Speaking Part 2: An important decision you made with the help of another person.
Speaking Part 2
Tell about an important decision you made with the help of another person.
- What the decision was?
- Who helped you?
- What the result of the decision was?
Sample Answer
A lot of conflict takes place inside our brains while making a decision. When we start suffering from the choice overload, we tend to avoid the efforts of making a correct decision. Hence, we start seeking suggestions from others.
Recently, I found myself standing on the crossroads and was unable to decide where to go. In that situation, I decided not to bear the burden of the crossroad questions alone. Therefore, in order to reduce that cognitive dissonance, I approached my father for his help.
I was working in a renowned Multinational Company as a manager. Although, I was drawing a handsome salary there, I was not feeling happy and contented as I always wanted to be a businessman. At that point in my career, leaving a stable job just to fulfill my dream seemed quite risky. I discussed my plan with my father and asked for his advice. I told him that I wanted to come back to my hometown for doing business. He motivated me and said that we get only one life to live our dreams. Moreover, he not only shown his belief in my entrepreneurial skills but also supported me financially to establish my own enterprise.
By the grace of God and my father’s blessings, I am running my business successfully. What is more, I am able to provide employment to hundreds of people. That one decision has changed my life completely and the credit goes to my father. It not only helped me to fulfill my individual responsibilities but social responsibilities as well.
(261 words)
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