IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Early Reading

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Children who start reading earlier in their lives, perform better later in their school studies.

How important are reading skills for the child’s academic success?

What other pre school factors influence a child’s later academic achievements?

Write at least 250 words.

Reading helps in the intellectual growth of the child and the earlier one starts reading the better for the child. Although some people believe that the only way a person can grow is by reading academic books, I believe a person reading a varied range of books from early childhood is more likely to have a wide horizon.

Reading books from an early age has great benefits. One of the primary benefits of reading to toddlers and preschoolers is a higher aptitude for learning in general. For instance, a child who is able to understand the way words are put together in an early age is more likely to get a grasp of math and science. Secondly, it helps in developing a stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory retention, all of which will serve your child well when she enters school.

Even more, it has been seen that toddlers who read books tend to  grasp abstract concepts, apply logic in various scenarios, recognize cause and effect, and utilize good judgment.

However, the development of child is not entirely dependent on reading books. A person can help in the child for his/her development by teaching them the art of listening, so that he or she is able to grasp concepts easier. Even more, a child can be taught the art of interacting with people.

Overall, in my opinion, reading surely has a positive impact on the child and helps in the later years of life. However, one must not take for granted that just by reading the IQ of a child will improve, several other factors surely play the role.