IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Cycle

With global warming and traffic increasing all over the world, people have started using cycles like never before. Not only cycles help us in living in a beautiful world, they also allow us to have a fitter bodies. This time we are listening to a BBC 6 minute English audio that talks about cycles and how they have helped shape so many mass movements.

Listen to the audio given below and answer the questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the synonym of air-filled?
  2. Who invented the first air-filled cycle tyre in 1888?
  3. What bicycles did people ride before 1885?
  4. What was the first bike with pedals called?
  5. Which word describes the piece of clothing worn under a dress or skirt?
  6. What is the synonym of logical?
  7. Which word has a similar meaning to gathered in ?
  8. What word can be used instead of shock and anger?
  9. Which word is synonymous with freedom?
  10. What does shore up mean?
  11. What is the collection of genes in a particular population called?
  12. Which word describes something that starts off as an enthusiasm but does not lasts long?
  13. Name a fad that the speaker talks about.
  1. pneumatic
  2. John Boyd Dunlop
  3. boneshakers, tricycles, high-wheelers
  4. velocipede
  5. petticoat
  6. rational
  7. cinched
  8. outrage
  9. emancipation
  10. support
  11. gene pool
  12. fad
  13. Iycra wearing