IELTS Speaking Sample Questions

Speaking is the most tricky part of the IELTS test because you never realize what for you were given marks and why the marks were cut. Given below is a list of IELTS speaking sample questions that might be asked in the speaking section of IELTS.

  • What would you like to change in your day to day routine?
  • Are all your days same?
  • What is a typical weekday and weekend for you?
  • What is the balance of study and fun in your normal day?
  • When do people give gifts in your country?
  • Do you normally take presents when you visit your family or friends?
  • When did you last receive gift?
  • Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?
  • How has education changed in the past ten years?
  • What changes do you feel will come in fifty years?
  • What method of learning works best for you?

Remember, no matter what the question is, answering it in simple yes or no will not help you. You need to elaborate the answer and describe it properly.