IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Computer Effects

We are living in a world that is surrounded or entirely dependent on computers. Be it the coffee shop that we go in or the big enterprises that tend to rule the world, computers have made their presence felt everywhere. However, there are many people out there who believe, that computers although have made our lives easier, have made people dumb. This time we are listening to a BBC 6 minute audio that revolves around the question of are computers making us dumb!!

Listen to the audio below and answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the short for application?
  2. What is the computer program for a specific purpose called?
  3. Which verb is used to talk about linking or joining one thing to another?
  4. When was  the first desktop presented by Olivetti in New York?
  5. Which word means that the computer has stopped working suddenty?
  6. What is the ability to do something well because you have practised it well called?
  7. What is the natural ability to do something called?
  8. Which word describes our ability to imagine and understand what other people might be feeling?
  9. What is the full form of GPS?
  10. Which software helps in avoiding making spelling mistakes when typing  on a computer?
  11. What was the first digital computer called?
  12. What was the initial price of the world’s first digital computer?
  1. app
  2. application
  3. to connect
  4. 1965
  5. crash
  6. skill
  7. talent
  8. empathy
  9. Global positioning system
  10. spellchecker
  11. Programma 101
  12. US$3200


IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Fame


Who does not want to be famous? To be the one person who everyone is madly and deeply in love with? The kind of person people would like to become like. So, this time we are listening to a BBC 6 minutes audio on fame and being famous.

Listen to the given audio and answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. Which phrase refers to the world of entertainment?
  2. What is the ability to do something well called?
  3. Which word describes the signature of a famous person?
  4. How much was the Michael Jackson’s leather glove with shiny crystals sold for in 2009?
  5. Who is considered to the first modern-style celebrity?
  6. Which word has the similar meaning to product?
  7. Which word describes the way other people see you called?
  8. What word describes fans of Justin Beiber?
  9. What were the fans of Byron called?
  10. Which word describes the actions which cause shock and disapproval among people?
  11. What word describes that someone caused damage to property?
  1. show business
  2. talent
  3. autograph
  4. US $ 350,000
  5. Lord Byron
  6. commodity
  7. reputation
  8. Beliebers
  9. Byron maniacs
  10. scandals
  11. vandalism


IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Armed forces

Police, army are the people who make it possible for us to have a safer life. They are the ones who stay away from their deary ones to make sure that we are able to enjoy with our loved ones. This time we are listening to the BBC 6 minute English on what is an alternative to the armed forces.

Listen to the audio below and answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. Which phrase refers to the fact that a person will leave quickly?
  2. What expression is used for giving permission for someone to ask a question or speak?Which country has the oldest gun control laws in the world?
  3. What expression means that you prevent someone from moving?
  4. What is the synonym of less intense?
  5. Which word is used to show the fact that America equips its police with guns to use them as army?
  6. What is the competition of having more weapons than other group called?
  7. When did Japan implements its gun control laws?
  8. What kind of verb is shoot off?
  1. shoot off
  2. fire away
  3. restrain
  4. de-escalate
  5. militarise
  6. arms race
  7. 1685
  8. phrasal verb


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IELTS Listening Sample Question # Old Technology

Technology has changed in ways that we never thought of!! However, there are times that we forget that no matter how old the technology was it still was technology. This time therefore we are going to listen to a BBC 6 minute English audio about old technology.

Listen to the audio below and answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is a device with a box with turning plate to put the vinyl records into it called?
  2. Which word means you are going back to styles and fashions from the past?
  3. What is the name of the plastic that records are made of?
  4. What are the plastic cases with audio tape on reels inside them called?
  5. Which word is used for new rise in ?
  6. How many records were sold in the UK in 2014?
  7. What is thinking about past with a mixture of warm feelings and sadness called?
  8. Which one word can be used for put together?
  9. What are the disks that stored data magnetically called?
  1. record player
  2. retro
  3. Vinyl
  4. cassette tapes
  5. resurgence
  6. 1 million
  7. Nostalgia
  8. compiled
  9. floppy disk


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