IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Skill

We are living in a world where it is all about learning. New technologies come up and come down in minutes and seconds and with so many things erupting in our lives, the only way to move forward is to learn new skills. With so many skills that are around here, there are some that take more time than others. So, this time we are looking at a cue card that talks about a skill that takes a long time to learn.

Talk about a skill that takes long time to learn. You should say –

  • what is the skill
  • have you tried learning the skill
  • why do you think it takes more time

also, explain, the challenges you faced while learning the skill.


Sample Answer One

There are many skills that require a lot of patience and interest. I am keenly interested in learning new languages as it helps us break barriers and experience different cultures and customs. It’s not easy to learn a new language as it can be something that is very different from your mother tongue and pronouncing words rightly can take years of practice.
I am very fond of Spanish culture and customs. Their excessive use of “S” sounds has always intrigued me. I went to Spain about a year ago and that’s when, I decided to learn this beautiful language. As I have recently completed my graduation and I have plenty of free time in my hand, I will be trying my hand at learning Spanish. Even though I live in a small city there are many language schools here and I’ll be taking regular classes at of those institutes.
It will be pretty difficult as my mother tongue is Hindi and we have no co-relation between the two languages. The demo classes, I took gave me an idea that it will be a daunting task but one that I’ll face with a smile on my face. I do speak English fluently but then again it has got nothing in common with the Latin languages so I’ll be spoon fed for the initial days before becoming any good at it.
Firstly, it does take a lot of time to learn a new language as adapting to new sounds and grammar is not an easy task. Various studies have shown that there is a critical period during which effective language learning takes place but at the same time for an adult like me it is a challenge. Therefore, kids are able to grasp new languages more quickly as compared to a fully grown adult. Secondly, the fact that when you learn a new language after being fluent in one or two already, your brain is not able to process it quickly as it should. It starts overriding words hence making learning even more difficult. As your lexical resource for that particular language is next to none you are not able to grasp anything quickly making the learning process a long ordeal. It is a long process and quite a difficult challenge but one that I am looking forward to the most.

Sample Answre Two

Skills are what makes or breaks a person. The more skilled an individual is the better are their chances of succeeding in life. This is what I learnt from my previous mentors. So, I have been trying out new skills for a long time. I learnt coding and then writing and also analysis. But, the one skill that I found particularly hard is writing. Writing has more flavors to it than one can think of!!

When I started to learn writing I had to work on my vocabulary and then structuring. Once both of them were done, it was then towards making sure the content is good. Moreover, there are different formats of writing, academic, blogging, general and bookish. It was only when I practiced them all for around 5 years that I did got a hold of the different forms of writing.

What is particularly difficult about writing is that you never know what will click! There never is any idea in the mind of writer. You can write the best of the blog and still not find viewers and then sometimes, something that does not satisfies you, clicks the users. Also, everyone has a unique way of writing and there is no  copy paste that an individual can do.

Sample Answer Three

Skills define an individual, the more skilled an individual is the better it is for them. Out of the different skills that I have tried to acquire, public speaking has been one of the most difficult skills to acquire for me. It has so many branches to it. So, many formats, so many customs to follow that it really seems to me as one of the most difficult skills to acquire.

There is voice modulation, stage coverage, body postures and then the content of the speech! When learning the skill of public speaking, I had to learn to interact with different individuals, because even when a person is on stage they have to make sure that the entire audience is able to interact with him or her.

I think the one thing that makes public speaking so difficult to learn is the fact that not many individuals understand that although public speaking seems like talking with many individuals, it is actually interacting with single person. Also, what is different about public speaking is the fact that it is not so much about how the person is speaking, but what he or she is sharing.



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