IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Change In Past
How has education changed in the past ten years?
A) With the advancement in technology, education has surely broadened. Gone are the days when students were limited to what they have, with internet, now anyone can learn anything. They are not limited by just 100 pages of a book, but are open to a new possibility of learning more and effectively. Most of the schools, now even have smart classes to teach children. Students are able to learn better because they are able to see the real processes.
B) Although, there have been some major technological advancement, I think the education system is still the same. Obviously, students have now more options, I think apart from some big schools, the same old format of learning through books is followed. Children tend to study what is there in the book, rather than learning beyond it. It is also not their fault, as most of them don’t realize the power of internet. In my opinion, the seed is sown, but there is a long way to go before we can make some major changes in the education system.
C) I think there have been some changes in education system, since past ten years. However, there are some similarities as well. Like, now more and more schools are using technology to improve the quality of education, but still, replacement a teacher is not found in technology. We have moved towards grade system, because earlier there was marking system till class X, however, the madness of getting into IIT is still the same. I think there have been changes and there will be more in coming times.