IELTS Cue Card 2024: Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.

  Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting. 

You should say:

  • Who is this person ?
  • What they inspired you to do ?
  • How they inspired you ?
  • How you feel ?

Sample Answer

In the tapestry of individuals who have influenced my life, my friend Eugene shines as a guiding light. He is a gym trainer by profession. I met him at the gym where I go regularly. In no time we became good friends and as one day, we were sharing our interests I came to know that he is good at playing the guitar and I told him I have always wanted to learn guitar but couldn’t get enough time out of the busy schedule. As it is complex and requires a lot of training. But he insisted me on pursuing my passion. So, I asked him if he could guide me and he agreed.

I was truly inspired to see that he managed to keep up his passion while working a full time job. He inspired me to learn the guitar. But I felt as I’m older now, it’s too late to learn. But he told me that age is just a number and that learning anything new requires consistent practice. I got so inspired by him that I got myself a guitar and starting taking online classes in order to learn the new instrument. I was astonished by my progress in a month and soon I started playing it for my family and friends. Somehow, I realized that it relaxes my mind and it has become one of my favorite things to do. I will always be greatful to Eugene for inspiring me and helping me pursue my passion.

(250 Words )

Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

Q.1 What motivates children the most ?

According to me at an early age, parents and teachers motivate children the most. Somehow, teachers and parents become a role model for these toddlers. But, as they grow up they start idolizing actors or sports personalities.

Q.2 How can teachers motivate children ?

Teachers play a vital role in encouraging young minds, as they act as role models. So, I believe teachers can motivate children by recognizing there efforts and allowing them to explore their curiosity.

Q.3 How is it different from teaching kids ?

Motivated students are more excited to participate in class as, their thought processing gets high because of the motivation. Whereas, unmotivated students can disrupt the whole class.

Q.4 What should teenagers have?

These days it is very challenging to  motivate teenagers. So, they need to feel accepted and valued by their friends. Parents need to keep a watch on them and respect their independence.

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