Is History A Waste Of Time

History for many has been that subject, that goes above head and hard to remember. Many fumble over its dates and others don’t understand the reason of those wars. No, matter what it be, history for some, remains subject of, “why should I even study it?” However, there are even some people, who believe history to be a very essential subject to understand the present.

This topic could be asked on either agree/disagree or discuss. Let us have a look at some of the ideas for the topic, Is history a waste of time?

History is a waste of time

  1. Most of the people, rather than understanding the event tend to memorize the dates, names and facts of history. This information is not useful in our daily lives.
  2. History is rarely relevant in the lives of individuals so it is better that they focus on science and technology.
  3. Many school ciriculum are fixed and rarely changed. So, there is no current history, the only history that helps understand the world we live in.
  4. Each historical event has its own different perspective. An individual can understand the event in his/her own way, making the event and its teachings irrelevant.

History holds importance in lives

  1. History helps young people understand their culture and country and explains the reasons for their current status.
  2. History teaches us travesties such as holocaust. Knowing them makes it sure that such events don’t take place ever again in future.
  3. History tells us about the battles our forefathers have fought to give us a bright future. This helps to give respect where it is required.
  4. Valuable information can be found in history, such as traditional medicines. Understanding them can help us make use of them in our present lives.
  5. History helps to understand change. It shows what led to the circumstances and what could be the future if we continue doing the same.