IELTS Writing task 2 Essay# main considerations while selecting a job

IELTS Writing task 2 Essay

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Most people in the world have to work to earn a living. However, many people work only for the financial gain that it involves, and not for any other rewards that a job can offer.
What do you think the main considerations when deciding what job to take should be?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer

Almost everyone has to work to make a living. But, when it comes to deciding what sort of job to do, people focus on different value systems. Some have the predominant aim of earning as much money as possible while others base their decision on what they love to do. Certainly, there are strong arguments on both sides, I think, ideally, both financial and personal benefits should be taken into consideration before embarking on a job.

There are many people who lead rewarding lives working lucrative jobs which offer handsome salaries. Those who earn a lot of money can have many opportunities to do different things in their free time. For instance, they might travel to different parts of the world, play a musical instrument, write or work for a charity etc. Even if the job does not leave a lot of free time, one can still save their money and use it after retirement. It is also possible to spend this money on materialistic possessions like an expensive house or a car etc.

On the other hand, money is not the main decisive factor for those who are passionate about their work. They take pride in what they do and enjoy where they are each day. Their reward derives from the personal satisfaction they gain from doing a job to the best of their ability or something important. This kind of work is often creative, artistic, or social, but it can be mundane as well.

In my view, an ideal job should be both personally and financially rewarding. In today’s materialistic world, where people are judged on the basis of their wealth and our value system is disintegrating, an acceptable balance between the personal and economical gains is crucial.



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IELTS Writing task 2: Schools concentrate too much on conventional subjects

IELTS Writing task 2: Schools concentrate too much on conventional subjects

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Schools concentrate far too much on traditional subject which do not adequately prepare students for the realistic demands of modern working world. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer

As the world advances, invents and creates, establishes and inaugurates, and just generally progresses, the school system stays unchanged, outdated and sadly irrelevant as well as oblivious to the changes happening outside of it.
Students can always be found complaining about the education system. They not only find  it dull but also uninspiring and outdated. And I believe the students do have a point. Looking at the education system as a ladder into the corporate world, most people including me would feel that the education system has failed its basic aim- to prepare children for adulthood and its challenges.
By teaching academics, and putting pressure on tests, the child is ill prepared for the physical tasks awaiting them. Most tasks in the world require action. Only theoretical knowledge is not sufficient, one should know how to apply it practically. Unfortunately, schools put a lot of emphasis on bookish knowledge.
Traditional Subjects like History or Geography are taught in a set pattern with innumerable dates locations and patterns, instead of teaching lessons it becomes memorization, simple mug up. Rather than teaching the value of land, children are taught as to who owned the land and when. I do understand the need to pass on our story from generation to generation but there is no point in forcing the information to become plain statistics and data. That is what computers are for.
My belief is the dire need for morals, soft skills, handling of stress and challenges should not be ignored by schools. Leaving these most essential traits for students to learn themselves makes the education system highly ineffective. Children should get a feel of the challenges of the contemporary world in their formative years.
To sum up, students should get a wide array of choices ranging from handicraft to computer engineering. There should be no limit on how many things a student can attempt in their own time. Getting qualifications in all the subjects should also not be mandatory. Let us give ourselves some freedom, in this world we came to live life not to stress over it.


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IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to other cultures

IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to other cultures

The examiner can ask some questions about other cultures if your cue card was related to cultural differences or foreign countries. Let’s look at some possible questions which may be asked in part 3 of the speaking test.

Other cultures

Q. 1: How important it is to learn about other people’s cultures?

Answer: Learning about other people’s cultures is very important in today’s globalized world. Cultural knowledge is required everywhere, be it business or travel or work. If we are familiar with the culture of a place, we can understand people better. This will make our work and life easier in a new place.

Q. 2: What difficulties can people living in a foreign country experience?

Answer A: In my view, the biggest problem which [simple_tooltip content=’Someone who does not live in their own country’]expats[/simple_tooltip] face is understanding the local language and culture. Loneliness, finding schools for their children, not getting the food of their choice and the weather are some other common difficulties which people experience in a new country.

Answer B: I believe the most significant difficulties about living in a foreign country would have to do with understanding cultural norms and unspoken rules, especially during social interactions. Misunderstandings can be common phenomena. Generally fitting in as well as feeling like you belong would be another big challenges.

Q. 3: What benefits can there be for people working in a foreign country?

Answer: Working in a foreign country offers both personal and economic benefits to people. At a personal level, they can enjoy a higher standard of living. Their knowledge about cultural differences and languages also develops. Professionally, the work environment gives them greater exposure which improves their professional skills. More importantly, international work experience which people gain is highly valued by employers.

A global culture

Q. 4: Do you believe in [simple_tooltip content=’a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like,especially an idea that is wrong’]stereotypes[/simple_tooltip] about different nationalities?

Answer: It’s is a difficult question. In my view, the nationality and character of a person are two different things. Stereotypes about different nationalities are just based on people’s observations. They may or may not be accurate. I think that stereotypes don’t reflect reality. So, I don’t believe in them.

Q. 5: Are you in favour of adopting a universal language?

Answer: Certainly, adopting a global language would make our life easier. But, languages and cultures are inextricably [simple_tooltip content=’twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate’]intertwined[/simple_tooltip]. So, if we choose to have a common language, the cultural diversity will disappear. The loss will be irreparable. I don’t think it’s a wise idea to adopt a universal language.

Q. 6: What negative effects might come from a country losing its traditional cultures?

Answer: The loss of traditional cultures can affect a country in many ways. If there are businesses based on traditional skills, cultural loss can affect the economy of a country. Since traditional cultures represent a country, major changes in cultures can have an impact on tourism in that country.

Meanings of high level words

expat: someone who does not live in their own country

intertwined: twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate
Stereotype: a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like,especially an idea that is wrong

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IELTS WRITING TASK 1# Academic Staff Graph


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The bar graph shows the percentage of male and female academic staff members in different faculties of a particular university in 2008.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer

The bar graph provides information about the gender distribution of teachers in seven different departments of a university in 2008.
One striking feature of the chart is that there was a large gender disparity in some faculties. Engineering had the highest percentage of male academics whereas the faculty of history was dominated by female academics. Notably, there were approximately 90% male and 10% female teachers in the faculty of engineering. In history, nearly three quarters of the academic staff were women compared to approximately 30% men.

Other faculties, on the other hand, had a more balanced composition. In medicine, men and women were almost equally represented, while in arts slightly more than half of the teachers were female. Interestingly, astronomy and science were the only two faculties which had the same proportions of both the genders, 65% males versus 35% females. In law, the percentage of female academics was 5% higher than that in astronomy and science.

Overall, the chart shows that at this university, the faculties of engineering, astronomy and science were male-dominated; however, women had a significant presence in fields related to arts, history and medicine. (190 Words)



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