IELTS Cue Card # Teacher Who Influenced You

Describe a teacher who influenced you in your education.
You should say :
– Where you met him/her?
– What subjects she/he taught you?
– What was special about him or her?

Explain why this person influenced you so much.


Teachers play a very important role in moulding the lives of a child. I consider myself lucky to get several dedicated teachers throughout my academic years. One of the teachers was, Mr. Swatantra Gupta. He was our English and social science teacher in class VII and taught us English in subsequent classes. He was a true mentor and guided all of us in the right direction.

Initially we thought that he does not know how to teach but later on I realised that not only was his way of teaching unique, it was also effective. In the social science class, he used to make everyone stand up and read aloud. We thought, may be he is lazy enough not to speak for himself, but after few months we realised that it was because of him that our pronunciation and style of speaking had improved.

He used to particularly make me stand up and ask me to read long paragraphs. It was tiring but at the same time, very exciting. He even pushed to take part in different competitions and plays and suggested my name to the principal for the district debate competition.

I think it was his faith in me that I actually started working on my strengths and became more confident.


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IELTS writing task 2 # Some people feel that cities should allow for spaces for graffiti

IELTS writing task 2

Some people feel that cities should allow for spaces for graffiti while others feel it should be banned. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IETLS Task 2 cities should allow for spaces for graffiti

IETLS Task 2 cities should allow for spaces for graffiti

Sample Answer:

Art and artists have always been a moot case. It is believed by many that painting graffiti on blank areas should be permitted whereas, others contradict and posit that it must be forbidden. Both views have compelling arguments, yet I assert with the former view which will be discussed in the forthcoming essay.

Undoubtedly, graffiti enhances the beauty of the locations they are drawn on. Its colourful composition and variety in the artistic expression makes it a visually appealing art piece. In its recent development, the city of Dehradun for example witnessed hundreds of such paintings throughout its citywalls. Moreover, such paintings are an opportunity for underprivileged people to showcase their artistic abilities without using much resources.

Nevertheless, people may demand to ban such paintings due to their rebellious nature. Evidently, graffiti depicts rebellion and at times promotes false agendas or even anger of civilians towards authority. The Lennon, a famous wall graffiti in Prague, is an illustration of such a display of aggression towards the government. Apart from this, such murals also damage public property for which no one can be held responsible due to its anonymous nature.

In my opinion, authorising spaces for graffiti will aid in spreading awareness. Etnias, Brazil, for instance, was drawn for the Olympic games to convey the message of togetherness and peace. Hence, street art must be given its due permission.

To recapitulate, in my perspective, urban art must not be prohibited as it enhances the appearance of the city and is exclusive in nature. However, some guidelines shall be provided for smooth and fair practices of such display of art. (265 words)


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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Describe a friend you like to spend time with

Describe a friend you like to spend time with –
You should say –
– When and how you met?
– How often you see this friend?
– What kind of personality it is?

Why you like to spend time with this particular friend?


The friend I like to spend time with is Vipula. We met six years back, when we were in our senior school. She was a biology major and I was doing my majors in math. But we did had our other classes, i.e. English, physics, chemistry together. We met, by accident, I would say. We had common routes and we shared the same school bus.

In the beginning I didn’t liked her much and our friendship had a quite weird beginning. I remember I lost my parker pen and it was very dear to me and I saw the same pen with her and I though she has stolen my pen. I just went to her seat, took the pen and then told people that she stole my pen. I remember everyone started disliking her, talking less to her. But, some days later I realised that it was actually her pen only and my pen was with my brother. I returned her pen and then told everyone the story and apologised from her.

I think things started becoming normal and people started talking with her and we started chatting because we had the same bus route. Within a month we were good friends and we stopped interacting much with others.
We have been friends since then and she is doing her MBBS now. Because of our busy schedule we don’t often see each other, but we take our time and meet every month.

She is a fantastic person I would say. The best thing that I like about her, is that no matter what problem the world throws at her, she is able to handle them with a smiling face. Rarely, would you find her cribbing about her problems. The reason I spend so much time with her is that she makes life beautiful and without any problems.


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IELTS GT Task 1 #Look after your house and pet while you are on holiday

GT Task1

A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend.
In your letter:


  • Give contact details when you are away
  • Give instructions on how to care for your pet
  • Describe other household duties.

You should write at least 150 words.

look after your house and pet while you are on holiday.



Sample Answer:

Dear Emily,

I hope life is treating you well! I was relieved on your response that you will be taking great care of my dog, Bruno as well as my house while I will be away from my home town. In case there was no prior bookings done for my vacation to Maldives. I would not have bothered you as it is a much-needed break for me.
I will be sharing the contact details of my neighbor Mrs. Annie; she resides just next to my abode. She would be available round the clock in case you need some assistance. Her number is 02066543 but she can only be contacted over a landline. Hope this will not be much of a problem for you.
Though taking care of Bruno is a tedious task, one has to be on knees all day round, as he is very mischievous. You know him quite well; he has grown when he was a pup in front of you. He was the bestest birthday gift from you, indeed! You need to take him on walk twice a day. In addition to this, you have to prepare his meals in his bowl which I have placed in the kitchen area near the cutlery shelf.
Would you mind me asking for some more help, as I would not be around, my garden area would need some watering during the evening hours, no specific time. Could be done whenever you have free time at hand. Have placed the main keys beside the garden area under the vibrant red carpet. Will be back home within a week. No need to worry as I have a duplicate set of keys making it possible for me to get in when I reach home. You please feel at home and make yourself comfortable.
Eagerly waiting for you to visit!
Lots of love,


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