CCTV Cameras # Essay For IELTS

Write the advantages and disadvantages of CCTV cameras.
Write at least 250 words.

Technology is a double edged sword. While innovation and upgrades can make our lives easier, they can be even used to cause trouble. Although most of us reap the benefits of technology, some with the vested interest are able to cause trouble to the rest of us. Security camera is one such modern technology which has proved to be a boon for 90% of the population by combating crimes. However, just like every other technology, it comes with its own disadvantages.

The biggest advantage with CCTV cameras is that they provide a sense of security to people. Even more the mischief makers try to be their best, because they can see an eye watching them and they are aware that they might be caught red-handed. In addition, CCTV cameras enable us to tab any suspicious activity that helps in stopping the crime before happening. The other great benefit of using CCTV cameras is that they create a room for gathering evidences. For example-: You have a witness for a particular crime, but it so happens that they them self missed out on some details. A CCTV camera ensure you don’t miss on anything.

On the negative side of the coin, CCTV cameras pose a great threat to the privacy of an individual. Even more it creates a sense of suspect in the minds of people. For example-: an employee may feel as if his/her employer does not trust him/her enough to let him/her work independently off the camera. Moreover, a camera is a costly thing to install. Apart from installing, they require proper time to time maintenance. Another issue with CCTV cameras is that they are quite vulnerable. For example-: a tech savvy thief with knowledge about the camera might close it when required or in worse cases the camera may be hacked.

To sum up, just like a knife can be used to cut a vegetable or do a murder, CCTV cameras have both advantages and disadvantages. It is upon us as to how we use it.

advantages and disadvantages of CCTV cameras

advantages and disadvantages of CCTV cameras


Both Parents Working # Essay For IELTS

In today’s competitive world, many families find it necessary for both the parents to go out to work. While some say the children in these families benefit from the additional income, others feel they lack support because of their parents’ absence. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Write 250 words.

The world has encountered great revolutions, inventions and wars in the past few centuries. This has led to the change in the way the world and its people function. Gone are the days when women had to do “purdah” or they were denied voting powers. This is the era when “women empowerment” is being demanded by men. We are living in times when there is more of equality and moreover the competitive levels have significantly increased. We all want to live a luxurious life and this has led to a trend of both parents working.
There are people of the opinion that it is important for both the parents to work in such competitive times, if they want to survive. Working parents do bring in great advantages along with. Firstly, they are able to provide better facilities and standard of living to their children. Secondly, if both parents work, it ensures that they both are making good use of the education that they have taken. Even more, working makes a person more independent.
On the other hand, few believe that if both parents work, it deprives the child of the care and the nurture he/she deserves. This happens when the child is in his/her growing years. Parents are the best teachers and their absence surely creates a void which no tuition teacher can fill. Even more, if children don’t see their parents often in their growing years, they tend to lose contact with them, causing troubles in later years.
Overall, a balanced life can always be the way out. Leaving job might make several talented individuals dependent on their better halves and keeping it might be unfair to their children. I believe that both the parents should do a job if they can give their undue attention to the child and his/her life before they go out to work.


Water Shortage In World # Essay For IELTS

A serious problem affecting countries right across the globe is the lack of water for drinking, washing and for other household uses. Why do may countries face water shortages and what could be done to alleviate the problem?
Write at least 250 words.

“Water, water everywhere but not a single drop to drink”. We might have heard the saying since decdes but it is only in recent times that it has come true right at the face of the common man. Days are not far when there might be a world war for water! The bigger the problem is, the varied its reasons are.

Firstly, the population of world has rapidly doubled in the past 50 years. This could be attributed to bigger family size and the access to better health care facilities. As a result, the use of water for drinking, cooking, sewage and cleaning has almost tripled. Even more people are using water more carelessly in recent times. Secondly, the world is observing a climate change. The areas which were dry are having floods and the ones which had high annual rainfall are getting drier. This causes a issue since either the places don’t have water or excess water. This excess water comes in form of floods which brings with it all sorts of debris damaging the water treatment. Thirdly, the recent deforestation has bought in the toll. Trees help prevent excessive evaporation of water bodies. Even more they enrich and condition the climate.


Although often we see ourselves to be too small to make any move ,but there is lot that can be done. Firstly, pressure groups must be formed that stop individuals or industries or government from cutting further trees. Secondly, awareness need to brought about at a larger scale about the massive problems water shortage may cause in future. Thirdly, every individual must make an attempt to save water at personal level.

No problem is big or unsolvable, all it requires is the right step taken with the right spirit. Water shortage has surely become an issue the world is facing, but if the world comes together to solve it, we surely can fight it back.


time to begin with us

Jewel In The Crown # Idioms For IELTS

You can always be the jewel in the crown, just remember, the higher you want to climb, the harder work you need to do.

SENTENCE-: The sun is going to rise without fail.
MEANING-: something that can be easily predicted
SENTENCE-: I never thought, you will keep in dark about this matter.
MEANING-: to keep someone in a state of ignorance about something
SENTENCE-: She has been under the illusion that he is going to come back.
MEANING-: wrongly believe something
SENTENCE-: She has been the jewel in the crown of our project.
MEANING-: the most attractive part of something
SENTENCE-: It is quite difficult to kill two birds with one stone.
MEANING-: to achieve two aims at once
SENTENCE-: You really understand life on the wrong side of the tracks.
MEANING-: the poor or less prestigious part of town
SENTENCE-: I fit the bill of being an entrepreneur.
MEANING-: to be suitable for a particular position
SENTENCE-: The day I will reach the end of the road, I will take the leap of faith and jump.
MEANING-: the point after which survival is not possible
SENTENCE-: We will get the contract any ways, you need not to tear your hair out.
MEANING-: to show extreme desperation
SENTENCE-: I am in real trouble. So, help me.
MEANING-: to emphasize on the fact that you mean what you say
SENTENCE-: Hitler gave hell to millions of Jews.
MEANING-: to reprimand someone severely


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