IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Job

There are millions of people out there who do a job for their living. There are even some who love the job they do. This time, we are looking at some of the questions that may be asked to you in the IELTS speaking section related to jobs.

Who do you work for?

Now, while answering this question there are various options available to you.

  • you could be working for a company
  • you could be a freelancer – that means working for lot of them
  • you could, well, have your own company

Let’s look into the possible ways you could answer the question.

  • I work as a Technical Lead in one of the major IT company of our country.
  • I am a writer and apart from having a blog of mine, I take assignments from almost all of the companies that ask for. There are even times, where I have written for newspapers editorial column.
  • Few years back, I did worked for a MNC. But, now, I have started on my own and currently working for myself.
Are you usually busy at work?

This question simply tends to ask as to how tiring your work is and how engaged are you in it during the day.

  • Well, there are certain days which are tightly packed, usually the ones nearing some release of a product. However, once the release is done we do get our share of light days as well.
  • Being a blogger, I think yes, I do have busy days but then it is not a hectic schedule because I tend to decide what needs to be done when.


Do you usually cover for a colleague when he or she is on leave?
  • As part of my job, we are given task on every day basis and no matter there is a single individual or many, we need to finish it and deliver it on that day. So, if there is someone not present, as a team, we all finish the task assigned.
  • Not particularly. Usually, people in our team take planned leaves. So, we all know what is coming up and how to divide the work. But, yes in cases of emergency, I do cover up for colleagues.
Who takes your place when you leave? How do you feel about this?

Most of the time, it our technical analyst that takes up on my  work when I am on leave because she is the who knows in and out of the project. I think it is completely fare to take the work because when she or for that matter someone else is not present, I readily take up the work.

What kind of jobs are you good at?

I really like field jobs. So, the ones where I need to see different locations, meet new people and then work on them on my time are really good for me. The one reason that I really love writing and blogging is because it does gives me all. I get to meet new people, listen to different stories and widen my horizon.

Can you tell me about your boss? What kind of a person is he / she?

Now, there are two things about this question. Either your boss could be good or not. If he or she is good, great. In case he or she is not, try not to make the answer too negative, because that will put on negative light, something you really don’t want.

  • I have had a privilege of working with a great boss. He was one of the best mentors I have got in a very long time. Not only he understands the strengths of everyone of us in team, he knows when he has to push our limits and when he needs to motivates us. I think more than a boss, he is a true leader.
  • I have been working as a blogger for a very long time now. However, I do get some assignments from people who are quite rude or sometimes weird. But, I think in all of those cases my work has helped me out. Ultimately, if they like the work there is not much they can say.
Have you ever had any serious problems at work?

I remember once, there was a senior in our office and he had a image of being a Casanova. We had heard lot of stuff about him and when he became the lead of our team, he did tried those tactics on a team member. Obviously, it did not directly effect me. But the person was my junior and since she confronted me, I had to fight for her. The task was quite risky because she did not wanted to ruin things for herself and then the pressure of working well, started increasing. I think during that period, we all as a team came up together and finally helped our team member.The fact that something like this happen was quite disturbing for me.

Have you ever had any serious problems at work?

My father is a government employee and gets a really good salary and other facilities. My mother is a home maker and I respect the work both of them do. But, for me, confining myself into four walls or a particular organization is really hard. Also, working under someone, taking orders, is not the kind of deal I would like to put myself on to. I will prefer working as a freelancer or better have my own company.