CUE CARD -Describe a thing you did to learn another language

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a thing you did to learn another language
You should say:

    • What language did you learn ?
    • What did you do ?
    • How does it help you learn the language?
    • And how do you feel about it ?

Sample Answer

In the era of globalization, knowing your native language is not enough. The world is becoming increasingly globalized and knowing a second language can always give you an unfair advantage. Learning a second language opens up the opportunity for being part of a community with a different culture, and learn more about the world around us. As I am planning to move abroad, I thought it would be prudent to learn an additional language as it will be easier for me to communicate with the natives. So, the country I would be moving in is Canada, and French is the second language spoken in Canada. Therefore, I decided to learn this language.

For that, I started looking for the best institute, after searching for more than an hour. I came across the top-rated academy in my town, I immediately booked my appointment. The institute had a great learning atmosphere. The staff was really friendly; they clearly explained the vital details about the class.

I was full of beans to attend class the next day. My class strength was not much so it was easy for both the trainer and students to have a smooth flow of knowledge. Initially, I would feel nervous and stressed but my trainer was quite helpful and had proficient knowledge of the language, and used different new ways to make learning fun. She insisted me to watch French movies with English subtitles.

Another way I powered up my language learning progress was by listening to French songs over and over again to the point that the words are stuck in my head. Arguably it was one of the easiest methods for learning French, especially, if you’re not being exposed to French regularly as I was when I was learning. I took that course for 3 months and learned umpteen new things about the language.

Once the course was completed they took my assessment which I cleared with flying colors. I felt proud of myself and gained the confidence to communicate with the natives, however, I am not so fluent in it but I am pretty sure that I will not face any language barrier whenever I visit abroad. Overall, it was a wonderful experience learning a new language, and would recommend others to widen their horizon of language.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a thing you did to learn another language’.

Q1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language ?

I reckon the biggest obstacle while learning a language can be as simple as a loss of motivation. No matter how excited you are at the beginning, you will encounter the inevitable slump. Another reason would be lack of opportunity to practice the language creates a hindrance to learning it. It’s also challenging to learn how to think in another language. Above all, it takes time, hard work, and dedication.

Q2. What is the best way to learn a language ?

According to me practicing it with people who are fluent in it, while having friends or study buddies is always a great idea, I you know someone who is a native speaker of the language you are trying to learn. Moreover, people who want to take advantage of one of the best ways to learn a language from the comfort of their own homes should watch a movie related to the language they will be able to grasp more.

Q3. Which is better, to study alone or to study in a group ?

Everyone have different study strategies. I think students who choose to study alone can focus completely on the material. Whereas, studying in a group students are more likely to get distracted. Group studying hampers creativity and efficiency and when there are exams on the horizon, efficiency should be the priority.

Q4. Do you think language learning is important? Why ?

Learning is not unique to humans and has continued all over the world throughout the history of human life. Several scientific studies have shown that lifelong learning activities can help people maintain better brain function as they age. Learning a second language opens up the opportunity for being part of a community with a different culture and learning more about the world around us. Besides, it increases the chances of landing a good job or advancing in one’s career.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD -Describe a person you follow on social media.

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a person you follow on social media
You should say:

    • What is he/she ?
    • When did you start following him/her ?
    • Why do you follow him/her ?
    • Explain how you feel about him/her ?

Sample Answer

Accessibility and affordability of internet connection have drastically changed life. It is easy to connect with people across the globe. On top of it, the commencement of social media has proven to be the most widespread medium to connect with people. It has become a ubiquitous phenomenon by which information can be disseminated to millions of active users.

On social media, one can get a plethora of content depending upon their choice. At present we have several options to connect with people. Well, I follow many famous personalities on Facebook. I vividly, remember making my first Facebook account in class 9th and getting excited every time I used to log in. I love checking out new content on it. One day scrolling through Facebook, I came across a content creator whose work I thought was worth giving a watch. His name is Sandeep Maheshwari. His videos were quite gripping which kept me glued to his posts. He emphasizes people to be conscious about their mental health and not neglect serious issues like depression. Through his videos, he tries to motivate people by providing them with numerous ways that they can apply in order to lead a happy- stress-free life. Sandeep Maheshwari is a self-motivated person having a good sense of observation. Apart from Facebook, he is active on other social media sites like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. I was completely blown away when I got to know that Sandeep Maheshwari has not monetized his YouTube channel even having millions of subscribers on it. He considers it as a social help to society. This selfless quality impressed me and inspired me to do something good for society. Since then I started following him religiously.

Apart from being an avid motivational speaker, he is also the founder and CEO of, the largest collection of Indian stock images that have made him one of the fastest-growing entrepreneurs in India. Today, Sandeep Maheshwari is a renowned name among youngsters and has gained a massive fan following not just in India but in many countries. He has also been featured in almost all the leading magazines, newspapers, and television channels. I consider Sandeep Maheshwari among world’s best orator .

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a person you follow on social media.’.

Q1. What can people do on social media?
Billions of people around the world use social media to share information and make connections. Social media allows you to communicate with friends and family, learn new things, develop your
interests, and be entertained. One can even use social media to broaden your knowledge in a particular field and build a professional network by connecting with professionals.

Q2. Do older people spend much time on social media ?
I reckon not much as they find more peace without using social networking sites, also they consider social media sites time-consuming. Although, they do use common social apps like WhatsApp and Facebook to stay in touch with their loved ones.

Q3. Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful ?
Indeed, there are still many people who prefer newspapers and television as reliable mediums for getting information. However, with the commencement of social media sites, there is a decline in the use of television and newspapers. Moreover, old people still prefer non-social media over social media apps.

Q4. Do you think older people and younger people will use the same kind of social media software ?
Definitely not, older people prefer to use social media in a limited manner especially, when they are bored or when they want to connect with their kith and kin. Whereas, youngsters prefer spending time on these virtual apps not only for their research and study purposes but also consider it as a ladder to gain fame.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
You should say:

    • What it is ?
    • How it was broken ?
    • How you got it repaired ?
    • And how you felt about it ?

Sample Answer

When I was young, I used to be incautious about my belongings. I would often forget or break things. My mother would scold me several times and entitled me as a clumsy daughter.

The thing I broke was Television. Being the age of hand-held gadgets, there are still enough people around who prefer television over mobile. No doubt, it feels terrifying when your beloved TV gets a cracked screen.
It was Sunday afternoon, and my brother and I were playing chess. After some time, we both got into an argument, and the argument soon turned into a fight. My brother started chasing me with the chess board and all of a sudden, he threw the board towards me. Luckily, it did not touch me but unfortunately, it hit the television. We both were petrified and had lost the courage to look at the TV screen. Our mother rushed into the room after hearing the noise and scolded us very badly. She immediately informed our father which made us even more sacred. However, he did not utter a single word to either of us. But we could easily see the anger on his face. We knew something big is awaited.

A technician was called to fix the damage. Fortunately, it was fixed, but it cost us an arm and a leg. Our father did not interact with us for a week. It was disheartening to see our parents suffering due to our reckless behavior.
We both apologized for the miss happening and promised not to repeat any such incidents in the future.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired’.

Q1. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society ?
Well, IT-related jobs have gained popularity in recent years. But, in my country government jobs are more valued than any IT-related jobs because it provides a sense of security and acts as a status symbol in society.

Q2. Is the quality of products worse than before?
Certainly, there is ample evidence to prove how companies have played with the quality of products. If we look back, 50 years ago, the quality of products was much finer than today. Earlier, companies used to focus on the needs of the consumers, now their sole motive is to earn profit.

Q3. What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?
. Saving money is one of the factors people consider when tackling a home improvement project. People like to repair several things at home for instance fixing a Leaky Kitchen or Bathroom Pipe, Fixing a Sticking Window, and many more.

Q4. Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
Quality is the major reason why people opt for specialized stores as they offer better and more reliable service than any local store. Apart from that, specialized stores deliver one-time fixes as well as a warranty for their device.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe an important event that you celebrated

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an important event that you celebrated
You should say:

    • What was it ?
    • When did you celebrate ?
    • Where did you celebrate ?
    • Who was with you ?
    • Why was it special ?

Sample Answer

Celebrations are part of life that gives life to our lives. Special events become reunions, allowing far-flung family members to see each other in the context of celebrating their loved ones and bringing people together in unity, harmony, and peace. Fortunately, I have been part of numerous celebrations so today, I will be mentioning one such special event.

Just like everyone else, I eagerly wait to celebrate my birthday with my near and dear ones. My birthday happens on the 28th of January which makes January a special month for me. Last year my parents and friends arranged a surprise party for my birthday. After returning from work my friend called me to accompany her to the market. She picked me up from my place and we both left my home. Meanwhile, my parents and friends decorated the house with streamers and balloons. After spending two hours in the market we returned home. I rang the bell on my door and, to my surprise, no one came I tried to open the door, and it was unlocked. Once I opened it all my friends and family plunged from the floor and shouted out loud- “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I was astounded.

My friends bought a special birthday cake for me. It was a chocolate cake, with juicy cherries on the top. They also presented me with a super sweet card with my photos on it. On top of that, my parents handed me a gift, I was so curious and wanted to open it right away and so I did inside it was my first laptop, I started crying in happiness as I had always wanted a laptop. Then finally we cut the cake at midnight marking the end of the day! My family and friends had given me the greatest surprise I could ever imagine. My last birthday was one of the most beautiful moments, and I will cherish it forever.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘describe an important event that you celebrated’.

Q1. How do people in your country celebrate events ?
People in my country celebrate events by visiting their kith and kin at home or by planning trips to spend quality time with their loved ones. Celebrating with friends, colleagues, and loved ones can make us forget the troubles and stress of life.

Q2. What events do Indian people like to celebrate ?
Celebrations are quite common in my country, one can find numerous occasions to celebrate with their near and dear ones. Apart from festivals, people celebrate other events like birthdays, marriages, and anniversaries.

Q3. Why do you think a celebration is essential ?
Celebrations are not just a festive thing to do, it’s a way to take a pause, cherish and reaffirm the things that we value in our lives. Celebrations are an opportunity to deepen bonds by bringing people together.

Q4. Do you prefer big or small celebrations ?
Size does not matter. Celebrations without family or closest friends stand meaningless for me. However, being an introvert I prefer small gatherings where only close ones are invited.



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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

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