Development And Security Of A Country # Practice Reading

Development (the act or process of developing; growth; progress) comes in many forms and serves multiple (consisting of, having, or involving several or many individuals, parts,elements, relations, etc) purposes (the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc). Over the last few months, the Central government has initiated (the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc) a series of steps to upgrade (an increase or improvement) communications (the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs)and transport (to carry, move, or convey from one place to another) infrastructure (the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization) in areas affected by naxalite (a member of an extreme Maoist group in India that originated in 1967in West Bengal and which employs tactics of agrarian terrorism and direct action)activity. The larger project is to not only usher in development in the tribal (of, relating to, or characteristic of a tribe )areas and improve the living conditions of populations (the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area)in hilly and forest terrains (a tract of land, especially as considered with reference to its natural features, military advantages, etc.), but also facilitate (to make easier or less difficultsecurity (freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-founded confidenceoperations (an act or instance, process, or manner of functioning or operating) against Maoists, who specialise (to pursue some special line of study, work, etc.; have a specialty )in ambushes (an act or instance of lying concealed so as to attack by surprise)and hit-and-retreat (a tactical doctrine where the purpose of the combat involved is not to seize control of territory, but to inflict damage on a target and immediately exit the area to avoid the enemy’s defense and/or retaliation)tactics (the art or science of disposing military or naval forces for battle and maneuvering them in battle.). Hundreds of mobile phone towers have been erected (upright in position or posture)along the Red Corridor, and roads and bridges are being built to connect naxalite-affected districts (a division of territory, as of a country, state, or county, marked off foradministrative, electoral, or other purposes). Ending the isolation (the complete separation from others of a person suffering from contagious or infectious disease)of some of the villages in remote areas of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand is, no doubt, part of a strategy (a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.) to win over local populations and wean (to withdraw (a person, the affections, one’s dependency, etc.) from some object, habit, form of enjoyment, or the like) them away from the influence (the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others)of armed groups of Maoists. But, coming as it does with heavy deployment (to arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately)of Central police forces, such infrastructure (the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization) development (the act or process of developing; growth; progress)is suspect (to doubt or mistrust)in the eyes of many villagers in the tribal regions (an extensive, continuous part of a surface, space, or body). The ‘development’ is often seen more as an effort (an earnest or strenuous attempt)to allow access (the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use;admittance)to tribal areas for security personnel (a body of persons employed in an organization or place of work)in pursuit (an effort to secure or attain; quest) of Maoists rather than as an attempt to open up the outside world to the villages. Invariably, the state is seen as an external agency waiting to wield (to exercise (power, authority, influence, etc.), as in ruling or dominating)its authority (a person or body of persons in whom authority is vested, as governmental agency) and extend its reach without allowing substantial (of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size, etc) consequential (following as an effect, result, or outcome; resultant; consequentbenefits (something that is advantageous or good)to the villages.

SOURCE- The Hindu


College student ‘murdered’ # Practice Reading

A woman who disappeared (cease to be visible) 31 years ago in Germany and was registered (enter or record on an official list or directory)dead after a man confessed (admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong)to her murder (the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another), was found two weeks ago living in Dusseldorf, the International Business Times reported.

In 1984, Petra Pazsitka, a 24-year-old computer science student, failed to show up at her brother’s birthday celebration, setting off a massive police search. Pazsitka was living in student housing (a university dormitory or a place where students live while studying) at the time in the German city of Braunschweig.

Detectives elicited (evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone) help from a popular (liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group) German crime show called “Aktenzeichen XY,” and later a suspect (have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof) in the rape (unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim) and murder of a 14-year-old girl confessed to killing Pazsitka, according to NBC News.

Pazsitka’s body was never found, and the case was closed in 1989.

But things changed two weeks ago when a woman who called herself “Mrs. Schneider” summoned (to call upon to do something specified) police in Dusseldorf, Germany, to report a burglary (the felony of breaking into and entering the house of another at nightwith intent to steal, extended by statute to cover the breaking into andentering of any of various buildings, by night or day).

When police arrived and requested ID from the 55-year-old woman to complete the report, she revealed (to make known; disclose; divulge) herself to be Pazsitka, and produced an expired (to come to an end; terminate, as a contract, guarantee, or offer) identification (an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified)card to prove she was the missing student, IBTimes reported.

Pazsitka then confessed (an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified)to cops (police officers) that she had devised (an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified) a plan to move into an apartment she had been secretly renting (a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord in return for the use of land, a building, an apartment, an office, or other property.)and had saved 20,000 euros ($22,000) to create a new life.

A spokesperson (a person who speaks for another or for a group)for Braunschweig and Wolfsburg Police reportedly said: “As to the motive (the goal or object of a person’s actions) of her disappearance (a ceasing to be seen or to exist), she gave no explanation ( a statement made to clarify something and make it understandable) and expressly (for the particular or specific purpose) said that she continues to want no contact with the public or her family.”

Source : TIME

Read this passage again and again, until you grasp all the words of this passage. Once you are confident, go check out the quiz related to this passage by clicking HERE.



I Have A Dream # Practice Reading

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident (not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.), that all men are created equal.”

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former (having previously been a particular thing) slaves ((especially in the past) a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them) and the sons of former slave owners (a person who owns something) will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood (an association or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade)…

… I have  a dream hat my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged (form an opinion or conclusion about) by the colour of their skin but by the content (a state of satisfaction) of their character,

I have a dream today!

The power of conviction (a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence) that rings through Martin Luther King’s words cannot fail to bring tears to the eyes. And we understand why these words were so prophetic (accurately predicting what will happen in the future), so world-changing, in the wake of these words, the US Government passed the civil rights act and voting rights for the Africans-Americans in the mid-60s. At least in law, if not fully in spirit, Martin Luther King’s dream has come true.

Visionaries (a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like)are dreamers of dreams. With narrowed (become or make more limited in extent or scope)eyes they look into the distant (far away in space or time) shore (the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water)and see things that others cannot. Then like divers (to go below the surface of the water, as a submarine)who bring up pearls for our delectation (delight), they show us what they see. And by doing so, they take us to the next step.

Question Time

There are two columns given, the first column has the words and the second columns the meaning.

Match the word with their correct meaning, and make sure that you don’t cheat, or else there will be no benefit.


1. self-evident  (i)become or make more limited in extent or scope
 2. slaves  (ii) delight
 3. brother hood  (iii)(a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence
 4. content  (iv)a state of satisfaction
 5.prophetic  (v)the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water
 6.narrowed  (vi) obvious
 7. shore  (vii)form an opinion or conclusion about
8. divers  (viii)an association or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade


 (ix)far away in space or time
10. distant  (x)far away in space or time


 (xi)accurately predicting what will happen in the future
12. conviction  (xii)a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them
13. judged  (xiii)a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like
14. owners  (xiv)having previously been a particular thing
15. former  (xv)to go below the surface of the water, as a submarine.


  1. vi
  2. xii
  3. viii
  4. iv
  5. xi
  6. i
  7. v
  8. xv
  9. ii
  10. ix
  11. xiii
  12. iii
  13. vii
  14. x
  15. xiv


Understanding The Reading Passage

Now, first thing first. Read the instructions carefully and then read the questions properly. Make sure that you have understood what is being asked in the questions and what are the details that you need to focus on. You can even make a note of what are the questions related to it.write down the keywords asked in the question.

For better understanding, let us have a look at the keywords of the questions asked in the passage.

  1. Concern of the parents.
  2. Changes observed in the girl.
  3. Failure of genetic test
  4. Country which launched 10000 genomes project
  5. Aim of genomes project
  6. NHS owned company
  7. NHS health records
  8. issue with 1000 genome project
  9. Large-scale genomic analysis of its population.
  10. Precision Medicine Initiative
  11. For questions 11-13 look at the first line of the summary and match it with first line of different paragraphs. You will find out the paragraph from which the question has been put up. (note – it is also possible that the summary question is from the entire passage, but either ways, make sure you know the starting point of the question).

Now, once you have found out and written all the keywords, try to find out these keywords in the reading passage. Remember, you are not given marks on how well you understand the passage, you are marked on how many correct answers you have got. Make sure that you don’t waste your time on understanding the paragraph, line by line and word by word.

To develop that skill, read a lot of stuff and if you are having issues with that go to level 1.

Once you have found the keyword, the answer also lie nearby it. Also remember, there are often some traps for you, so make sure you understand the question carefully and read the line having the keyword, before answering the question.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. True
  7. False
  8. True
  9. False
  10. True
  11. Closest blood relatives
  12. twice
  13. Drug and procedures



1 2 3 4