IELTS CUE CARD – Describe the time you admired the sky for the first time

Describe the time you admired the sky for the first time

You should say:

  • when and where was it
  • what led you to think about the sky
  • explain what your thoughts were while admiring the sky


Generally, we tend to ignore the bounties bestowed upon us by nature. In the daily hustle bustle of our life we sometimes forget to enjoy the basic joys of living. Looking at the sky and admiring its infinite space is one of them.

If I have to go back and recollect when I first admired the sky, it would probably be in my childhood. I used to live in our ancestral house with my parents, grandparents and uncles. There was a huge garden in front of our house. Power failures were common in our area. I vividly remember, when I was about 6-7 years old, one late evening there was a usual power cut. It was quiet dark and all my family members moved out and sat in the garden as there was no power backup in our house in those times.

I sat on my mother’s lap. Everyone was chatting and my mother started singing. She taught me a song about the moon and the stars. While I was learning the song I looked towards the sky. That is probably my first recollection of admiring the sky. I was intrigued by the endless twinkling stars and the big moon perched on a fluffy cloud. Even though I tried to count the stars, I couldn’t. I wanted to reach out to the sky so that I could have a closer look at the world up above in the sky.

I can never forget that magical view of the sky. Going out and looking at the sky became a part of my childhood and those sweet memories make me happy even today.

Bounties (plural) generous gift
Bestowed (past tense) confer or present (an honour, right or gift)


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun

67Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS BAND 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a time when you met a person for the first time

Describe a time when you met a person for the first time

You should say:

  • Who was the person?
  • When it was?
  • What was the conversation and why you still remember it?


Well, everybody knows that the first impression counts. Everyday life gives us plenty of opportunities to come across new people and interact with them.

Here, I’d like to share an incident when I happened to meet Reema for the first time, who later became my best friend. I can vividly recall the first day of my college when a North-East Indian girl with flawless rosy complexion sat beside me in the class.

Initially, I was reluctant to talk with her. Finally, I broke the ice and said, Hello to her with a smile and she smiled back. After the lecture, we went to the canteen to have a little chat. She told me that she didn’t really have many friends as she is painfully shy and she is trying to expand her social circle. She also told me a lot about herself and her life. I was really fascinated to know about her culture, rituals, food and language. What surprised me the most was her linguistic ability, she knew 5 languages. Even though this interaction lasted for a short while, it was very interesting. It gave me a glimpse into the lives of people living in North-Eastern India. They are very kind and open-minded people.

From that day onwards, we started spending time together. As time went by we became best friends. Our mutual understanding and common interests  are the backbone of our friendship.

Interact Communicate

Eg. Rahul seems to be unable to interact normally with other people.

Vividly Producing clear images in the mind

Eg. I can vividly remember the feeling of panic.

Recall Remember

Eg. She definitely didn’t recall this place.

Flawless Without any imperfections

Eg. You can’t help noticing her flawless beauty.

Reluctant Unwilling

Eg. I was reluctant to get involved in the dispute.

Painfully Shy Very shy

Eg. Meera was painfully shy when she was in high school.

Fascinated Interested

Eg. We were fascinated by her voice.

Linguistic Relating to language

Eg. This book is not about linguistics.

Open-minded Willing to consider new ideas

Eg. We need to create a more tolerant and open-minded society that values human rights.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun

67Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS BAND 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

IELTS Cue Card 2024 – Describe a sportsperson you like or admire

Describe a sportsperson you like or admire.

You should say:

  • who this sportsperson is?
  • ⁠what sports he or she plays?
  • and how successful he or she is?
  • explain why you like or admire him/her.

I am a medical student, I usually don’t get free time to watch sports channels or matches in my day-to-day life. However, the recent Olympic games in France in 2024 has made me develop an interest in sports. I watched all the sports’ highlights on my Jio TV at the end of the day.

One evening I was watching the highlights and I came across the men’s pole vault competition. It was a very new game for me. I hadn’t seen that earlier. In this game, the player has to run with a long pole and jump over a high bar with the aid of the pole. The match that I saw was a record-breaking one. In this tournament, a young player contested. He was from Sweden. His name is Armand Duplantis and he won his second consecutive Olympic gold medal, setting a world record of 6.25 meters (20 ft 6 inches). While watching this match, I felt that it was a game of concentration. In the first two attempts, Armand was quite anxious and he could not perform well.

However, his last attempt was quite different. He calmed himself and gave an excellent performance that broke all the previous world records. Another thing in this match that I noticed was that right after making the record, he ran to his family. This shows that he is a family-oriented person. Since then, he has become my favorite sportsperson because I really admired his focus and passion for the sport and his love for the family. He has achieved great success at a very young age and I aspire to do the same.


Q.1 What type of sports is most popular in your country? 
Cricket is one of the most popular sports in India. This was probably even more evident when India won the World Cup and there was a road show of all the famous cricketers in Mumbai. That was a once in a lifetime event. The roads were jam packed with fans dancing and enjoying all over the roads. Apart from cricket, other sports like kabaddi, wrestling, boxing et cetera are very popular in India.
Q.2 What are the benefits of playing a sport?
There are immense benefits of playing sports.  Physically, playing sports imroves our health and fitness levels. It also relaxes our mind and contributes to overall well-being.  I have always observed that sportspersons are always fit and they remain young for years. We all must take inspiration from such Sportspersons and follow a healthy lifestyle. One must definitely practice their favourite sports to maintain their physical fitness.
Q.3 Do you often play a sport? Why/why not? 
I used to play regularly when I was in school, and I’ve won multiple medals in sports. Now, I practice yoga daily in the morning, which keeps me fresh throughout the day. Moreover, I always try to take out some time in the evening and play badminton with my brother. It keeps me more active, and I take a sound sleep after that.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun

67Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS BAND 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

IELTS Cue Card 2024 – Describe a person who thinks a lot about music.

Describe a person who thinks a lot about music.

You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • What music he/she likes?
  • And explain how you feel about him/her

Music has no boundaries and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Today, I’d like to talk about my brother, who is a music enthusiast. His entire life revolves around music.
For my brother, music is not just a mere form of entertainment but a therapy that rejuvenates people and provides inner peace. He is also extremely fascinated by different genres, their history, and the musical instruments used to produce the beautiful tones that captivate our minds. I’ve seen him researching the types of music and how and when they originated, which sometimes makes no sense to me, but then I realise: Is this what is being called crazy about something?
I sometimes talk with him about music, and his answers surprise me. Conversations with him often circle back to music. When he listens to music, he doesn’t hear it; instead, he tries to absorb each detail of the song. He loves listening to all genres, but I feel the ones he is crazy about are classical and rock music.
I don’t know exactly how much the knowledge of music is helpful and how far it would take my brother. However, seeing him, I’ve realised that one needs to be passionate enough to learn something new. With time, patience and practice, we can achieve everything we aim for.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun

Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at



IELTS BAND 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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