IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about a time you received good news.

IELTS CUE CARD : Talk about a time you received good news.

You should say:

  • When it happened?
  • How you got the news?
  • What the news was about?
  • and explain why the news was special?


Good and bad news are a part and parcel of everyone’s life. Today, I’d like to talk about a time when I received good news. 

I live in London. It’s been two years since I came here to pursue my higher education. My studies are quite demanding. Because of a busy schedule, I rarely get time to talk to my family and video calls are only possible on weekends. Last week, I video called my mother in India and I suddenly saw her holding a newborn baby in her arms. It was so cute – just a bundle of joy wrapped in my mom’s arms.

I asked my mother who the baby was, and she exclaimed with joy that it was the baby of my close aunt who had no children. It was indeed a surprise for me because I have been far away from my family; therefore, I wasn’t aware about it. My mother told me that the birth of this baby was a miracle given the health complexities my aunt had.  I thanked God for fulfilling my aunt’s wish and blessing her with a healthy baby she could call her own. 

Emotions were running high in my head. It reminded me of the time when she used to visit us during summer holidays and she would talk to my mum about her feelings of loneliness and the social stigma of  being childless. I was very happy for her. I also felt sad because I could not hold this cute little baby in my arms and give both of them a warm hug.  Seeing a lot of other relatives in the video call calmed me down. They were all happy, cheering, having a great time, enjoying with the baby. It was truely good news for everyone.

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IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about an animal you like

IELTS CUE CARD : Talk about an animal you like

You should say:

  • What this animal is
  • What is special about this animal?
  • How it looks like
  • And explain why you like this animal.

Sample Answer

Animals are eclectic creatures; they go all the way from the very friendly and domesticated to the lethal and feral. They come in different shapes, sizes and colours. Even animals of a single species are incomparable to their counterparts due to the sheer number of differences.

Today I will talk about one of my all-time favourite animals; the horse. Like other animal species, horses too,  come in different sizes and colors. Shetland ponies have a stockier body, round shape, thick fur, and short stubby legs, they are not much used in athletic pursuits. Arabian Horses, on the other hand, are taller, sleekly built with light bones, they are used exclusively for racing. Now, both of these are scientifically speaking horses, but are oh so different in appearance, nature and purpose.

Despite differences in their physical appreance, all horses have some things in common which earn them the top spots among my favourite animals. For one, their movements. Whenever a horse moves, I can’t help but admire the powerful muscles bulging and gliding beneath their coats, the sheer potential power they have in each step is breathtaking. The way they move is more elegant than most humans can ever hope to achieve. Their might is undeniable. For another, they are loyal, intelligent, and empathetic creatures. The bonds that a rider and horse may form is second to none. All these unique qualities make horses special to me.

Speaking part 3 follow up questions:

Q.1 Do people in your country keep animals at home?

Animals like cows, buffaloes and goats are domesticated widely in the countryside. In fact, livestock rearing provides sustainable livelihoods to millions of people living in rural areas.

Q.2 Do you think pets are important?

Yes, certainly. Pets can bring love and companionship into our life. Many studies have shown that keeping pets reduces our stress levels, thereby improving our health and well-being.

Q.3 Do animals have rights?

Humans use animals for food and related by-products, farming and a variety of other uses. Everyday millions of different types of animals are killed for food globally. Just by looking at these figures, I’d say that these creatures should at least have the right to live. But, who cares? Laws are made for protecting animals but they don’t work in reality.

Useful words and their meanings
Eclectic consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc.
Feral A feral animal or plant is one that lives in the wild but is descended from domesticated specimens.
Autonomy the right of an organization, country, or region to be independent and govern itself
Livestock rearing raising of animals for use or for pleasure

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IELTS Speaking: Part 3 – Follow up questions related to animals

IELTS Speaking: Part 3 – Follow up questions related to animals

Follow up questions related to animals

Q. 1: Do you think being cruel to an animal is the same as being cruel to a human?

Answer: Certainly, it is. Most animals can’t protect themselves when someone hurts or kills them but they do feel pain. So, in a way animal abuse is much more inhumane.

Q. 2: Should people be allowed to hunt animals for their own entertainment?

Answer: As far as the entertainment is concerned, nowadays people have a lot of means to entertain themselves, so they shouldn’t be allowed to hunt animals for pleasure. In my opinion, hunting for fun should be banned globally. There is no point in killing helpless animals just for the sake of enjoyment. It is morally unacceptable.

Q. 3: How can we help protect endangered species of animals?

Answer: Protecting endangered species is a challenging task. It requires a lot of efforts and commitment. As an individual, we can financially support charities that work for threatened animals. We can even work voluntarily for such organizations.

Q. 4: What sorts of human activities make it more difficult for wild animals to survive?

Answer: According to a World Wildlife Fund report, farming, deforestation and hunting are the major human activities that have threatened the lives of thousands of animal species. Human induced climate change is also a serious threat to wild animals.

Q. 5: Is it fair to make pets out of wild animals?

Answer A:  Honestly speaking, I’m against making pets out of wild animals. They’re called wild animals for a reason. They’re supposed to be free in the wild. Freedom is their fundamental right. If we really want to have a pet, there’re plenty of other options.

Answer B: It’s an interesting question. I’ve never thought about it. But, may be if we have the appropriate facilities, then I don’t suppose raising young ones should be a problem, although it might be a moral dilemma for some.

Q. 6: If a shark kills a human in the sea, should it be hunted down?

Answer: I don’t think so. Hunting is not a feasible solution to this problem as it can affect the ecology of the ocean. In my view, other precautionary measures like nets, drum liners or tagging can be more effective in dealing with the issue of shark attacks.

Q. 7: There are no intelligent animals except humans? Do you agree?

Answer: It’s true that humans are highly intelligent. But, other members of the animal kingdom show signs of intelligence. Chimps, elephants, bottleneck dolphins, dogs, cats and crows etc. are some examples of smart animals. Scientists are busy discovering just how smart they really are.


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IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to other cultures

IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to other cultures

The examiner can ask some questions about other cultures if your cue card was related to cultural differences or foreign countries. Let’s look at some possible questions which may be asked in part 3 of the speaking test.

Other cultures

Q. 1: How important it is to learn about other people’s cultures?

Answer: Learning about other people’s cultures is very important in today’s globalized world. Cultural knowledge is required everywhere, be it business or travel or work. If we are familiar with the culture of a place, we can understand people better. This will make our work and life easier in a new place.

Q. 2: What difficulties can people living in a foreign country experience?

Answer A: In my view, the biggest problem which expats face is understanding the local language and culture. Loneliness, finding schools for their children, not getting the food of their choice and the weather are some other common difficulties which people experience in a new country.

Answer B: I believe the most significant difficulties about living in a foreign country would have to do with understanding cultural norms and unspoken rules, especially during social interactions. Misunderstandings can be common phenomena. Generally fitting in as well as feeling like you belong would be another big challenges.

Q. 3: What benefits can there be for people working in a foreign country?

Answer: Working in a foreign country offers both personal and economic benefits to people. At a personal level, they can enjoy a higher standard of living. Their knowledge about cultural differences and languages also develops. Professionally, the work environment gives them greater exposure which improves their professional skills. More importantly, international work experience which people gain is highly valued by employers.

A global culture

Q. 4: Do you believe in stereotypes about different nationalities?

Answer: It’s is a difficult question. In my view, the nationality and character of a person are two different things. Stereotypes about different nationalities are just based on people’s observations. They may or may not be accurate. I think that stereotypes don’t reflect reality. So, I don’t believe in them.

Q. 5: Are you in favour of adopting a universal language?

Answer: Certainly, adopting a global language would make our life easier. But, languages and cultures are inextricably intertwined. So, if we choose to have a common language, the cultural diversity will disappear. The loss will be irreparable. I don’t think it’s a wise idea to adopt a universal language.

Q. 6: What negative effects might come from a country losing its traditional cultures?

Answer: The loss of traditional cultures can affect a country in many ways. If there are businesses based on traditional skills, cultural loss can affect the economy of a country. Since traditional cultures represent a country, major changes in cultures can have an impact on tourism in that country.

Meanings of high level words

expat: someone who does not live in their own country

intertwined: twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate
Stereotype: a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like,especially an idea that is wrong

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