IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Flying Time

IELTS Listening Sample Questions Flying Time

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.

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Sample question about flying time

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

  1.  Which term is used to refer to something that went by quickly? flew by
  2. Which term is used to refer to the time that passes by very slowly? dragged
  3. Which term is used to refer to the way we see things ? Perception
  4. How much quickly can a fly’s eye react than a human eye? four times
  5. What is the synonym of quick?  Nippy
  6. Which term is used to refer to a situation of extreme activity? Overdrive
  7. Which term is used to refer to someone who is extremely frightened? petrified
  8. Which word is used to refer to something that is very clear and detailed? Vivid
  1. flew by
  2. dragged
  3. perception
  4. four times
  5. nippy
  6. overdrive
  7. petrified
  8. vivid

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