IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Teenage Brain

Teenage Brain

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.

You can download the audio from the below link –


Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. What is a sweatshirt with a hood called?
  2. What part of the brain is connected with basic emotions?
  3. Which term describes the situation when you have to stay at school after the day to do some extra work?
  4. What are sudden changes of mood called?
  5. Which chemicals in the body stimulate cells and organs into action?
  6. What is the age when we start becoming adults?
  7. Which part of the brain kicks you to taking risk?
  8. Which part of the brain stops you from taking risk?
  9. What is the synonym of “slows down”?
  10. What is the other way of saying clever?
  11. When someone copies a style in an exaggerated way to make others laugh, what is it called?
  12. Which phrase is used to say that you are talking evil or threatening about someone?
  1. hoody
  2. limbic system
  3. detention
  4. mood swings
  5. harmones
  6. adolescence
  7. limbic system
  8. pre-frontal cortex
  9. inhibit
  10. brainy
  11. parody
  12. to demonize


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Outernet


The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download the audio from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. Which phrase has been used to mean isolated?
  2. What is the device called that stores books from the interenet and lets you read it even when you don’t have access to internet?
  3. What is the proportion of the world’s population that still has no internet access?
  4. Which term is used for the person who makes their own money called?
  5. Which word means that you send out signals or program?
  6. What is the synonym of drawback?
  7. Which word is used to symbolize that something is not connected to the internet?
  8. What is the other way of saying two-way?
  9. What is the right to use material without paying any fees called?
  10. Which word is used to refer to a tall metal tower?


  1. cut off
  2. e-reader
  3. two thirds
  4. entrepreneur
  5. Broadcast
  6. disadvantage
  7. offline
  8. bi-directional
  9. copyright -free
  10. masts


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Listening Sample Question # Preparing English

IELTS Listening Sample Question Task: Preparing English

CREDIT : BBC Listening

You can download the audio from the given link above.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. What term is used to speak that you study a particular information that you have learned before?
  2. Which word is used for a system such as the use of special poems or rhymes to help you remember things?
  3. What is the synonym of critical used by Rob?
  4. What does getting something back means?
  5. Name the practice of testing yourself over a longer period of time?
  6. What is the method where one learns a lot of things in short period of time called?
  7. Which term is used to describe when you add more information to something?
  8. What are subjects which are based on abstract ideas rather than things called?


  1. revise
  2. mnemonics
  3. important
  4. retrieving it
  5. distributed practice
  6. cramming
  7. elaborate
  8. conceptual subjects


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Listening Sample Answer # Heritage Site

Heritage Site

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.

You can even download the audio from the given link above.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. Where is the Great Barrier Reef present?
  2. Which term is used to refer to sites which are considered to be at risk and need protection?
  3. Which term is used to refer to things society considers important for history and culture?
  4. Where is Grand Canyon present?
  5. Which sea creature is considered a potential threat to the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem?
  6. What is the process of extracting coal or other minerals from ground called?
  7. Which term is used to refer to the tourism that is designed to have a low impact on the local culture and environment of the place? Sustainable tourism
  8. How does Paul Crocombe do describes the Great Barrier Reef?
  9. Which word is used to refer to something that is active and capable of changing?
  10. Which word is used to refer to the ability to recover or adapt to change?


  1. Australia
  2. World heritage site
  3. Heritage
  4. United States
  5. Star fish
  6. Mining
  7. Sustainable tourism
  8. Dynamic and Resilient
  9. Dynamic
  10. Resilience
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