IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Risk

IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Risk

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes learning English.

You can download the audio from the below link –


Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. Which word means that you have a strong and unreasonable fear of something?
  2. What word is used to refer to the chances of something bad happening?
  3. What are the odds of being knocked off your bicycle and killed during a one-mile journey ?
  4. Which phase has been used to refer to the fact that there is a very little chance of something happening?
  5. What phrase is used to refer to the things in which we react emotionally?
  6. What is the event that causes a huge amount of damage and suffering called?
  7. What word is used to refer to something that lasts for a long time?
  8. What is  a person with a parachute who leaps from tall buildings or cliffs called?
  1. phobia
  2. risk
  3. 1 in 14 million
  4. small probability
  5. gut reaction
  6. catastrophic
  7. chronic
  8. base jumper