IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Doors


The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. The audio talks about doors. You can download the audio from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

  1. What is a one bed flat called?
  2. Which phase is used to refer to the fact that someone is listening carefully?
  3. The speaker uses a term to describe meeting somebody by chance. What is it?
  4. The speaker uses a term to refer to an area shared by lot of people. Which is that area?
  5. The speaker uses a word for the luxurious foyer. What term is it?
  6. What is a foyer?
  7. The speaker uses a term for the narrow passage between buildings. This term is called ?
  8. What is something fashionable and expensive designed to impress people called?
  9. The speaker uses a synonym for tinted glass? What is it?
  10. What is the synonym of separation?
  11. The speaker uses a word to describe the fact that you accept something annoying without complaining about it. What word is it?
  12. What is the amount of money that one pays to the owner of an apartment for things like putting out of rubbish called?
  1. bijoux
  2. I’m all ears
  3. Bump into
  4. communal area
  5. plush
  6. entrance hall
  7. alleyway
  8. swanky
  9. colored glass
  10. segregation
  11. put up with something
  12. service charge

IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086

IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Global Warming

IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Global Warming

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.

You can even download the audio from the given link above.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. How much has the average temperature of the Earth’s surface increased in the last hundred years?
  2. Which country is collecting cow emissions to convert it into a usable energy?
  3. How long can a car run on the energy provided by the cow emission?
  4. Which word is used as the synonym of pledged?
  5. What are the plants which remove salt from sea water to produce drinking water called?
  6. What is the phrase used for something that has been prepared locally?
  7. Which word is used to refer to the fact that something has the good value for the money you pay?
  8. What is the organization of complex activity called?


  1. 0.85
  2. Argentina
  3. 24 hours
  4. promised
  5. desalination plants
  6. home grown
  7. cost efficient
  8. logistics

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Listening Sample Question # April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. In UK, on April Fool’s Day, until what time are people allowed to play joke on others?
  2. What are the kind of jokes in which one plays a trick on someone to make them look silly?
  3. What is the meaning of hoax?
  4. Which word describes the situation when the media people play a joke on its audience?
  5. Which word describes the story that is not true?
  6. Which phrasal verb is used to tell that often people accept things which are not even true?
  7. Kate uses a word to describe people who can easily be persuaded. What is it?
  8. Which newspaper ran the story about the spaghetti tree?
  9. What is a person who plans tricks on other people called?
  10. In which year did BBC played the prank of radio smelling on people?

April Fool's Day

  1. midday
  2. Practical Jokes
  3. Practical Jokes
  4. Media hoax
  5. spoof story
  6. taken in by
  7. Gullible
  8. Panorama
  9. Prankster
  10. 1965


IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Sighing

Often in life, we sigh! According to dictionary, sighing is when you emit a long, deep audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or similar. So, yes, whenever you want to show sadness or may be relief you sigh! This time let us listen to a BBC 6 minutes audio on what exactly it is and why people do it!

Listen to the audio below and answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. How many times does a mouse sigh in an hour on an average?
  2. Which term is used to depict that sighing helps us in living?
  3. What word refers to the system of behaviour?
  4. What does returning something back to its original position called?
  5. The tiny sacs of air in our lungs are called what?
  6. Which type of action is sighing?
  7. Which feeling do we get when things aren’t going well, when things are annoying us and they don’t work?
  8. What is the feeling we get when we finally accept that something bad has happened, that we can’t change?
  9. How many times does a human sigh in an hour on average?
  1. 40
  2. survival mechanism
  3. mechanism
  4. reset
  5. alveoli
  6. reflex
  7. frustration
  8. resignation
  9. 12
1 2 3 4 5 36