IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about a person who taught you something important

IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about a person who taught you something important

Talk about someone who taught you something. You should say

  • Who this person was?
  • What did they teach you?
  • When was this?
  • And describe what you learned.
Sample Answer One


Learning is a never-ending process. The first things we learn are to think, to talk, to walk, basic behavioural quirks that we adopt from our family and environment. Later on, in life, we choose to learn higher-level skills such as reading, writing, mathematical reasoning and skills classified as extra-curricular. Examples of those skills might be learning to play an instrument, handicrafts, learning to ride a bike, art, and video gaming etc.

Now I will proceed to describe how a dear friend helped me discover the intricacies of braiding complex patterned friendship bracelets. This was back in the summers of primary school, my friend and I were next-door neighbours, and so quite naturally we used to spend all our time at each other’s houses. As 9-year-old girls are meant to do, our favourite pastime was drawing and playing on the swings.

It was, however, one fateful day when my friend was messing around with some string, tying them in seemingly pointless and frankly rather obscure knots. I did not understand the point of her actions but sat down to watch her anyway. She kept tying knot after knot after knot, soon enough I discovered rationality to her pattern. And why, before my very eyes she produced a magnificent friendship bracelet!

Made with a mosaic of diamonds I could not have told you how she achieved such a feat despite being present the entire duration of its creation.

A day after that I demanded she teaches me. She was reluctant but agreed eventually, though she warned me that I would not be reaching her level of expertise for quite some time. And how right she was! It was a tedious process, learning the different types of knots, the ways to tie them, how the direction determines the shape, all with a dual sting thread. Eventually, I learned to handle more threads, become more experimental with the intricacies. And Before we knew it, the summer had ended.  This time we went to school with matching bracelets, for my final task had been to make her one to repay her for her patience, goodwill and friendship.

Sample Answer Two

Talk about person who taught you something important

  • Who the person is?
  • What he/she is like?
  • What he/she taught you?
  • How you felt about him/ her?

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Life is all about learning. Whether it’s a new skill or some life lessons to live a more fulfilling life. All play a key role in our lives. Today, I’d like to talk about how I learnt to drive.

I’d always wanted to learn how to drive but my father insisted that I should finish my schooling first. So a week after my exams we made a plan for learning driving. We decided to get up early in the morning and set out to a huge ground located in the outskirts of the town. It was safe to practice there in the morning.

It was fun to learn driving. I felt on top of the world when every morning I sat on the driving seat next to my father. He never scolded me and always encouraged me with a positive attitude. He is the most patient person I’ve ever come across and even when I bumped into a tree he continued to motivate me and turned my fears into cheers!

At the end of a month’s training, I slowly started driving on the road. Eventually I became an expert and was able to drive in heavy traffic as well.

This training not only made my life easier and independent, but also gave me the opportunity to spend quality time with my father.

I’d I had (while speaking we use the contraction for I had)
I’ve I have (while speaking we use the contraction I have)
Fulfilling Making someone satisfied or happy through allowing their character or abilities to develop fully
Outskirts the outer parts of a town or city
Expertise expert skill or knowledge in a particular field


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IELTS Essay: Compulsory sports in school – agree/disagree?

IELTS Essay: Compulsory sports in school – agree/disagree?

Writing task 2
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Health and fitness levels of children and teenagers are declining these days. Therefore, physical education and sport should be compulsory for all students in all schools.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Essay Compulsory sports in school - agree/disagree? Health and fitness levels of children and teenagers are declining these days.

Sample Answer

Most countries across the globe are witnessing an alarming decline in the overall health and fitness levels of school-aged children. Health experts propose that participation in sports and physical education should be mandatory for all able-bodied school students. I completely agree with this idea as this practice will not only develop beneficial exercise habits in students but also mould their personalities.

Sport is a powerful medium which can teach children valuable life lessons. It teaches them concentration, discipline and a good work ethic. We can be successful only if we train hard, stay focused and exercise self-control. Behavioural development in another positive aspect of sports. Students learn how to behave, or how not to behave in defeat. They learn to maintain composure in the face of disappointment, a life skill which is worth mastering. It also improves their ability to recover quickly from setbacks.

Undoubtedly, sport inculcates a competitive spirit but it teaches us restraint too: a player has to stay calm to cope up with the intense pressure to have a chance of winning. This ability can also be very helpful for students in their academic exams. Furthermore, team sports teach children how to work as a team and be respectful to others. Being a ‘team player’ is highly valued by employers and behavioural skills like communication and cooperation not only prepare us for the workplace but for the rest of our lives.

To sum up, sport definitely has a place in the school curriculum. Active participation in school sports will make our children fit and active. They will also learn important life skills. Therefore, the practice of mandatory physical education for all children who are physically able should be introduced.

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IELTS Essay: Do prisons work?

Writing task 2 : IELTS Essay: Do prisons work?

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
In many places, prisons are overcrowded and expensive for governments to maintain. Yet, when offenders are released, they end up back in prison a short while later.
Do prisons work?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Essay - Do prisons work? In many places, prisons are overcrowded and expensive for governments to maintain..........

Sample Answer

Imprisonment is one of the most common forms of punishment in several parts of the world. But, how effective is this system? A high percentage of prisoners relapse into crime once they are released into the community. They are imprisoned again and this vicious cycle continues forever. In my view, sentencing criminals to time in prison fails in most cases and in this essay I will explain why.

Firstly, offenders enjoy a comfortable life in prisons. Many of them have access to luxuries such as televisions, mobile phones, free internet and sport facilities etc. In other words, instead of being a place where lawbreakers should learn a life lesson, prisons become holiday camps. If the penal system really expects prisons to act as a deterrent, then I think it should be tougher.

Secondly, I do not accept that all offenders need to be separated from society. Take pickpockets and shoplifters as examples. Keeping these petty criminals in the same cells as rapists, murderers or violent criminals actually worsens the situation. This is because after serving their time in prisons, juvenile and minor offenders often turn into habitual and professional criminals.  Sadly, governments and tax payers have to bear the cost of keeping these recidivists (= a criminal who continues to commit crimes even after they have been punished) in jails. I think punishing them through fines, community service or other non-custodial means etc. is a better option.

To conclude, I do understand that criminals who pose a threat to society cannot be allowed to roam freely. For such people, imprisonment is necessary. But, for other offences prison is not the answer. In my view, the severity of the crime committed should be taken into consideration before deciding on the punishment. (290 Words)


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IELTS Cue Card 2020 Questions # Describe a good news that you recently heard

A good news is something we all pray for. Something that always brings happiness into our lives. Good news could be on ourselves or something that we hear about others. This time we are looking at a cue card that was asked recently in the IELTS speaking test.

Describe a good news that you recently heard. You should say:

  • what was the good news
  • how did you received the news?
  • who was the news about?

also, explain your reaction on hearing the news.


We are living in times when it has become so hard for people to share the good news. Even when good things happen, people often start looking for even better things. But, this one time, I remember, I got a call from a very old friend of mine. We had not talked with each other in a while and initially, getting a call from her was in itself really good news for me.

But, as she went on, she told me that she had won the Toastmasters Speech Contest at National level and is all set to win it Internationally. The mere fact that my friend had achieved her biggest fear and has done something worth remembering for, made both of us cry the tears of joy. Toastmasters is an International Organization where people join in to learn the art of speaking.

As I know my friend, she had the stage fright for a very long time. Being part of the group and then winning a competition of speaking at the national level, brought not only happiness but also the feeling of pride in me. She told me the competition was to be held in Delhi and I was then living there. So, we met and celebrated together with her victory.


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