Matter # Practice Reading

Practice makes a person perfect and in the text below we are today practicing filling the words. So, given below is a text that is used to answer the questions for fill ups.

[PARA 1]

Anything which occupies( fill) space and has mass is called matter. Air and water; hydrogen and oxygen; sugar and sand; silver and steel; copper and coal; iron and wood; ice and alcohol; milk and oil; rocks and minerals; are all different kinds of matter, because all of them occupy space and mass.

[PARA 2]

If we look around us, we can see a large number of things of different shapes, sizes and textures. Many of these things are used by us in our everyday life. For example, we eat food, drink water, breathe in air and wear clothes. We use able and chair for studying and bed for sleeping. We also see other human beings, various animals, plants and trees around us. The things like food, water, air, clothes, table chair, human beings, animals, plants, trees etc. are all examples of matter.

[PARA 3]

The only conditions for ‘something’ to be matter are that it should occupy space and have mass. Now, the things like friendship, love, affection, hatred, good manners, do not occupy space and do not have mass. So, from the point of view of chemistry, things like affection, hatred are not considered matter.

[PARA 4]

Matter can be classified in a number of ways. Ancient Indian philosophers said that all matter, living or non-living was made up of five basic elements: air, earth, fire, sky and water. Modern day scientists classify matter in two ways: on the basis of its physical properties and on the basis of its chemical properties. On the basis of physical properties, matter can be classified as solids, liquids and gases. On the basis of chemical properties, matter is classified as elements, compounds and mixtures.

Source- science for ninth class, S.Chand.

Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Something that possesses (1)___________ and (2)__________ is called matter. Matter is found in different (3) _____________, (4) _________ and (5) ____________. It gets classified in two ways. According to Indian philosophers matter was made up of five elements. However, the modern day scientists differ from tem and classify matter in (6)______ ways. On the basis of(7) _____________ and the basis of (8) ___________. Matter is of (9)________, (10)___________ and (11)___________ types on the basis of chemical properties and (12) _________, (13)______________ and (14)__________ on the basis of physical properties.

  1. mass
  2. space
  3. shapes
  4. size
  5. texture
  6. two
  7. chemical properties
  8. physical properties
  9. solid
  10. liquid
  11. gases
  12. elements
  13. compounds
  14. mixtures

Albert Einstein # Day 1

Albert Einstein, hailed (to describe somebody or something as being very good or special, especially in newspapers etc.) as the greatest (extremely good and therefore admired by people) physicist (a scientist* who studies physics) of the 20th century, found the relation between energy, mass and the speed of light. That marked (made a noticeable or distinct impact) a milestone (a very important stage or event in the development of something) in human progress. He defined the special theory of relativity in 1905 and, ten years later, the General Theory of Relativity. He thus enlarged (to make something bigger) Sir Isaac Newton’s understanding of the universe. Stephen hawking, a British physicist, chose the growing field for the further study. He came up with a theory about the origin of the universe. He said that the universe began with a big bang. He predicted (to say that something will happen in the future) that the universe would end up as a huge black hole.
What is a black hole? A black hole is far out in space. It is dark because it does not reflect light, but sucks light in. You can look upon a black hole as a light guzzler (a car that needs lot of petrol). But it is not called by that name. Names often end up as misnomers (a name or a word that is not appropriate or accurate). Think of a sun Ayana with a squint (a condition of the eye muscle which causes eye to look in a different direction) or a Manohar who is as ugly (unpleasant to look at) as a toad (an unpleasant person). No black hole has a hole. In reality, it is tightly packed with matter and hence very dense (difficult to see through).
* Scientist is someone who studies one or more of natural science
Use the words given below to answer the following questions-
Hailed, greatest, physicist, mark, milestone, enlarged, predicted, guzzler, misnomers, squint, ugly, dense

The form of the words can be changed

  1. Once there was women, all naked, lying on the road, with ants wrapped all over her body. She was crying for help, but no one else did, except a lady, later came to known as mother Teresa. Which word will you use for Mother Teresa?
  2. Steve jobs is often regarded as the father of the digital revolution. He had a huge impact on youngsters and changed the way people chose their profession. What did he left behind?
  3. I am going to hide behind the wall, because no one can see me through it. From the given words which word can be used to describe the wall?
  4. When she won the Nobel Prize for peace, the entire newspapers were filled with information about her. Who she was, what she liked and how she became what she became. What did newspapers did?
  5. Alice loves science and particularly physics. She often says she wants to know everything about physics. What do you think Alice is most likely to become in future?
  6. Tanesha had many failures in his life. She got poor grades in the beginning and was even sexually exploited but falling in love changed her life forever. What did love meant to Tanesha?
  7. She never learns answers, all she does is understand the main concepts and expands them into full answers. What does she does?
  8. Alex was so sure that she will get 98% in boards that she went on to tell it confidently to others. What was Alex doing?
  9. I lose a lot of money because of my old car. The engine is so old that now it needs more petrol than others. What will you call my car?
  10. No matter what my name has ever been, people have mostly called me as either mad or mental or psycho. What are these different words people have called me by?
  11. That black and white dress irritates me because of its loud colour. So, how is the dress for me?
  12. She mostly speaks abusive language and it becomes quite irritating to be with her. What kind of a person is she?
  13. She cannot play archery as well, because of the fact that she looks in different direction. What problem is she facing?


  1. Greatest
  2. Mark
  3. Dense
  4. Hailed
  5. Physicists
  6. Milestone
  7. Enlarge
  8. Predicting
  9. Guzzler
  10. Misnomer
  11. Ugly
  12. Toad
  13. Squint


Advertisement # Cue Card


Which advertisement is it?

Why do you like it?

What advertisement all about and explain what message it conveys?


Earlier advertisement were rare and had only a certain simple message. Now we have a plethora of them- and some of them are even better than TV commercials. I think TV commercials add variety to the programs because sometimes the program becomes very monotonous.

Recently, I watched a commercial of Mercedes and I just fell in love with it. It is a lovely commercial. A 6-7 years old boy  is shown packing a bag and holding a map. He is then shown moving from place to place according to the map, as if he knows the place where he wants to go. He wanders from place to place and then reaches to the show room of Mercedes. He goes to the man in the show room and says that he is lost and the man says that this is the last time I am giving you a lift to the house.

And I felt so good. I mean the boy was so innocent and then he moves here and there and then very politely says that he is lost. I fell in love with the innocence of the boy and the way the entire add was shoot it felt fantastic. There was no message said, but it was felt and I think that matters. The message that Mercedes is loved by all.


Books # Discussion Topic

Books are something every one reads. You can either love them or hate them, but it is impossible that you haven’t ever read them. So, most probably, you are going to have questions on Books in your IELTS speaking section. Today, we shall look at some of the questions that can be asked.

  1. What kind of books do you like to read?

I would say I am a voracious reader. I love fiction, non-fiction, biographies, poems, everything. The only thing that is important and that matters to me is that the book should be good. And a good book according to me is something that serves a purpose. I have read books that were neither hilarious, nor had any message and not even any specific start and end. For example, sometime back I read Archies Comics. They were both hilarious and I could actually take help from it in the decisions I made.



2. Do you read the same kind of books now that you read when you were a child?

Yes to an extent. I do read the same types of books that I read earlier, but now the content that I read has improved. For example- if I read a biography of Gandhi when I was young, but now when I read it, I chose the book written by a better writer who could express the life of Gandhi in a much better way.

3. When do you think is the best time to read?

I think any time is the best time to read. Any time you feel like reading because for me reading is something that gives me the peace required. It helps me settle down a bit and figure out the next thing I want to do or take a decision I would like to take. I have a set of my favorite books and then some of the pages that I really like, so I read them when I feel out of my mind. Other then that, to read something new, I prefer a quite place, usually in the morning.


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