are all moving towards the existence of just one culture, which probably will end up making life boring for all. Even more, with competition, people often look at those who cannot speak English in a low light.

Overall, making English a global language is the easiest and best way to make the world communicate better. However, we need to ensure a global language must not hijack the existence of the other cultures and languages.

(306 words)


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IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Effects Of Social Media

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Many people believe that effect of social media on both individuals and society has been negative. To what extent do you agree or disagree.


Sample Answer:
Over a period of a decade, we have seen an advancement in the field of science and technology like never before. With the coming of the internet, several sub-branches came into existence. One of them being the social networking sites. Some people believe that websites like Instagram and facebook have had detrimental effects on the individuals as well as society. In my opinion, however, with every change, there do come the good and the bad.

In terms of individual impact, social media sites proved to be both beneficial and boon. The world has shrunk to a point where we can interact with a larger audience. For instance, a person can interact with someone living in Afghanistan over a project on facebook or skype. Even more, we have become more knowledgeable! One cannot deny the importance of youtube in our lives as an immense help in making us learn new things. However, just like anything over done do have negative impacts, people who browse facebook for simply wiling away time surely loose out on many things.

With respect to society, things surely have changed. Comparing them to the past scenario not only limits us it also allows us not to have a better approach towards changes. With the coming of social media, on one hand where people are becoming defragmented there are examples where people have joined hands towards making society a better place.

Overall, in my opinion, with every new change, there do come loopholes. As an individual, it must be our responsibility to make the best of everything present.


IELTS Essay #global language

IELTS Writing Essay

Do the advantages of having English as a global language outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample Answer:

Due to the colonization done by the British, more than half of the world started speaking English language and it has surely helped in uniting the world on a global platform. I would say the advantages of English as a global language outranks its disadvantages as a global language.

In today’s world, when people are traveling around the world for leisure, studies, work and medical treatment, understanding English language comes to an aid. It is the world’s only language which is widely spoken and understood. Standardization of the process, be it documents, maps, road signs, food menu, public transport etc. was required for the convenience of the people, this is where a universally spoken language comes handy…. ergo English. Speaking a common language in a foreign country helps you in easily adapting in a new environment, as you can relatively easily make friends, learn about the culture, find job, visit places. For a two way communication to happen successfully both the parties need to be able to understand each other and respond accordingly and this is where the language plays its crucial part of building a communication bridge.

If you are moving abroad to a new country for higher studies, you always tend to look for an English speaking country, less you are equally fluent in reading, writing, and speaking the other language like German, Cantonese, French or Russian. World’s major countries like United States of America, Russia, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are all English speaking countries, ergo moving to these countries for the purpose of work or relocating is relatively easier for a person who comes from an English moving country.
There are hardly any disadvantages that I can think of, considering English as a global language, barring just one that you get so engrossed in learning and communicating in English language that you lose touch with your own language and roots. Language is an integral part of the culture and it is what links you to it and it is what you pass on to your future generation.

I would like to conclude with the statement that English has truly become a global language which is playing a vital role in uniting the world and its advantages surely outweigh the disadvantages. (372 Words)




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