IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Asteroid Mission

Asteroid Mission

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS

  1. If you go through something examining it carefully and trying to understand it, why is it given to you?
  2. When was the last time an asteroid hit the Earth?
  3. What is the name of the mission on which the European scientist and engineers are working on?
  4. Where are the scientist hoping to land?
  5. What is the length of the asteroid the scientist are hoping to land?
  6. What are the scientist hoping to bring back to the Earth?
  7. What will the scientist use to make a hole in the asteroid?
  8. In which movies were the schemes to push asteroid so that it hits Earth made?
  9. According to scientist, when will the asteroids hit the Earth?

asteroid mission

  1. for analysis
  2. 64 million years ago
  3. Marco Polo
  4. asteroid
  5. less than one kilometer
  6. dust and rubble
  7. special drill
  8. Armageddon and Deep Impact
  9. March 16th 2880


Skinny Models # IELTS Listening Sample Questions


The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. The audio talks about skinny models.

You can download the audio from the following link above.

Answer the following NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the synonym of very thin?
  2. What is the long runway that models walk down at fashion shows called?
  3. Which country banned the use of underweight models in 2013?
  4. The speaker talks about the different ways in which information gets communicated. What is it?
  5. Which media company is Jamie Gavin founder of?
  6. The speaker uses a phrase for limiting or an ending. What is it?
  7. The speaker uses a phrase for “won’t be allowed”. What is it?
  8. Give the full form of BMI.
  9. The speaker uses a word for the relationship between two things. What is it?
  10. The speaker uses a to refer to the fact that you need medical treatment for a condition or illness. What is it?
  11. In which illness the person refuses to eat in order to lose weight?
  12. The speaker uses a phrase to refer to the fact that the responsibility lies with someone. What is it?


  1. skinny
  2. cat walk
  3. Israel
  4. media
  5. inPress
  6. cut-off point
  7. banned
  8. Body mass index
  9. ratio
  10. clinically unhealthy
  11. anorexia
  12. buck lies with

Domestic Chores # IELTS Listening Sample Question


Given below is an audio taken from BBC 6 minutes learning English. The audio talks about domestic chores.

Listen to the audio and answer the following questions. You can download the audio at –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. The speaker uses a word that relates with family or home. What is it?
  2. The speaker uses a word describe a job that is boring. What is it?
  3. Who spends more hours on domestic chores, men or women?
  4. Which word describes the situation when you start feeling something?
  5. What percentage of men take responsibility for giving the house a weekly clean, according to a recent online survey by the UK organization, Mumsnet?
  6. What is the synonym of strong dislike?
  7. The speaker uses a phrase forsomething that is achieved with lot of difficulty. What is it?
  8. The speaker uses a word to refer to apron. What is it?
  1. domestic
  2. chore
  3. women
  4. threshold
  5. 5%
  6. aversion
  7. get by
  8. pinny, pinafore

Writer # IELTS Listening Sample Questions

Destined To Be A Writer

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. It talks about whether you can tell if someone is destined to be a writer. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.

  1. The audio tells the world record for the most number of records given in one minute. What is it?
  2. Which story is Karima, the writer, proud of?
  3. What are the people who can survive really tough situations called?
  4. What is the ability of humans or plants saying they need to get better after some wrong has happen?
  5. Which personal member did Karima’s story related to?


  1. 94
  2. Sophie and the city
  3. Hardy being
  4. resilience
  5. mother
1 40 41 42 43 44 61