IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Advertisement

Advertisements have changed the way people shop. It has been seen that the products with better advertisements are more likely to have a higher sale. Considering their profound impact on individuals and market, let us today have a look at some questions related to ads and their possible answers.

Are advertisements important?

Definitely, yes. Advertisements bring out the idea of the new products and their features in a nut shell. They prove to be beneficial for both the customers and the company. But, with advertisement market rising up, I think companies have learnt the art of deceiving the customers as well. You can easily find products being depicted as something else in the advertisements. Also, with so many ads coming in, it becomes quite difficult and overwhelming for the customer to choose the product. Having said that, I think advertisements are vital but then there should be more truth to them than flashy statements.

Do you watch advertisements on television or on internet?

I give more preference to the internet as compared to television. I rarely watch TV, so most of the ads that I see are on internet while surfing you tube videos or any other web site.

Are there many advertisements in your country?

Yes, advertising industry has seen a rise in my country. Earlier there were only few advertisements and that to repetitive but in today’s time companies are making great advertisements, most of them being short stories, instead of simply saying buy our product. Also, there is a change of advertisement every month or quarter by the company, which makes it all the more exciting.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

With the coming of Internet and globalization, the world has become a more connected place. We have come out of our houses and stepped onto a world of possibilities. Advertisements have grown in recent times because firstly, people have less time. So, companies need to make the impact of a product on the customer as fast as possible. Also, with coming of globalization there is a lot of competition amongst companies, so they turn towards ads to grab the customer’s attention.

Where are the places we see advertisements?

Almost everywhere, I would say. They are there on television, internet, newspapers, radios and then we can see those big banners and hoardings all over. We find them in different pallets and these days, one can get messages on phone about the various products and offers from companies.

How do you feel about advertisements?

I really love watching advertisements. For some reasons, I get awed by how someone could just make a product stuck in our minds. Some use stories, others have that twist and it is more often not the product that strikes us, it is actually how the advertisement of it relates to our life.

What kind of advertisements do you like the most?

I love watching the advertisements which have some story behind. So, instead of those 10 seconds ads, I would say I prefer the ones that span over at least 45 seconds and strike the chord with something that is affecting us socially. Like, there was recent ad by Biba which did not talked about Biba, but about a strong women and how she fought back dowry. So, now all the strong women will buy Biba.

What type of advertisements do you prefer to use for getting information?

I like static ads to get information about a particular product, instead of the motion ads. Surely, the motion ads are more interesting and fun to see but when it comes to getting information, I would say the ones that come in newspapers or pamphlets are easier to fathom the information.

Do advertisements influence your choice of product?

Surely, it does. Advertisements have come about to affect our choices in way like never before. With so many companies launching products and all of them being so similar, it is often the advertisement that helps in deciding the product to buy. But, when it comes to choosing between a well known or trusted company and the newly established, irrespective of the ad I prefer the trusted one.


Have you ever bought anything after seeing its advertisements?

I think I bought my phone after I saw its advertisement. It was a great advertisement and after seeing it I was like, I need to find out more about this product. And it truly turned out to be a great product.

What are the differences in advertisements on television and those in magazines?

Advertisements on television are more striking because instead of listing out some facts when you see real characters playing out, they tend to strike a better chord. With magazines, the ads are static. So, there would be information and taglines that simply get printed.

What do you think is the purpose of advertisements?

Advertisements are there to tell the customer about the product, also, to woo them to buy the product. The main idea behind companies making advertisements is to ensure that people surely know about their product.

Do you think advertising plays an important role in today’s world?

Yes, it surely does. People have got less time these days and they are very quick in buying products. So, the one that has a greater impact on them surely gets a priority.

What sort of advertisements have a deeper impact on people?

Instead of selling a product, the advertisements that share a story which can connect to the individual, I think these are the kinds of ads that have deeper impact on people. Because somehow people can relate to the scenario and hence feel more connected to the product.

Did you see any recent ad which had a deep impact on you?

Recently, I saw an ad of Biba. The ad was how a girl was getting ready for meeting the would be groom and his father comes and says be ready soon and she questions as to how can she judge a man over a snack. When she comes down, her father asks the would be groom if he can cook because may be his daughter not want to cook some day and the groom’s mother says that my son will learn to cook. It did had an impact on me because in some sense it showed what the society truly needs to be if we are talking of equality.



IELTS Speaking Questions

Speaking is all about practice. The more questions you practice on, the better are your chances to score well. Let us, today have a look at some questions and their possible answer, that might be asked in Part I of speaking section.

What is your name?

I am Avinash Singh Rathore.

How do you spell your name?

You need to tell the spelling of your name.

Can I see your proof of identification?

Yes, sure. Hand over your proof of identification.

Do you have a pet name?

Yes. I am called Goli by my loved ones.

Well, I have many. Some call me Goli, others gorilla, some call me avi. So, it is like, whatever the person feels like.

No, I am called Avinash by all.

What kind of a person are you?

I would say, I am an introvert generally and it takes me some time to open up. But, once I mix up with the person, I am more of friendly and outgoing.

Could you describe yourself physically?

Well, physically, I am a 5,10 with slightly dark complexion. I have a stout body and a hoarse voice.

When were you born?

I was born on 3rd December 1992.

How does your family celebrates your birthday?

On my birthday, I usually go out with my family and friends to a place we have never been. The fact that my friends and family goes on well with each other makes enjoying birthday with them all together more of fun.

How do you want to celebrate your birthday?

I would someday want to embark a new journey on my birthday because I really love travelling. So, may be the beginning of the world tour or may be India’s tour would be something I am really looking forward to.

I would love to celebrate my birthday near beach some day. I wish to have a beach party with all my close people, and dance my heart out on that day.

Have you been celebrating your birthday the same way?

No, not yet. Till now, for most of my birthdays I have been celebrating it with my near and dear ones. We either go out or may be sit at my place and chat and enjoy a quality time together.

How many friends do you have?

I have two circles of my friends. There are three very close friends of mine but then there are lot many friends that I have made during my travel projects and other endeavours.

I am not a very social person, to be very frank. There are lot many people I greet formally but to call them friends, I would say, I have very few close friends.

People often call me social butterfly as I have got lot many friends. It is possibly because I take part in different extra curricular activities and get to interact with lot many people.

Have you been friends with your childhood friends?

Well, yes. I am in touch with most of them and one of them is still with me and our friendship is going strong with each passing day.

I really wished so, but apart from the social media where we all are connected, there is no real connection left between me and my childhood friends. Possibly because of the distance, but whenever we meet may be in a year or so, it feels all the way same.

How important is it for you to keep friends?

Friends are really important for me and I make sure that the ones I really care for are always close to me.

Friends are an important part of my life and I love making friends but because of my job, most of the times it so happens that I have to leave the place and hence the friends made. But then I make sure that I do make new friends at a new place.

Who is your best friend?

My best friend is Abhishek and I have known him for past eight years.

How do you spend time with your best friend?

Well, we rarely get time to spend with each other. He is busy with his rapping business and I am involved in management. But whenever we do get time together we usually go on a bike trip to some place. It could either be a new place that we discover or may be the places we have been together.



IELTS Speaking # Magazines And Newspapers

Magazines and newspapers are a common media to get to know about what is happening in the world. Let us have a look at some questions and their possible answers

Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?

I would say I prefer newspapers. Newspapers in just ten or eight pages give you a glimpse of the entire world, including all the sections. From fashion to the general news to comics to sports to almost everything. In just one newspaper, you have access to the entire world.

What type of stories do you like to read about?

I love reading autobiographies and non-fiction. Autobiographies because they give a glimpse of lifestyle of a very successful person. You get to know them when they were the mango people and what they did to become what they became. Their struggle, the inner story, their point of view and for some reasons I find it quite exciting. Other than this, I like reading non-fiction.

magazines and newspapers

Do you think reading a newspaper and magazine can help you learn a language?

I think too an extent yes, it does help. But, it would only after we have reached a certain grammatical or linguistic command over the language. For example, if I don’t know what the alphabets in mandarin an like, it is not possible to understand what is written. But once you have gained the basic knowledge, I would say it becomes lot more important to read magazines or newspapers to understand and get a grip over the language.

Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?

I think the reason might be that magazines are more specific. So, for example if I am interested in reading about like sports, then a magazine will offer me better articles and more specific, to be concise. It also de clutters all the things that one does not wants to read.