Travelling is something most people do. It might be possible that you don’t do it very often, but one surely has gone out or used the transport. Assuming this,there are chances that you might be asked on travelling and transportation. Let us have a look at some of the questions and their possible answers.
Have you visited many foreign countries? What was your favorite place? Why?
I have yet not visited any foreign countries but I would surely like to visit England some day. I really want to know the history and the culture and how things are there. People often say that this is the place where English was born and some of the great authors and poets of all times have been of England, so I really want to visit this country.
Yes, I have gone to few of them. To name them, Paris, Australia, India and New Zealand. I really fell in love with India because of its culture. I think it was the only country where you could people with so different opinions and beliefs to stay and live together. You can mountains and then beaches and deserts, all of it. There is Taj Mahal, Marnie Beach, Goa, Varanasi. I truly loved it because I felt if you want to visit the entire world, first take a brief from India because it truly represents the world.
What countries would you like to visit in future?
I would love to visit Paris one day. I have heard people say that it is the fashion hub of this world and one day I would really like explore the place. Apart from Paris, I would also want to visit USA, Germany and Japan some day.

Would you like to live abroad? Why/Why not?
I would love to visit abroad and may be live there for some time but when it comes to like settling down, I would prefer my own country than abroad. Not because, I think my country is best but I have grown up in this place and have lot of memories and friends here. So, I would prefer settling down here only.
I would love to live abroad. I believe you get to know about the country well when you stay there and I would love to know about a new country and its culture.
What things would you recommend a foreign tourist to do in your country?
To any foreign tourist, I would recommend eating the road side food for sure, because you are not going to find such good food anywhere else. Next I would ask them visit the monuments in our country, because I think we have got great architectural designs. Also, they can go about visiting cities like Kashmir, Delhi, Almora, Chennai, Mysore and Rishikesh. If you come to India, taking a dip in Holy Ganges is a must and attending the arti in Varanasi Ghats.
Have you ever had any problems while travelling?
Not particularly. There are obviously some here and there issues that do take place while travelling but I would say apart from them, travelling has only been fun for me.
When do you think will you next travel abroad?
I think most probably five or six months from now I might be going to USA.
Have you been to any English speaking country?
No, not yet. I have always have travelled in my own country, which is a non-English speaking country.
Yes, I have been to many English speaking countries including Paris, England and USA. I think English speaking countries are very much like other countries, apart from the fact that they speak a different language.
Do you travel very often?
I would say, I am not one of those who packs bags every weekend and goes out to travel but then I have travelled a little bit here and there, including the state that I live and the nearby states.
I am a travel blogger and travelling is my job. So, I have travelled a lot and know about the places quite enough.
What part of the world would you most like to travel to?
I would love to travel the southern countries of the world, especially the ones in Australia and South America. Also, some day I would love to visit Antarctica.
If you could live in one country or travel to any one country, which country would you choose?
I would have definitely chosen India because I think this is the one country with a perfect blend of various cultures and architectures. Just taking a round or a trip of the country introduces one to so many possibilities. You can go visit the holiest of cities in Varanasi and then go party like west in Goa. You can then go visit Kashmir and be overwhelmed by its beauty and then come back to Trivandrum to enjoy the beaches.